按键-开关Altium Designer AD原理图库元件库SV text has been written to file : 5.1 - 按键-开关.csvLibrary Component COUNT : 36Name Description----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CSW-10P 10路编码开关CSW-11P 11路编码开关CSW-12P 12路编码开关CSW-1P 1路编码开关CSW-2P 2路编码开关CSW-3P 3路编码开关CSW-4P 4路编码开关CSW-5P 5路编码开关CSW-6P 6路编码开关CSW-7P 7路编码开关CSW-8P 8路编码开关CSW-9P 9路编码开关EC11 数字开关编码器KCD1-101 1路单刀船型开关KFC 6X6 6*6自锁开关KFC 7X7 7*7自锁开关KFC 8X8 8*8自锁开关KW01 微动开关LSI 12X12 1路单刀船型开关LSW 带灯机械按键开关MICRO_SW 微动开关MTS-10x MTS10x系列3脚扭子开关PB6149L 6*6自锁带灯开关SSW-1P 1路波动开关SSW-2P 2路波动开关TS-027A 薄膜轻触开关TS-030 防水轻触开关TS-034 贴片轻触开关TSW 3x6 3x6轻触开关TSW DIP-12x12 直插12x12轻触开关TSW DIP-2Pin-6x6 2脚直插6x6轻触开关TSW DIP-6x6 直插6x6轻触开关TSW DIP-6x6_V 侧按直插6x6轻触开关TSW SMD-12x12 贴片12x12轻触开关TSW SMD-6x6 贴片6x6轻触开关TTS 触控弹簧
标签: Altium Designer
上传时间: 2022-03-13
STM32系列单片机Altium Designer AD原理图库元件库CSV text has been written to file : STM32系列单片机.csvLibrary Component COUNT : 19Name Description----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------STM32F030C6 32位STM单片机STM32F030C8 Flaah:64/RAM:8/IO:39STM32F030F4 Flash: 16K/RAM: 4K/IO: 15STM32F030K6 32位STM单片机STM32F051C8 Flaah:64/RAM:20/IO:36STM32F100C8 Flaah:64/RAM:8/IO:39STM32F103C8 Flaah:64/RAM:20/IO:36STM32F103C8_A Flaah:64/RAM:20/IO:36STM32F103RB Flaah:64/RAM:20/IO:51STM32F103RE 32位STM单片机STM32F103V 32位STM单片机100引脚STM32F103VC 32位STM单片机100引脚STM32F105R8 Flaah:64/RAM:64/IO:51STM32F105RB Flaah:128/RAM:64/IO:51STM32F205RG 32位STM单片机STM32F20x 32位ST单片机STM32F405ZG Flaah:1024/RAM:192/IO:114STM32F407ZE Flaah:512/RAM:192/IO:114STM32F407ZG Flaah:1024/RAM:192/IO:114
标签: stm32 单片机 Altium Designer
上传时间: 2022-03-13
STC系列单片机Altium Designer AD原理图库元件库SV text has been written to file : STC系列单片机.csvLibrary Component COUNT : 56Name Description----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------IAP15F2K61S STC单片机IAP15L2K61S STC单片机IAP15W1K29S STC单片机IAP15W413AS-20pin STC单片机IAP15W413AS-28pin STC单片机IAP15W413S STC单片机IAP15W413S-32pin STC单片机IAP15W413S-44pin STC单片机STC11F02E STC单片机STC12C520xAD-16pin STC带AD单片机STC12C520xAD-18pin STC带AD单片机STC12C520xAD-20pin STC带AD单片机STC12C520xAD-28pin STC带AD单片机STC12C520xAD-32pin STC带AD单片机STC12C5AxxS2-44pin STC单片机STC12Cx052 STC单片机STC12Cx052AD STC带AD单片机STC12LEx052 STC单片机STC12LEx052AD STC带AD单片机STC15F100W STC单片机STC15F101W STC单片机STC15F102W STC单片机STC15F103W STC单片机STC15F104W STC单片机STC15F105W STC单片机STC15F204EA 20pin STC单片机STC15F2K60S2-40pin STC单片机STC15F2K60S2-44pin STC单片机STC15W10x