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  • 基于LabVIEW和单片机的自动控制系统综合实验

    设计了自动控制系统综合实验案例“基于LabVIEW和单片机的温度控制系统设计”。实验系统硬件部分由单片机、温度传感器、D/A转换模块、调压模块和电烤箱组成,设计了单片机与各个模块之间的接口电路。软件部分采用LabVIEW软件实现控制算法,并设计监控界面实现参数设定、温度数据实时监控等功能。设计了单片机与LabVIEW软件之间的串口通信程序,实现了输入、输出数据的传输。通过综合实验系统设计,使学生得到控制系统设计和实验调试等综合能力的训练。A comprehensive experimental case of the automatic control system is presented,which is the design of the temperature control system based on LabVIEW and SCM.The hardware part of the experimental system is composed of the SCM,temperature sensor,D/A CONVERSION module,voltage regulating module and electric oven.The interface circuit between the SCM and each module is designed.In the software part,LabVIEW software is used to realize the control algorithm,and the monitoring interface is designed to realize the functions of parameter setting,temperature data real-time monitoring,etc.The serial communication program between the SCM and LabVIEW software is designed to realize the transmission of input and output data.Through the design of this comprehensive experimental system,students can get the comprehensive ability training for the control system design,experiment debugging,etc.

    标签: labview 单片机 自动控制系统

    上传时间: 2022-03-27


  • 基于51单片机的多功能智能遥控窗帘的设计

    多功能智能遥控窗帘系统广泛地应用于家居、办公室等场合,同时也是智能家居的一部分。该设计主要利用STC89C52单片机核心电路、光敏电阻电路、步进电机电路、温湿度传感器、红外线控制电路、AD转换电路、LCD1602液晶显示屏等模块完成精确控制窗帘的开和关。multi-functional intelligent remote control curtain system is widely used in home,office and other occasions,and is also part of intelligent home.The design mainly uses STC89 C52 single-chip core circuit,photosensitive resistor circuit,stepping motor circuit,temperature and humidity sensor,infrared control circuit,AD CONVERSION circuit,LCD1602 LCD display and other modules to achieve accurate control of the curtain opening and closing.

    标签: 51单片机 智能遥控窗帘

    上传时间: 2022-03-28


  • 200W全数字开关电源设计

    通过采用无桥PFC和半桥LLC谐振变换器作为数字开关电源的主变换拓扑,基于STM32系列微控制器的全数字控制PFC和DC-DC变换器,首先对数字化开关电源方案进行对比,然后阐述了200W数字开关电源整体方案,并对数字开关电源的无桥PFC和半桥LLC变换器进行系统研究。By using a bridgeless PFC and a half-bridge LLC resonant converter as the main CONVERSION topology of the digital switching power supply,the all-digital control PFC and DC-DC converter based on the STM32 series of microcontrollers,firstly the digital switching power supply scheme is compared,and then the overall scheme of 200 W digital switching power supply is expounded, and the bridgeless PFC and half-bridge LLC converter of digital switching power supply are systematically studied.

    标签: 数字开关电源

    上传时间: 2022-04-02


  • 电流检测电路中运算放大器与ADC的设计

    电学中的测量技术涉及范围非常广,电流测量在电学计量中占有非常重要的位置。如何精确地进行电流测量是精密测量的一大难题。传统的电流检测电路多采用运算放大芯片与片外电流检测电路相结合的方式,电路集成度很低,需要较多的接口和资源才能完成对电路的检测。本文把所有电路部分都集成在一块芯片上,包括检测电阻,运算放大器电路及模拟转数字转换电路,从而在电路内部可以进行电流检测,使电路更好的集成化。前置电路使用二级共源共栅结构的运算放大器,减小沟道长度调制效应造成的电流误差。10位SAR ADC中采用电容驱动能力强的传输门保证了模数转化器的有效精度。比较器模块采用再生锁存器与迟滞比较器作为基础单元组合解决精密测量的问题。本设计可以作为嵌入芯片内的一小部分而检测芯片中的微小电流1mA~100mA,工作电压在1.8v左右,电流检测精度预期达到10uA的需求。The measurement technology in electricity involves a wide range,and current measurement plays a very important position in electrical measurement.How to accurately measure current is a big problem in precision measurement. The traditional current detecting circuit adopts the combination of the operational amplifier chip and theoff-chip current detecting circuit, The circuit integration is very low, and more interfaces and resources are needed tocomplete the circuit detection.This topic integrates all the circuit parts into one chip, including detection resistance, operational amplifier circuit andanalog to digital CONVERSION circuit. Highly integrated circuit makes the external resources on the chip more intensive,so that current detection can be carried out inside the circuit, so that the circuit can be better integrated. Thefront-end circuit of this project uses two-stage cascade operational amplifier and cascade tube to reduce the currenterror caused by channel length modulation effect. In 10-bit SAR ADC, the transmission gate with strong capacitivedriving ability ensures the effective accuracy of the analog-to-digital converter. Comparator module uses regenerativelatch and hysteresis comparator as basic unit to solve the difficult problem of precision measurement. This topic can beused as a small part of the embedded chip to detect the micro-current in the chip 1 mA~100 mA, the working voltageis about 1.8v, and the current detection accuracy is expected to reach the requirement of 10 uA.

