MDAC (Microsoft Data Access COmponents) ADO VisualC++ Examples
标签: COmponents Microsoft Examples VisualC
上传时间: 2015-06-17
DSPack is a set of COmponents and class to write Multimedia Applications using MS Direct Show and DirectX technologies. DSPack is designed to work with DirectX 9 on Win9X, ME, 2000, and Windows XP operating systems. Now VMR (Video Mixing Renderer) is available on all Windows Operating Systems. DSPack 2 is designed to work with Delphi 5,6,7 and CPP
标签: Applications COmponents Multimedia and
上传时间: 2015-07-20
Ever wondered how all those COM COmponents that you ve written through the years play along with the .NET runtime. If you are a diehard COM developer interested in knowing how Classic COM COmponents are positioned in the .NET world or how COM aware clients could consume .NET COmponents, read on.
标签: COmponents the wondered through
上传时间: 2013-12-18
Addison-Wesley - Designing COmponents with the C++ STL,经典作品
标签: Addison-Wesley COmponents Designing with
上传时间: 2015-08-22
Janus [1].NET COmponents Suite注册机
标签: COmponents Janus Suite NET
上传时间: 2015-09-01
Ineroperability of software and COmponents.(course in peking university)
标签: Ineroperability COmponents university software
上传时间: 2013-12-13
cross platform wxWdigets GUI basic COmponents
标签: COmponents wxWdigets platform cross
上传时间: 2015-09-23
这是一个面向对象的GA遗传算法库GAlib: A C++ Library of Genetic Algorithm COmponents),是我见过中的最好的,功能较全面,使得用遗传算法编程变得极为容易。
标签: COmponents Algorithm Library Genetic
上传时间: 2015-10-04
In this paper we propose to reduce the textural COmponents by modelling the coefficients of a wedgelet based regression tree instead of the original pixel intensities
标签: coefficients COmponents modelling the
上传时间: 2015-10-22
Magenta Systems Internet Packet Monitoring COmponents are a set of Delphi COmponents designed to capture and monitor internet packets using either raw sockets or the WinPcap device driver. Hardware permitting, ethernet packets may be captured and interpreted, and statistics maintained about the traffic. Uses of packet monitoring include totalling internet traffic by IP address and service, monitoring external or internal IP addresses and services accessed, network diagnostics, and many other applications. The component includes two demonstration applications, one that displays raw packets, the other that totals internet traffic. The COmponents include various filters to reduce the number of packets that need to be processed, by allowing specific IP addresses to be ignored, LAN mask to ignore local traffic, and ignore non-IP traffic such as ARP.
标签: COmponents Monitoring COmponents Internet
上传时间: 2015-10-30