STC单片机STC15W1K08PWM-28pin STC单片机STC15W1K16S STC单片机STC15W20xS-16pin STC单片机STC15W20xS-8pin STC单片机STC15W404S STC单片机STC15W408S STC单片机STC15W40xAS-16pin STC单片机STC15W40xAS-20pin STC单片机STC15W40xAS-28pin STC单片机STC15W40xS-28pin STC单片机STC15W40xS-32pin STC单片机STC15W40xS-44pin STC单片机STC89C516RD+ STC单片机STC89C51RC STC单片机STC89C52RC STC单片机STC89C53RC STC单片机STC89C54RD+ STC单片机STC89C58RD+ STC单片机STC89C5xx STC单片机STC90C51 STC单片机STC90C516RD+ STC单片机STC90C51RC STC单片机STC90C52 STC单片机STC90C52RC STC单片机STC90C53RC STC单片机STC90C54RD+ STC单片机STC90C58RD+ STC单片机
上传时间: 2022-03-13
常用电源类芯片Altium Designer AD原理图库元件库CSV text has been written to file : 电源类芯片.csvLibrary Component COUNT : 70Name Description----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------78Lxx 线性稳压芯片78Mxx 线性稳压芯片78xx 线性稳压芯片79xx 线性稳压芯片AMC7135 大功率LED恒流芯片AMS1117 三端稳压芯片APW7075 电压转换器AS1015 可调升压芯片CN3703 三节锂电池充电芯片DW01 锂电池过流保护ICFP6716 可调升压芯片GS3525 开关电源管理ICHT71xx LDO线性稳压芯片HY2110 锂电池保护 ICHY2213 电池充电平衡 ICLM2576 DC降压芯片LM2577 DC升压芯片LM2596 DC降压芯片LM2940 5V稳压芯片LM2991S 可调稳压芯片LM317 可调线性稳压芯片LTC4054 锂电池充电芯片LTC4057 锂电池充电管理ICMC34063 DC升降压芯片ME2100 可调升压芯片ME2149-5pin DC升压芯片ME2149-8pin DC升压芯片ME3149 IN:36V,OUT:0.8-33/3A,150MHzME4057 锂电池充电管理ICME6203 低功耗LDOME6209 低功耗LDOME8323X 电源管理ICMP2303 IN:28V,OUT:0.8-25/3A,360MHzMP2359 DC降压芯片PN8370 电源管理ICREF196 3V3基准电压源REF5040 高精度电压基准SD4923E 以太网受电设备控制器SDB628 DC升压芯片SM7033 非隔离AD-DCSX1308 可调升压芯片TL431-ID 可调基准稳压芯片TL431_SMD 可调基准稳压芯片TL432_SMD 可调基准稳压芯片TL494 电源管理ICTP4056 锂电池充电管理TPS3305 DSP电源管理TPS62400 电压转换器TPS63000 电压转换器TPS6735 负电压转换芯片UC3843 电源控制芯片XC6206P332MR 低压差线性稳压芯片XL1410 DC降压芯片XL1507 DC降压芯片XL1509 DC降电压芯片XL1513 DC降压芯片XL1530 DC降压芯片XL1583 DC降压芯片XL4003 DC降压芯片XL4005 DC降压芯片XL4013 DC降压芯片XL4015 DC降压芯片XL4016 DC降压芯片XL6005 LED恒流驱动XL6007 DC升压芯片XL6008 DC升压芯片XL6012 DC升压芯片XL6013 DC升压芯片XL6019 DC升压芯片XL7015E1 DC降压芯片
标签: 电源 Altium Designer
上传时间: 2022-03-13
ALTIUM AD集成库 原理图库 PCB封装库 AD19 AD17器件库元件库嘉立创PCB库559个封装,均是项目中用到的器件,可以做为你的设计参考。PCB Library : Miscellaneous Devices LC.PcbLibDate : 2020/12/25Time : 13:36:44Component COUNT : 559LC-0201LC-0201_CLC-0201_LLC-0201_RLC-0402LC-0402_CLC-0402_LLC-SOT-523LC-SOT-666LC-SOT-723LC-SOT-753LC-SOT-883LC-SPMCA-027LC-SSOP-10_150milLC-SSOP-14_208milLC-SSOP-16_150milLC-SSOP-16_208milLC-SSOP-20_150milLC-SSOP-20_208milLC-SSOP-24_208milLC-SSOP-28_150milLC-SSOP-28_208milLC-SSOP-36_300milLC-SSOP-44KLC-SSOP-48_300milLC-SSOP-56_300milLC-SSOP-B40LC-STSOP-32LC-SuperSOT-3LC-SuperSOT-6LC-TBSLC-TDFN-14