上传时间: 2013-10-26
The μPSD32xx family, from ST, consists of Flash programmable system devices with a 8032 MicrocontrollerCore. Of these, the μPSD3234A and μPSD3254A are notable for having a complete implementationof the USB hardware directly on the chip, complying with the Universal Serial Bus Specification, Revision1.1.This application note describes a demonstration program that has been written for the DK3200 hardwaredemonstration kit (incorporating a μPSD3234A device). It gives the user an idea of how simple it is to workwith the device, using the HID class as a ready-made device driver for the USB connection.IN-APPLICATION-PROGRAMMING (IAP) AND IN-SYSTEM-PROGRAMMING (ISP)Since the μPSD contains two independent Flash memory arrays, the Micro Controller Unit (MCU) can executecode from one memory while erasing and programming the other. Product firmware updates in thefield can be reliably performed over any communication channel (such as CAN, Ethernet, UART, J1850)using this unique architecture. For In-Application-Programming (IAP), all code is updated through theMCU. The main advantage for the user is that the firmware can be updated remotely. The target applicationruns and takes care on its own program code and data memory.IAP is not the only method to program the firmware in μPSD devices. They can also be programmed usingIn-System-Programming (ISP). A IEEE1149.1-compliant JTAG interface is included on the μPSD. Withthis, the entire device can be rapidly programmed while soldered to the circuit board (Main Flash memory,Secondary Boot Flash memory, the PLD, and all configuration areas). This requires no MCU participation.The MCU is completely bypassed. So, the μPSD can be programmed or reprogrammed any time, anywhere, even when completely uncommitted.Both methods take place with the device in its normal hardware environment, soldered to a printed circuitboard. The IAP method cannot be used without previous use of ISP, because IAP utilizes a small amountof resident code to receive the service commands, and to perform the desired operations.
标签: Demonstration 3200 USB for
上传时间: 2014-02-27
Internal Interrupts are used to respond to asynchronous requests from a certain part of themicrocontroller that needs to be serviced. Each peripheral in the TriCore as well as theBus Control Unit, the Debug Unit, the Peripheral Control Processor (PCP) and the CPUitself can generate an Interrupt Request.So what is an external Interrupt?An external Interrupt is something alike as the internal Interrupt. The difference is that anexternal Interrupt request is caused by an external event. Normally this would be a pulseon Port0 or Port1, but it can be even a signal from the input buffer of the SSC, indicatingthat a service is requested.The User’s Manual does not explain this aspect in detail so this ApNote will explain themost common form of an external Interrupt request. This ApNote will show that there is aneasy way to react on a pulse on Port0 or Port1 and to create with this impulse an InterruptService Request. Later in the second part of the document, you can find hints on how todebounce impulses to enable the use of a simple switch as the input device.Note: You will find additional information on how to setup the Interrupt System in theApNote “First steps through the TriCore Interrupt System” (AP3222xx)1. It would gobeyond the scope of this document to explain this here, but you will find selfexplanatoryexamples later on.
上传时间: 2013-10-27
Abstract: This application note explains the hardware of different types of 1-Wire® interfaces and software examples adapted to this hardware with a focus on serial ports. Depending on the types of iButtons required for a project and the type of computer to be used, the most economical interface is easily found. The hardware examples shown are basically two different types: 5V general interface and 12V RS-232 interface. Within the 5V group a common printed circuit board could be used for all circuits described. The variations can be achieved by different populations of components. The same principal is used for the 12V RS-232 interface. The population determines if it is a Read all or a Read/Write all type of interface. There are other possible circuit implementations to create a 1-Wire interface. The circuits described in this application note cover many different configurations. For a custom application, one of the described options can be adapted to meet individual needs.
标签: iButtons Reading Writing and
上传时间: 2013-10-29
The 87LPC76X Microcontroller combines in a small package thebenefits of a high-performance microcontroller with on-boardhardware supporting the Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) bus interface.The 87LPC76X can be programmed both as an I2C bus master, aslave, or both. An overview of the I2C bus and description of the bussupport hardware in the 87LPC76X microcontrollers appears inapplication note AN464, Using the 87LPC76X Microcontroller as anI2C Bus Master. That application note includes a programmingexample, demonstrating a bus-master code. Here we show anexample of programming the microcontroller as an I2C slave.The code listing demonstrates communications routines for the87LPC76X as a slave on the I2C bus. It compliments the program inAN464 which demonstrates the 87LPC76X as an I2C bus master.One may demonstrate two 87LPC76X devices communicating witheach other on the I2C bus, using the AN464 code in one, and theprogram presented here in the other. The examples presented hereand in AN464 allow the 87LPC76X to be either a master or a slave,but not both. Switching between master and slave roles in amultimaster environment is described in application note AN435.The software for a slave on the bus is relatively simple, as theprocessor plays a relatively passive role. It does not initiate bustransfers on its own, but responds to a master initiating thecommunications. This is true whether the slave receives or transmitsdata—transmission takes place only as a response to a busmaster’s request. The slave does not have to worry about arbitrationor about devices which do not acknowledge their address. As theslave is not supposed to take control of the bus, we do not demandit to resolve bus exceptions or “hangups”. If the bus becomesinactive the processor simply withdraws, not interfering with themaster (or masters) on the bus which should (hopefully) try toresolve the situation.