    标签: 电流检测 电路 运算放大器 adc

    上传时间: 2022-04-03


  • 基于Proteus的单片机模数转换电路的设计与仿真

    以单片机控制A/D转换器TLC549为例,对A/D转换器的主要技术指标进行了分析研究,在Proteus平台下,完成了A/D转换电路的构建,采用器件工作时序方式进行程序编写,借助仿真图表、虚拟仪器等工具对A/D转换的数据进行测量并对失调误差、增益误差、微分非线性、积分非线性和转换时间等重要参数进行了详细分析。结果表明:使用Proteus软件可对A/D转换过程进行定性分析,将抽象的A/D转换器技术指标直观化、形象化展现出来,有助于学生更好地理解A/D转换过程。The main technical indicators of A/D converter were analyzed and studied with an example from A/D converter TLC2543 which is controlled by using SCM.It was completed the construction of the A/D converter circuit under the Proteus software.The programming based on the operation sequence of the chip is put forward.With the aid of the simulation tools such as virtual instrument,simulation charts provided by Proteus,the important parameters of circuit such as offset error,gain error,differential nonlinearity(DNL),integral nonlinearity (INL) and CONVERSION time are analyzed detailedly.Simulation results show that the A/D CONVERSION process can be qualitatively analyzed and visualized the abstract indicators of A/D.The system can help students better to understand the SCM CONVERSION process.

    标签: proteus 单片机 模数转换

    上传时间: 2022-04-04


  • 915MHz超高频RFID阅读器射频前端电路设计

    为了提高超高频RFID系统中阅读器在低信噪比的情况下仍具有较高的识别能力,提出一种基于FPGA系统结合软件无线电方法实现超高频RFID射频前端电路方案。超高频射频识别系统必须符合EPC Class 1generation 2标准,所设计的电路系统以Xilinx公司的XC6SLX16-2CSG324FPGA芯片为硬件基础,将数字基带调制解调和中频滤波电路在FPGA系统中设计实现,重点阐述了射频前端电路的设计结构、AD/DA转换电路,以及数字滤波器的设计。实验结果表明,所设计的超高频RFID阅读器简化了前端电路系统结构,提升了稳定性,增强了抗干扰能力。该电路系统在信噪比较低的情况下,能够较好地实现915MHz频率的射频接收和发送。In order to improve the reader UHF RFID system still has a higher ability to identify,in the case of low signal-to-noise ratio.The UHF RFID systems must comply with EPC Class 1 generation 2 standard.In this paper,the design of the circuit system based on Xilinx's XC6SLX16-2CSG324 FPGA chip,and presents UHF RFID RF front-end circuit with software radio based on FPGA system.Digital baseband modem and IF filter circuit is designed and implemented in the FPGA system,and focused on designing the structure of the RF front-end circuit,AD/DA CONVERSION circuits,and digital filter.Experimental results show that the UHF RFID reader de...

    标签: 915mhz 超高频 rfid 阅读 射频 前端 电路 设计

    上传时间: 2022-04-17


  • 1MHz换能器驱动电路的设计

    超声波换能器作为一种实用的检测手段,能实现声波所携带的信息和电能之间转换。它的性能优良,价格低廉,操作方便,易于调试,因此在工农业生产中发挥着重要的作用。但目前换能器驱动电路的发射频率多为40 kHz,本文针对1 MHz的超声波换能器电路进行了设计,主要介绍了它的发射驱动电路和接收驱动电路的设计方案,并对它们的功能进行了详细地说明。最后搭建实验平台,并对电路的输入、输出模块进行了测试。实验结果表明,换能器电路运行良好,可以为超声波高精度测量领域的应用提供参考。As a practical means of detection, ultrasonic transducer can realize the CONVERSION between theinformation carried by sound wave and electric energy.It has the advantages of excellent performance,low cost, convenient operation and debugging, so plays an important role in industrial and agriculturalproduction.However, the transmitting frequency of the driving circuit for most transducer is 40 kHz.Thecircuit of 1 MHz ultrasonic transducer is designed In this paper. It mainly introduces the emissive drivingcircuit and the receiving circuit design and the detailed function of them. Finally, the experimentalplatform is built, and the circuit of input and output were tested. Experiments show that the transducer' s...

    标签: 换能器 驱动电路

    上传时间: 2022-04-28


  • 基于AD2S1210的高精度RDC电路设计

    本文提出基于AD2S1210的旋变信号转换电路,给出了具体的电路实现方法和配置方法.相比以往的RDC方案,本系统具有精度高,设计灵活,可靠性高等特点,可广泛应用于各种伺服系统中.In this paper, the switching signal CONVERSION circuit based on ADS1210 is proposed, and the specific circuit implementation and configuration method are given. Compared with the previous RDC scheme, this system has the characteristics of high precision, flexible design and high reliability, and can be widely used in various servo systems.