_EPLC-TFBGA-64LC-TFBGA-180LC-TO-3LC-TO-3PLC-TO-3P-5LLC-TO-39LC-TO-52LC-TO-92_Forming1LC-TO-92_Forming2LC-TO-92(TO-92-3)LC-TO-92-2LC-TO-92-3LLC-TO-92LLC-TO-92MODLC-TO-126LC-TO-126-4LC-TO-202LC-TO-218LC-TO-220(TO-220-3)LC-TO-220-5LC-TO-220-5(Forming)LC-TO-220-7CLC-TO-220AC(TO-220-2)LC-TO-220F(TO-220IS)LC-TO-220F-4L(Forming)LC-TO-225LC-TO-247(AC)LC-TO-251(I-PAK)LC-TO-252-2LC-TO-252-2-180LC-TO-252-3LC-TO-252-5LC-TO-263-2LC-TO-263-3LC-TO-263-5LC-TO-263-7LC-TO-264LC-TO-274AA(Super-247)LC-TO-277A(SMPC)LC-TOP3LC-TQFN-16_2.5x2.5x04PLC-TQFN-16_4x4x065PLC-TQFN-20_2.5x4.5x05PLC-TQFN-24_EP_4x5x05PLC-TQFP-32_5x5x05PLC-TQFP-32_7x7x08PLC-TQFP-44_10x10x08PLC-TQFP-48_7x7x05PLC-TQFP-52_10x10x065PLC-TQFP-64_10x10x05PLC-TQFP-64_14x14x08PLC-TQFP-80_12x12x05PLC-TQFP-100_12x12x04PLC-TQFP-100_14x14x05PLC-TQFP-100_14x20x065PLC-TQFP-128_14x14x04PLC-TQFP-128_20x14x05PLC-TQFP-144_20x20x05PLC-TSOC-6LC-TSOP(II)-44LC-TSOP(II)-54LC-TSOP(II)-66LC-TSOP-5LC-TSOP-6LC-TSOP-28LC-TSOP-32LC-TSOP-48LC-TSOP-56_14x20mmLC-TSOT-23-5LC-TSOT-23-6LC-TSOT-23-8LC-TSSOP-8_2.3x2x05PLC-TSSOP-8_3x3x065PLC-TSSOP-8_3x4.4x065PLC-TSSOP-10LC-TSSOP-14LC-TSSOP-16LC-TSSOP-20LC-TSSOP-24LC-TSSOP-28LC-TSSOP-30LC-TSSOP-38LC-TSSOP-48LC-TSSOP-56LC-TVSOP-48LC-uDFN-6LC-UFQFPN-20LC-UFQFPN-48LC-uMAX-8LC-UMLP-10LC-US8LC-USC(SOD-323)LC-USM(SC-70-3)LC-USV(SC-70-5)LC-VDFPN-8(MLP-8)LC-VFBGA-20LC-VFBGA-48LC-VFBGA-54_8x14mmLC-VFBGA-63LC-VFQFPN-36_6x6x05PLC-VMN2LC-VQFN-14_3.6x3.6x05PLC-VQFN-16_3.6x3.6x05PLC-VQFN-20_5x5x065PLC-VQFN-24_3.5x5.5x05PLC-VQFN-32_4x4x04PLC-VQFN-40_6x6x05PLC-VQFN-48_7x7x05PLC-VSO-56LC-VSON-8LC-VSON-14_3x4x05PLC-VSSOP-8_2x2.3x05PLC-VSSOP-8_3x3x065PLC-VSSOP-8_EP_3x3x065PLC-VSSOP-10LC-WBGA-84_8x12.5mmLC-WBGA-96LC-WCSP-5LC-WDFN-10LLC-WLCSP-8LC-WOBLC-WPAK-8LC-WQFN-10LC-WSON-8_2x2mmLC-WSON-8_5x6mmLC-WSON-10_2.5x2.5mmLC-XSON-6_1x1.45mmLC-ZIP-23LC-ZIP19-1--------------
标签: altium designer 封装库
上传时间: 2022-03-17
S32K1xx Series Reference Manual 用户手册--2029页 Supports S32K116, S32K118, S32K142, S32K144, S32K146, and S32K148S32K是一款符合AEC-Q100规范、基于32位ARM Cortex-M4F和Cortex-M0+内核的MCU,适用于通用汽车和高可靠性工业应用。