The model is Goal Programming and Serial Correlation with fuzzy CONCEPT. This model can be used to solve some finance and economic problems. The result can find the best and worse solution.
标签: model Correlation Programming CONCEPT
上传时间: 2014-01-10
This program describes the CONCEPT of polymorphism in C++. Example of Inheritance is given in this code
标签: polymorphism Inheritance describes Example
上传时间: 2014-11-22
The document explains the CONCEPT of multiple-bandpass filtering and compacting of arbitrarily spaced frequency bands.
标签: multiple-bandpass arbitrarily compacting filtering
上传时间: 2017-07-03
helps user to develop matlab with oops CONCEPT
标签: develop CONCEPT matlab helps
上传时间: 2014-11-30
A program written by C++ which is used to search using binary search CONCEPT on parallel processes,,,,wishing it is useful
标签: search processes parallel program
上传时间: 2017-08-02
PID Great Book for understanding the CONCEPT
标签: understanding CONCEPT Great Book
上传时间: 2013-12-19
What is this ``device driver stuff anyway? Here s a very short introduction to the CONCEPT.
标签: introduction CONCEPT device anyway
上传时间: 2017-09-04
to become acquainted with a CONCEPT « cursor» language of SQL, by the types of cursors, to study the process of creation and application of cursors. To consider the examples of the use of cursors at creation of SQL of queries.
标签: acquainted language CONCEPT cursors
上传时间: 2013-12-24
variable CONCEPT for embedded systems
标签: variable embedded CONCEPT systems
上传时间: 2014-01-04
Cadence PSD 15.0 是 Cadence 公司推出的功能强大的 EDA 开发工具包,它提供了从原理图设计输入、 分析,PCB 设计、PCB 制造文件输出等一整套工具。 本书立足于工程实践,结合作者多年的工作经验,系统地介绍了 CONCEPT HDL 和 Allegro 在原理图和 PCB 设计中的使用方法。本书分为 13 章,主要介绍了项目管理器、CONCEPT HDL 原理图设计工具、约束管理器、 Allegro PCB 设计工具和 SPECCTRA 布线工具的功能和设计技巧。在介绍工具和命令的同时,还提供了大量 的范例以及习题,以方便读者更好地理解和掌握所学的内容,使读者对设计工具有较为深入的理解并基本掌 握从原理图设计到 PCB 设计等一系列设计步骤的实现方法和技巧。 本书配套光盘中提供了书中所有实例和练习的完整工程文件以及相关数据文件,有利于读者边学边练, 提高实际应用能力。 本书可作为高等院校通信工程、电子工程、计算机、无线电技术等专业的教材,也可作为硬件工程师的 实用工具书。
上传时间: 2022-07-23