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  • 2.[问题描述] 编写递归算法

    2.[问题描述] 编写递归算法,在二叉树中求位于先序序列中第K个位置的结点 [输入] 按照先序序列的顺序输入该结点的内容。其输入abd eh cf i g 。输入要求的位置 [输出] 若二叉树不空,按先序序列输出,求出所求位置的结点 [存储结构] 采用二叉表存储 [算法的基本思想] 采用递归方法建立和遍历二叉树。首先建立二叉树的根结点,然后建立其左右子树,直到空子树为止,先序遍历二叉树时,先遍厉左子树,后遍厉右子树,最后访问根结点并计算出二叉树中叶子结点的数目和第K个位置的结点 #include<stdio.h> #include<malloc.h> struct node{ char info struct node*llink,*rlink } typedef struct node NODE

    标签: 编写 算法 递归

    上传时间: 2014-01-13


  • Spartan 3 Digilent Demo:This demo drives the perphrials on the Spartan 3 board. This drives a simple

    Spartan 3 Digilent Demo:This demo drives the perphrials on the Spartan 3 board. This drives a simple pattern to the VGA port, connects the switches to the LEDs, buttons to each anode of the seven segment decoder. The seven segment decoder has a simple counter running on it, and when SW0 is in the up position the seven segment decoder will display scan codes from the PS2 port. This demo how ever does not drive the RS-232 port or the memory. This is a simple design done entirely VHDL not microblaze.

    标签: Spartan drives This perphrials

    上传时间: 2014-05-29


  • FLASH文件系统的源码

    FLASH文件系统的源码,Flash memory is a nonvolatile memory, which allows the user to electrically program (write) and erase information. The exponential growth of flash memory has made this technology an indispensable part of hundreds of millions of electronic devices. Flash memory has several significant differences with volatile (RAM) memory and hard drive technologies which requires unique software drivers and file systems. This paper provides an overview of file systems for flash memory and focuses on the unique software requirements of flash memory devices.

    标签: FLASH 文件系统 源码

    上传时间: 2015-11-29


  • --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Filename : HP_SENSOR-9.ASM() Remark :

    --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Filename : HP_SENSOR-9.ASM() Remark : --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- #include HT82M99E.INC #include USBFIFO.INC #include HP_SENSOR.INC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #define CF C #define ZF Z

    标签: HP_SENSOR Filename Remark ASM

    上传时间: 2015-12-05


  • 三星2440驱动程序


    标签: 2440 三星 驱动程序

    上传时间: 2015-12-09


  • SharpZipLib之前叫做NZipLib

    SharpZipLib之前叫做NZipLib,完全由 C# 开发的压缩库,支持Zip, GZip, Tar and BZip2 ,为2007年8月最新0852release版的源文件和文档说明! Changes for v0.85.2 release Minor tweaks for CF, ZipEntryFactory and ZipFile. Fix for zip testing and Zip64 local header patching. FastZip revamped to handle file attributes on extract + other fixes Null ref in path filter fixed. Extra data handling fixes Revamped build and conditional compilation handling Many bug fixes for Zip64. Minor improvements to C# samples. ZIP-1341 Non ascii zip password handling fix. ZIP-355 Fix for zip compression problem at low levels

    标签: SharpZipLib NZipLib

    上传时间: 2015-12-11


  • SharpZipLib之前叫做NZipLib

    SharpZipLib之前叫做NZipLib,完全由 C# 开发的压缩库,支持Zip, GZip, Tar and BZip2 ,为2007年8月最新0852release版的代码实例! Changes for v0.85.2 release Minor tweaks for CF, ZipEntryFactory and ZipFile. Fix for zip testing and Zip64 local header patching. FastZip revamped to handle file attributes on extract + other fixes Null ref in path filter fixed. Extra data handling fixes Revamped build and conditional compilation handling Many bug fixes for Zip64. Minor improvements to C# samples. ZIP-1341 Non ascii zip password handling fix. ZIP-355 Fix for zip compression problem at low levels

    标签: SharpZipLib NZipLib

    上传时间: 2015-12-11


  • This submission includes the presentation and model files that were used in delivering a webinar on

    This submission includes the presentation and model files that were used in delivering a webinar on 12-15-05 that covered the topic of modeling Hybrid Electric Vehicles. Hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) have proven they can substantially improve fuel economy and reduce emissions. Because HEVs combine an electric drive with the internal combustion engine (ICE) in the powertrain, the vehicle?s kinetic energy can be captured during braking and transformed into electrical energy in the battery. The dual power source also means that the ICE can be reduced in size and can operate at its most efficient speeds.

    标签: presentation submission delivering includes

    上传时间: 2015-12-24


  • 该源码属于嵌入式开发


    标签: 源码 嵌入式开发

    上传时间: 2016-01-06


  • 这个里面有FAT16文件系统的源代码和相关的FAT16说明文档


    标签: FAT 16 文件系统 源代码

    上传时间: 2013-12-18