The S32K1xx product series further extends the highly scalable portfolio of Arm® Cortex®-M0+/M4F MCUs in the automotive industry. It builds on the legacy of the KEA series, while introducing higher memory options alongside a richer peripheral set extending capability into a variety of automotive applications. With a 2.70–5.5 V supply and focus on automotive environment robustness, the S32K product series devices are well suited to a wide range of applications in electrically harsh environments, and are optimized for cost-sensitive applications offering low pin-COUNT options. The S32K product series offers a broad range of memory, peripherals, and package options. It shares common peripherals and pin COUNTs, allowing developers to migrate easily within an MCU family or among the MCU families to take advantage of more memory or feature integration. This scalability allows developers to use the S32K product series as the standard for their end product platforms, maximizing hardware and software reuse and reducing time to market
标签: S32K116 S32K118 S32K142 S32K144
上传时间: 2022-04-16
标签: AD元件库
上传时间: 2022-04-17
STM32 F1系列 MCU ATIUM AD集成库 原理图库 PCB 3D封装库文件,STM32F1XXXXX全系列原理图+PCB封装库文件,共209个器件型号,CSV text has been written to file : STM32 F1.csvLibrary Component COUNT : 209Name Description----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------STM32F100C4T6B STM32 ARM-based 32-bit MCU Value Line with 16 kB Flash, 4 kB Internal RAM, Internal Code B, -40 to +85癈 Temperature, 48-Pin LQFP, TraySTM32F100C4T7B STM32 ARM-based 32-bit MCU Value Line with 16 kB Flash, 4 kB Internal RAM, Internal Code B, -40 to +105癈 Temperature, 48-Pin LQFP, TraySTM32F100C6T6B STM32 ARM-based 32-bit MCU Value Line with 32 kB Flash, 4 kB Internal RAM, Internal Code B, -40 to +85癈 Temperature, 48-Pin LQFP, TraySTM32F100C6T6BTR STM32 ARM-based 32-bit MCU Value Line with 32 kB Flash, 4 kB Internal RAM, Internal Code B, -40 to +85癈 Temperature, 48-Pin LQFP, Tape and ReelSTM32F100C6T7B STM32 ARM-based 32-bit MCU Value Line with 32 kB Flash, 4 kB Internal RAM, Internal Code B, -40 to +105癈 Temperature, 48-Pin LQFP, TraySTM32F100C8T6B STM32 ARM-based 32-bit MCU Value Line with 64 kB Flash, 8 kB Internal RAM, Internal Code B, -40 to +85癈 Temperature, 48-Pin LQFP, TraySTM32F100C8T6BTR STM32 ARM-based 32-bit MCU Value Line with 64 kB Flash, 8 kB Internal RAM, Internal Code B, -40 to +85癈 Temperature, 48-Pin LQFP, Tape and ReelSTM32F100CBT6B STM32 ARM-based 32-bit MCU Value Line with 128 kB Flash, 8 kB Internal RAM, Internal Code B, -40 to +85癈 Temperature, 48-Pin LQFP, TraySTM32F100CBT7B STM32 ARM-based 32-bit MCU Value Line with 128 kB Flash, 8 kB Internal RAM, Internal Code B, -40 to +105癈 