Sofia-SIP is an open-source SIP User-Agent library, compliant with the IETF RFC3261 specification. It can be used as a building block for SIP client software for uses such as VoIP, IM, and many other real-time and person-to-person COMmunication services. The primary target platform for Sofia-SIP is GNU/Linux. Sofia-SIP is based on a SIP stack developed at the Nokia Research Center.
标签: specification open-source User-Agent Sofia-SIP
上传时间: 2016-03-20
Sofia-SIP is an open-source SIP User-Agent library, compliant with the IETF RFC3261 specification. It can be used as a building block for SIP client software for uses such as VoIP, IM, and many other real-time and person-to-person COMmunication services. The primary target platform for Sofia-SIP is GNU/Linux.
标签: specification open-source User-Agent Sofia-SIP
上传时间: 2016-04-10
串口通讯在客户端/服务器类型的应用程序设计中经常要使用到,目前串口通讯采用的一般是专用软件包或者标准串口通讯协议(如XMODEM、ZMODEM等),这样完整详细且免费的软件包比较少,所以在SPCOMM的基础之上建立了本文所描述的串口通讯协议,称之为RCC(表示为Reliable Comm COMmunication),其主要目标是在用串口进行通讯的客户端/服务器双方建立一条可靠的通讯链路,就象TCP(RFC793)一样。该协议的目前的开发是采用VC++,应用平台为WIN95/NT,但作为RCC协议的本身不受具体编程语言及操作系统所限制,
上传时间: 2013-12-19
Understanding of software development methodologies and concepts, experience with full product lifecycle from scope to customer release 5. Strong design decomposition skills, analysis and testing 6. Proactive approach to problem solving 7. Strong COMmunication skills are paramount as is drive and determination, and stron
标签: Understanding methodologies development experience
上传时间: 2013-12-25
Embedded systems for specific applications, usually in the centre, and as the core processor for the practical application of soft Hardware systems, the hardware is the basis of the embedded operating system and platform, the software provides the necessary operational Physical platform and COMmunication interface, and general embedded system software, including operating systems and application software, which Control is the core of the whole system, providing information such as HCI.
标签: the applications for processor
上传时间: 2013-12-29
As mentioned, most computers include a serial port. The only hardware setup required is connecting the serial cable to the serial port on the PC and the serial port on the instrument. The serial instrument may include some hardware drivers or software utilities for COMmunication, and should include documentation on the baud rate, packet size, stop bits, and parity bits that the instrument will use. Additionally, check the National Instruments Instrument Driver Network to see if LabVIEW drivers already exist for yout instrument, as
标签: connecting mentioned computers hardware
上传时间: 2016-05-27
This soucse code is for CodevisionAVR and RF2500 application driver code is all included.The point to point COMmunication is realized.
标签: code CodevisionAVR application included
上传时间: 2016-06-11
Software given here is to accompany the textbook: W.H. Tranter, % K.S. Shanmugan, T.S. Rappaport, and K.S. Kosbar, Principles of % COMmunication Systems Simulation with Wireless Applications, % Prentice Hall PTR, 2004.
上传时间: 2016-06-12
智能大厦是写字楼等公共建筑发展的一个趋势,是科技高度发展的结晶。 它由三个子系统组成:楼宇自动化系统(Building Automation System)、通讯自动化系统(COMmunication Automation System)和办公自动化系统(Office Automation System)。 智能建筑(Inteiligent Buildings)是建筑技术与计算机信息技术相结合的产物,是信息社会与经济国际化的需要。本章主要是对楼宇自动化控制系统( BAS)作有关的论述。智能建筑往往是从楼宇自动化控制系统开始
上传时间: 2016-06-27
The Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (UART) is a popular and widely-used device for data COMmunication in the field of teleCOMmunication. There are different versions of UARTs in the industry.
标签: Asynchronous Transmitter widely-used Universal
上传时间: 2014-11-06