This sample demonstrates COMPRESSion capabilities available in the .NET Framework. It builds a Windows Forms application that employs the GZipStream and DeflateStream types to COMPRESS and deCOMPRESS files. The sample also introduces several types that are new in the .NET Framework version 2.0.
标签: demonstrates capabilities COMPRESSion Framework
上传时间: 2016-03-30
上传时间: 2013-11-26
C++实现的哈弗曼编码,并有流程图(1)I:初始化(Initialization)。从指定的英文文件中Sourcefile.txt读取数据,根据文件内容统计的字符的频度,建立哈夫曼树。 (2)E:编码(Encoding)。利用已经建好的哈夫曼树进行编码,并将每个字符的编码写入文件HuffCode.txt中保存。 (3)C:压缩(COMPRESS)。根据HuffCode.txt中编码对文件Sourcefile.txt进行重新编码,并将重新编码后的内容写入文件CodeFile.txt中。 (4)D:译码(Decoding)。利用已经建好的哈夫曼树将文件CodeFile.txt中的代码进行译码,结果存入文件TextFile中。 (5)P:打印代码文件(Print)。将文件CodeFile.txt的内容显示在终端上,每行50个代码。 (6)T:显示哈夫曼树(Treeprinting)。将已经在内存中的哈夫曼树以直观的方式(树或凹入表形式)显示在终端上。
标签: 编码
上传时间: 2013-12-24
Lighttpd是一个轻量级的Web 服务器,支持FastCGI, CGI, Auth, 输出压缩(output COMPRESS), URL重写, Alias等重要功能。它具有非常低的内存开销,cpu占用率低,效能好,以及丰富的模块等特点。其静态文件的响应能力远高于Apache,可谓Web服务器的后期之秀
上传时间: 2014-01-20
This project features a complete JPEG Hardware COMPRESSor (standard Baseline DCT, JFIF header) with 2:1:1 subsampling, able to COMPRESS at a rate of up to 24 images per second (on XC2V1000-4 @ 40 MHz with resolution 352x288). Image resolution is not limited. It takes an RGB input (row-wise) and outputs to a memory the COMPRESSed JPEG image. Its quality is comparable to software solutions.
标签: COMPRESSor Hardware Baseline features
上传时间: 2017-04-21
It s an interface for using huffman trees (data structure application) that can be used for COMPRESSion and a test program with CLI in a form of a menu to test those features.
标签: application interface for structure
上传时间: 2014-01-20
I was pleasantly surprised when in November 2005 a message arrived from Wayne Wheeler, the new computer science editor of Springer Verlag, notifying me that he in tends to qualify this book as a Springer major reference work (MRW), thereby releasing past restrictions on page counts, freeing me from the constraint of having to COMPRESS my style, and making it possible to include important and interesting data COMPRESSion methods that were either ignored or mentioned in passing in previous editions.
标签: pleasantly surprised November arrived
上传时间: 2014-12-22
Current field forecast verification measures are inadequate, primarily because they COMPRESS the comparison between two complex spatial field processes into one number. Discrete wavelet transforms (DWTs) applied to analysis and contemporaneous forecast fields prove to be an insightful approach to verification problems. DWTs allow both filtering and compact physically interpretable partitioning of fields. These techniques are used to reduce or eliminate noise in the verification process and develop multivariate measures of field forecasting performance that are shown to improve upon existing verification procedures.
标签: field forecast verification
上传时间: 2020-07-22
VIP专区-嵌入式/单片机编程源码精选合集系列(2)资源包含以下内容:1. 用C进行嵌入式开发的一个完整的面向中级用户的讨论.2. 一个免费的嵌入式操作系统。.3. MSP430f149上LCD显示的程序.4. msp430 falsh自编程.5. MSP430浮点库.6. tcpip堆栈.7. 图像编码.8. 熟悉非常简单CPU模拟器 1、将所给模拟器的源程序编译成执行程序。 2、运行并观察非常简单CPU模拟器.9. 单个汉字库字摸提取程序.10. 软件红外线接收程序.11. I2C总线读写程序.12. 24C02读写程序.13. lcd 测试程序.14. ac97 测试.15. usb 检验程序.16. 8位RISC CPU的VERILOG编程 SOURCECODE.17. Verilog DHL教程.18. sdram的verilog的源码实现.19. 嵌入式系统.20. PALM PDB文件阅读器源代码.21. IRDA 1.0 标准协议源代码.22. cygnal 源代码.23. AD7708数据采集软件.24. uc/gui的使用说明文档.25. 嵌入式操作系统文档.26. UCL COMPRESS and deCOMPRESS tool, very useful for embedded system.27. AD芯片TLC2543的转换例程。.28. 44b0x开发板使用教程源码.29. 用c++编写嵌入式多任务操作系统.30. 嵌入式系统开发圣经.31. MISRA C Compliance Matrix.32. C for Embedded Systems.33. 这是关于LCD常识的资料.34. 这是一篇关于RS-485接口应用的文章.35. 嵌入式系统讲义幻灯片课件.36. 这是一个在WindowsCE 环境下访问Sql 数据库的源代码.37. 这是一个在WindowsCE 环境下进行图形绘制的源程序。.38. 单片RS232-PPP/TCP/IP协议转换模块.39. Nucleus 使用说明.40. 该工程是从ecos嵌入式系统下移植过来的一个小型的fat16文件系统.
上传时间: 2013-04-15