Temperature, 48-Pin LQFP, TraySTM32F100R4H6B STM32 ARM-based 32-bit MCU Value Line with 16 kB Flash, 4 kB Internal RAM, Internal Code B, -40 to +85癈 Temperature, 64-Pin TFBGA, TraySTM32F100R4T6B STM32 ARM-based 32-bit MCU Value Line with 16 kB Flash, 4 kB Internal RAM, Internal Code B, -40 to +85癈 Temperature, 64-Pin LQFP, TraySTM32F100R4T6BTR STM32 ARM-based 32-bit MCU Value Line with 16 kB Flash, 4 kB Internal RAM, Internal Code B, -40 to +85癈 Temperature, 64-Pin LQFP, Tape and ReelSTM32F100R6H6B STM32 ARM-based 32-bit MCU Value Line with 32 kB Flash, 4 kB Internal RAM, Internal Code B, -40 to +85癈 Temperature, 64-Pin TFBGA, TraySTM32F100R6T6 STM32 ARM-based 32-bit MCU Value Line with 32 kB Flash, 4 kB Internal RAM, -40 to +85癈 Temperature, 64-Pin LQFP, TraySTM32F100R6T6B STM32 ARM-based 32-bit MCU Value Line with 32 kB Flash, 4 kB Internal RAM, Internal Code B, -40 to +85癈 Temperature, 64-Pin LQFP, TraySTM32F100R6T6BTR STM32 ARM-based 32-bit MCU Value Line with 32 kB Flash, 4 kB Internal RAM, Internal Code B, -40 to +85癈 Temperature, 64-Pin TFBGA, Tape and ReelSTM32F100R8H6B STM32 ARM-based 32-bit MCU Value Line with 64 kB Flash, 8 kB Internal RAM, Internal Code B, -40 to +85癈 Temperature, 64-Pin TFBGA, TraySTM32F100R8T6B STM32 ARM-based 32-bit MCU Value Line with 64 kB Flash, 8 kB Internal RAM, Internal Code B, -40 to +85癈 Temperature, 64-Pin LQFP, TraySTM32F100R8T6BTR STM32 ARM-based 32-bit MCU Value Line with 64 kB Flash, 8 kB Internal RAM, Internal Code B, -40 to +85癈 Temperature, 64-Pin LQFP, Tape and ReelSTM32F100RBH6B STM32 ARM-based 32-bit MCU Value Line with 128 kB Flash, 8 kB Internal RAM, Internal Code B, -40 to +85癈 Temperature, 64-Pin TFBGA, TraySTM32F100RBH6BTR STM32 ARM-based 32-bit MCU Value Line with 128 kB Flash, 8 kB Internal RAM, Internal Code B, -40 to +85癈 Temperature, 64-Pin TFBGA, Tape and ReelSTM32F100RBT6B STM32 ARM-based 32-bit MCU Value Line with 128 kB Flash, 8 kB Internal RAM, Internal Code B, -40 to +85癈 Temperature, 64-Pin LQFP, TraySTM32F100RBT6BTR STM32 ARM-based 32-bit MCU Value Line with 128 kB Flash, 8 kB Internal RAM, Internal Code B, -40 to +85癈 Temperature, 64-Pin LQFP, Tape and ReelSTM32F100RCT6B STM32 ARM-based 32-bit MCU Value Line with 256 kB Flash, 24 kB Internal RAM, Internal Code B, -40 to +85癈 Temperature, 64-Pin LQFP, TraySTM32F100RDT6 STM32 ARM-based 32-bit MCU Value Line with 384 kB Flash, 32 