    标签: ad2s1210

    上传时间: 2022-05-04


  • Sigmawin+软件-伺服操作说明

    1运行sigmawin+1.1选择伺服驱动器sigmawin+软件开始运行时,会看到选择连接的对话框,根据实际使用的通信端口来选择伺服驱动器和PC的连接。选择连接伺服驱动器的方式:在线或离线状态,在线状态是默认设置在线方式:当要对伺服驱动器进行调谐和设置时需要使用在线方式离线方式:当要对参数进行调整以及检查屏幕显示和机械分析时使用离线方式当采用离线方式时选择相应系列的伺服,之后会出现sigmawin+软件的主窗口当选择在现方式时之后进行必要的通信端口的选择点击search按钮,搜索当先连接的端口,注:2-V为USB端口点击search按钮,当驱动器和PC成功连接后会出现如下对话框点击出现的相应型号的伺服驱动器然后按connect按钮或者直接双击伺服驱动器来进行连接,sigmawin+软件的主窗口就会出现,点击cancel关闭当前对话框。Sigmawin+连接2-V后出现主窗口所有的应用功能都可以通过菜单栏或工具栏上面使用1.2工具栏直接点击工具栏上的图标就可以使用相应的功能1.3参数设定伺服驱动器的参数可以在离线模式和在线模式下进行设置,但是这两种状态下的参数设置画面是不同的。1.4参数的转换在sigmawin+软件主窗口中,点击parameters然后点击parameter converter选择需要转换的参数文件,即其他系列的伺服驱动器,点击open选中的文件将被导入,源文件对应的驱动器的型号会显示在CONVERSION source中。转换后对应的驱动器型号也会在CONVERSION destination中自动设置。注:如果选择了不能转换的文件,会出现以下对话框提示你选择了不能转换的文件。点击convert已选择的之前系列的驱动器参数文件将被转换成和2-V系列驱动器相一致的参数数据,而且会保存在新建的参数文件中。转换完成后,转换结果会显示在参数转换窗口中。如下:

    标签: sigmawin

    上传时间: 2022-05-31


  • VIP专区-嵌入式/单片机编程源码精选合集系列(67)

    VIP专区-嵌入式/单片机编程源码精选合集系列(67)资源包含以下内容:1. 这是一个实用的I2C应用实例.2. Far Memory Support is only available in the PK51 package. If you have an CA51, DK51, or Evaluation.3. 这是一个i2c通信协议的说明书.4. MSC 1210 A/D CONVERSION for 1 input signals (-2.5V ... +2.5V) Inputs pairs AIN0-AIN1 read in an in.5. 该程序是一个描述四角铁甲虫机器人调试过程的程序.6. 基于plilips ARM 芯片LPC2200系列,使用ADC模块的通道0、1进行电压的测量.7. LPC2200系列ARM芯片的FLASH功能测试,调用IAP服务程序.8. JEN-ZBKIT-A快速使用,Zigbee开发板最佳选择..9. Jennic5131简介.开发ZIGBEE的最佳选择芯片..10. Jennic5121芯片简介.开发ZIGBEE的最佳选择..11. 开发zigbee的最佳选择开发板,由陈工科技提供.开发板介绍..12. zigbee开发的最佳选择平台.陈工科技提供的开发板,软件使用说明.主芯片是使用jennic的SOC zigbee芯片..13. zigbee技术简要介绍.主要应用于家居智能,工业控制..14. 关于ZIGBEE的一些疑问点的解答.对于ZIGBEE入门非常有用..15. zigbee的一个应用方案.基于Zigbee无线通讯的智能卡设备设计概述.值得参考..16. 用avr mega128读取spi串行字库.17. 用AVR Atmega128驱动多串口芯片Tl164C554A的程序.18. readSD2000 c.19. 这是我自己编写的一个运用了中断.20. 这是一个用c语言实现一个主机到多个从机进行通信的51源代码.21. 使用串口下载vxworks映象的方法,在文章中包括了详细的操作步骤和相应图示.22. 基于AT91SAM9260的U-boot的源代码.23. 基于AT91SAM9260的bootloader.24. PIC控制1702 原理图+源程序.25. AT91SAM9260在WinCE操作系统下的BSP移植代码(Bin文件).26. uCOSII 在LPC3180上的移植代码.27. ep9315开发板的原理图.原厂的作品,很好的参考.28. 自制C51编程器,附原理图+源程序,支持多种C51芯片烧写.29. 这是一个五分频电路设计.30. 10010序列检测.31. 以AT89C51为控制芯片设计时钟控制.32. cc2420 zigbee芯片的最新资料20070319.33. cc2430 zigbee芯片的最新资料20070319.34. 详细的无线键盘,鼠标,无线桥 开发文档.包含电路原理图,电路板光汇文件.FIREWALL, 驱动程序等.有此文档,就可以完全直接生产出来无线键盘,鼠标,无线桥.整个一套完整的解决方案..35. DSP课程设计,实现FFT算法,对初学者有参考价值.36. 没有错误的ARM9 -S3C2440 开发板原理图.37. 英文版zigbee协议.38. 学习cpld的朋友注意了.39. 数字竞赛抢答器的制作.40. ARM通讯程序,PC机测试 ARM通讯程序,PC机测试.


    上传时间: 2013-06-29
