public class CircleMenuCanvas extends Canvas implements Runnable{ double pi = Math.PI public final int MENURIGHT = 1 public final int MENULEFT = 0 Image menuImage[] = new Image[6] int []jiaodu = {330,30,90,150,210,270} String menuName[] = {"新游戏","继续游戏","游戏设置","高分榜","游戏帮助","退出游戏"} int x = getWidth()/2 int y = getHeight()/2 int COUNT = 0 int local int index = 0 Font f boolean running = false /** * 构造方法 * */
标签: public CircleMenuCanvas implements Runnable
上传时间: 2014-01-08
cordic methods describe essentially the same algorithm that with suitably chosen inputs can be used to calculate a whole range of scientific functions including sin, cos, tan, arctan, arcsin, arccos, sinh, cosh, tanh, arctanh, log, exp, square root and even multiply and divide. the method dates back to volder [1959], and due to its versatility and compactness, it made possible the microcoding of the hp35 pocket scientific calculator in 1972. here is some code to illustrate the techniques. ive split the methods into three parts linear, circular and hyperbolic. in the hp35 microcode these would be unified into one function (for space reasons). because the linear mode can perform multiply and divide, you only need add/subtract and shift to complete the implementation. you can select in the code whether to do the multiples and divides also by cordic means. other multiplies and divides are all powers of 2 (these dont COUNT). to eliminate these too, would involve ieee hackery.
标签: essentially algorithm describe suitably
上传时间: 2017-03-02
Enhanced version of the Serial Peripheral Interface available on Motorola s MC68HC11 family of CPUs.Enhancements include a wider supported operating frequency range, 4deep read and write fifos, and programmable transfer COUNT dependent interrupt generation. As with the SPI found in MC68HC11 processors the core features programmable clock phase [CPHA] and clock polarity [CPOL]. The core features an 8bit wishbone interface. Very simple, very small.
标签: Peripheral Interface available Enhanced
上传时间: 2014-12-06
Program Description: The program asks the user to choice from the menu an option A. Check to see if a number is prime. B. COUNT the number of vowels in a line. X. Exit the program.
标签: Description the Program program
上传时间: 2017-04-08
This program sets up EVA Timer 1, EVA Timer 2, EVB Timer 3 and EVB Timer 4 to fire an interrupt on a period overflow. A COUNT is kept each time each interrupt passes through the interrupt service routine. EVA Timer 1 has the shortest period while EVB Timer4 has the longest period.
上传时间: 2013-12-25
This program sets up EVA Timer 1, EVA Timer 2, EVB Timer 3 and EVB Timer 4 to fire an interrupt on a period overflow. A COUNT is kept each time each interrupt passes through the interrupt service routine.
上传时间: 2017-04-25
HashTable实例 public class HashTable_msg { public HashTable_msg() { String sum_sql="select mobilenum,COUNT(*) from SJSJ_Msg where (left(in_date,6)=(select left(CONVERT(varchar(12) , getdate(), 112 ),6)))group by mobilenum" Hashtable<String,Integer> ht = new Hashtable<String,Integer>() try{ ResultSet rs= DBAccess.getInstance().select(sum_sql) while(rs!=null) { ht.put(rs.getString(1),rs.getInt(2)) } } catch (Exception e) { Logs.printError(e) } } }
标签: HashTable_msg public HashTable sum_sql
上传时间: 2014-12-07
This experiment uses the Blackfi n BF533/BF537 EZ-KIT to run a simple FIR fi lter on stereo channels at a sampling frequency of 48 kHz. The CYCLE register is embedded in the main program ( process_data.c) to benchmark the time needed to process two FIR fi lters. A background telemetry channel (BTC) is set up to display the cycle COUNT.
标签: experiment Blackfi EZ-KIT channe
上传时间: 2013-12-27
This example uses a timer to generate interrupt at a specific period. The timer event handler increments the event COUNT and prints in stdout.
标签: timer interrupt generate specific
上传时间: 2014-06-25
1、用feng模块将选手按下按键信号输出高电平给锁存模块lockb,进行锁存的同时发出aim信号实现声音提示,并使COUNT模块进行答题时间的倒计时,在计满100妙后送出声音提示; 2、用ch41a模块将抢答结果转换为二进制数; 3、用sel模块产生数码管片选信号; 4、用ch42a模块将对应数码管片选信号,送出需要的显示信号; 5、用七段译码器dispa模块进行译码。
上传时间: 2013-12-21