kB Internal RAM, -40 to +85癈 Temperature, 64-Pin LQFP, TraySTM32F100RDT6B STM32 ARM-based 32-bit MCU Value Line with 384 kB Flash, 32 kB Internal RAM, Internal Code B, -40 to +85癈 Temperature, 64-Pin LQFP, TraySTM32F100RET6 STM32 ARM-based 32-bit MCU Value Line with 512 kB Flash, 32 kB Internal RAM, -40 to +85癈 Temperature, 64-Pin LQFP, TraySTM32F100RET6B STM32 ARM-based 32-bit MCU Value Line with 512 kB Flash, 32 kB Internal RAM, Internal Code B, -40 to +85癈 Temperature, 64-
上传时间: 2022-04-30
STM32 L1系列 MCU 集成库 原理图库 PCB封装库文件CSV text has been written to file : STM32 L1.csvLibrary Component COUNT : 27Name Description----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------STM32L151C8T6 STM32L ARM-based EnergyLite 32-bit MCU, 64 kB Flash, 10 kB Internal RAM, -40 to +85癈 Temperature, 48-pin LQFP, TraySTM32L151C8U6 STM32L ARM-based EnergyLite 32-bit MCU, 64 kB Flash, 10 kB Internal RAM, -40 to +85癈 Temperature, 48-pin UFQFPN, TraySTM32L151CBT6 STM32L ARM-based EnergyLite 32-bit MCU, 128 kB Flash, 16 kB Internal RAM, -40 to +85癈 Temperature, 48-pin LQFP, TraySTM32L151CBU6 STM32L ARM-based EnergyLite 32-bit MCU, 128 kB Flash, 16 kB Internal RAM, -40 to +85癈 Temperature, 48-pin UFQFPN, TraySTM32L151R8H6 STM32L ARM-based EnergyLite 32-bit MCU, 64 kB Flash, 10 kB Internal RAM, -40 to +85癈 Temperature, 64-pin TFBGA, TraySTM32L151R8T6 STM32L ARM-based EnergyLite 32-bit MCU, 64 kB Flash, 10 kB Internal RAM, -40 to +85癈 Temperature, 64-pin LQFP, TraySTM32L151RBH6 STM32L ARM-based EnergyLite 32-bit MCU, 128 kB Flash, 16 kB Internal RAM, -40 to +85癈 Temperature, 64-pin TFBGA, TraySTM32L151RBT6 STM32L ARM-based EnergyLite 32-bit MCU, 128 kB Flash, 16 kB Internal RAM, -40 to +85癈 Temperature, 64-pin LQFP, TraySTM32L151V8H6 STM32L ARM-based EnergyLite 32-bit MCU, 64 kB Flash, 10 kB Internal RAM, -40 to +85癈 Temperature, 100-pin UFBGA, TraySTM32L151V8T6 STM32L ARM-based EnergyLite 32-bit MCU, 64 kB Flash, 10 kB Internal RAM, -40 to +85癈 Temperature, 100-pin LQFP, TraySTM32L151VBH6 STM32L ARM-based EnergyLite 32-bit MCU, 128 kB Flash, 16 kB Internal RAM, -40 to +85癈 Temperature, 100-pin UFBGA, TraySTM32L151VBT6 STM32L ARM-based EnergyLite 32-bit MCU, 128 kB Flash, 16 kB Internal RAM, -40 to +85癈 Temperature, 100-pin LQFP, TraySTM32L152C8T6 STM32L ARM-based EnergyLite 32-bit MCU, LCD, 64 kB Flash, 10 kB Internal RAM, -40 to +85癈 Temperature, 48-pin LQFP, TraySTM32L152C8U6 STM32L ARM-based EnergyLite 32-bit MCU, LCD, 64 kB Flash, 10 kB Internal RAM, -40 to +85癈 Temperature, 48-pin UFQFPN, TraySTM32L152CBT6 STM32L ARM-based EnergyLite 32-bit MCU, LCD, 128 kB Flash, 16 kB Internal RAM, -40 to +85癈 Temperature, 48-pin LQFP, TraySTM32L152CBU6 STM32L ARM-based EnergyLite 32-bit MCU, LCD, 128 kB Flash, 16 kB Internal RAM, -40 to +85癈 Temperature, 48-pin UFQFPN, TraySTM32L152R8H6 STM32L ARM-based EnergyLite 32-bit MCU, LCD, 64 kB Flash, 10 kB Internal RAM, -40 to +85癈 Temperature, 64-pin TFBGA, TraySTM32L152R8T6 STM32L ARM-based EnergyLite 32-bit MCU, LCD, 64 kB Flash, 10 kB Internal RAM, -40 to +85癈 Temperature, 64-pin LQFP, TraySTM32L152RBH6 STM32L ARM-based EnergyLite 32-bit MCU, LCD, 128 kB Flash, 16 kB Internal RAM, -40 to +85癈 Temperature, 64-pin TFBGA, TraySTM32L152RBT6 STM32L ARM-based EnergyLite 32-bit MCU, LCD, 128 kB Flash, 16 kB Internal RAM, -40 to +85癈 Temperature, 64-pin LQFP, TraySTM32L152V8H6 STM32L ARM-based EnergyLite 32-bit MCU, LCD, 64 kB Flash, 10 kB Internal RAM, -40 to +85癈 Temperature, 100-pin UFBGA, TraySTM32L152V8T6 STM32L ARM-based EnergyLite 32-bit MCU, LCD, 64 kB Flash, 10 kB Internal RAM, -40 to +85癈 Temperature, 100-pin LQFP, TraySTM32L152VBH6 STM32L ARM-based EnergyLite 32-bit MCU, LCD, 128 kB Flash, 16 kB Internal RAM, -40 to +85癈 Temperature, 100-pin UFBGA, TraySTM32L152VBH6D STM32L ARM-based EnergyLite 32-bit MCU, LCD, 128 kB Flash, 16 kB Internal RAM, 1.65 to 3.6VDD, -40 to +85癈 Temperature, 100-pin UFBGA, TraySTM32L152VBT6 STM32L ARM-based EnergyLite 32-bit MCU, LCD, 128 kB Flash, 16 kB Internal RAM, -40 to +85癈 Temperature, 100-pin LQFP, TraySTM32L152VBT6TR STM32L ARM-based EnergyLite 32-bit MCU, LCD, 128 kB Flash, 16 kB Internal RAM, -40 to +85癈 Temperature, 100-pin LQFP, Tape and ReelSTM32L152_DB STM32L ARM-based EnergyLite 32-bit MCU, LCD, 128 kB Flash, 16 kB Internal RAM, -40 to +85癈 Temperature, 100-pin LQFP, Tape and Reel
上传时间: 2022-04-30
STM32103 105 107芯片LQFP48 64 LQFP100 144 VFQFPN36 PCB 2D+3D封装库,PCB Library : STM32 F1.PcbLibDate : 2020/6/25Time : 12:42:41Component COUNT : 22Component Name-----------------------------------------------LFBGA100LFBGA144LQFP48_LLQFP48_MLQFP48_NLQFP64_LLQFP64_MLQFP64_NLQFP100_LLQFP100_MLQFP100_NLQFP144_LLQFP144_MLQFP144_NTFBGA64VFQFPN36_LVFQFPN36_MVFQFPN36_NVFQFPN48_LVFQFPN48_MVFQFPN48_NWLCSP64
标签: stm32
上传时间: 2022-04-30