上传时间: 2013-11-19
基于P87 C591的CAN总线系统智能节点设计Design of CAN System Intelligent Node Based on P87C591 给出了基于带CAN控制器的单片8位微控制器P87C591的智能节点的硬件电路及软件结构,详细介绍了设计中的难点及实现过程中应注意的问题。关键词:CAN总线;智能节点 Abstract:A h ardc ircuita nds oftw arec onfigurationo fth ei ntelligentnode based on a microcontroller with CAN controller P87C591 arepresented.E speciallyt hec ruxi nd esigninga ndt hep roblemst hatshould be paid attention in realizing are discussed in details.Keyw ords:C AN;in telligentn ode CA N 总线 是德国Bosch从20世纪80年代初为解决现代汽车中众多的控制与测试仪器之间的数据交换而开发的一种串行数据通信协议,它是一种多主总线,通信介质可以是双绞线、同轴电缆或光导纤维。由于CAN总线具有较强的纠错能力,支持差分收发,因而适合高噪声环境。并具有较远的传输距离,适用于许多领域的分布式测控系统。目前已在工业自动化、建筑物环境控制、医疗设备等许多领域得到广泛的应用。CAN已成为国际标准化组织IS011898标准。
上传时间: 2013-10-30
简要介绍了CAN总线技术与USB总线技术的特点,给出了通过将两特点相结合,并选用微控制器AT89C52尧USB控制芯片CH372和独立CAN控制芯片SJA1000实现USB-CAN数据传输系统的设计方案遥该系统不但能实现CAN总线与USB总线之间的数据转化,并可在两台主机配合下完成两个节点之间数据的透明传输。关键词 通用串行总线USB CAN总线 数据通信
上传时间: 2013-10-15
The STWD100 watchdog timer circuits are self-contained devices which prevent systemfailures that are caused by certain types of hardware errors (non-responding peripherals,bus contention, etc.) or software errors (bad code jump, code stuck in loop, etc.).The STWD100 watchdog timer has an input, WDI, and an output, WDO (see Figure 2). Theinput is used to clear the internal watchdog timer periodically within the specified timeoutperiod, twd (see Section 3: Watchdog timing). While the system is operating correctly, itperiodically toggles the watchdog input, WDI. If the system fails, the watchdog timer is notreset, a system alert is generated and the watchdog output, WDO, is asserted (seeSection 3: Watchdog timing).The STWD100 circuit also has an enable pin, EN (see Figure 2), which can enable ordisable the watchdog functionality. The EN pin is connected to the internal pull-downresistor. The device is enabled if the EN pin is left floating.
上传时间: 2013-10-22
上传时间: 2013-10-15
单片机应用技术选编(3) 目录 第一章 单片机的综合应用技术1.1 8098单片机存储器的扩展技术1.2 87C196KC单片机的DMA功能1.3 MCS?96系列单片机高精度接口设计1.4 利用PC机的8096软件开发系统1.5 EPROM模拟器及其应用1.6 MCS?51智能反汇编软件的设计与实现1.7 MCS?51系列软件设计与调试中一个值得注意的问题1.8 PL/M语言在微机开发系统中的应用特性1.9 MCS?51单片机开发系统中的断点产生1.10 C语言实型数与单片机浮点数之间数据格式的转换1.11 微机控制系统初始化问题探讨1.12 MCS?51中断系统中的复位问题1.13 工业控制软件的编程原则与编程技巧1.14 CMOS微处理器的功耗特性及其功耗控制原理和应用1.15 基于PLL技术的A/D、D/A转换器的设计1.16 智能仪器监控程序的模块化设计1.17 用软件逻辑开关实现单片机的地址重叠使用1.18 8259A可编程中断控制器与8031单片机接口电路及编程1.19 NSC810及其在各种微处理机中的应用1.20 MC146818在使用中的几个问题1.21 交流伺服系统中采用8155兼作双口信箱存储器的双微机结构1.22 实用汉字库芯片的制作 第二章 新一代存储器及逻辑器件2.1 新一代非易失性记忆元件--闪烁存储器2.2 Flash存储器及应用2.3 随机静态存储器HM628128及应用2.4 非挥发性随机存储器NOVRAM2.5 ASIC的设计方法和设计工具2.6 GAL器件的编程方法及其应用2.7 第三代可编程逻辑器件--高密EPLD辑器件EPLDFPGA设计转换 第三章 数据采集、前向通道与测量技术 3.1 温度传感器通道接口技术 3.2 LM135系列精密温度传感器的原理和应用 3.3 仪表放大器AD626的应用 3.4 5G7650使用中应注意的问题 3.5 用集成运算放大器构成电荷放大器组件 3.6 普通光电耦合器的线性应用 3.7 高线性光耦合型隔离放大器的研制 3.8 一种隔离型16位单片机高精度模拟量接口3.9 单片16位A/D转换器AD7701及其与8031单片机的串行接口3.10 双积分型A/D转换器与MCS?51系列单片机接口的新方法3.11 8031单片机与AD574A/D转换器的最简接口3.12 8098单片机A/D转换接口及其程序设计3.13 提高A/D转换器分辨率的实用方案3.14 用CD4051提高8098单片机内10位A/D转换器分辨率的方法3.15 单片机实现16位高速积分式A/D转换器3.16 434位A/D转换器MAX133(134)的原理及应用3.17 AD574A应用中应注意的问题 3.18 CC14433使用中应注意的问题 3.19 高精度宽范围数据采集系统的温度补偿途径 3.20 缩短ICL7135A/D采样程序时间的一种方法 3.21 用单片机实现的数字式自动增益控制 3.22 自动量程转换电路 3.23 双积分型A/D的自动量程切换电路 3.24 常用双积分型A/D转换器自换程功能的扩展3.25 具有自动量程转换功能的单片机A/D接口3.26 混合型数据采集器SDM857的功能与应用3.27 高速数据采集系统的传输接口3.28 SJ2000方向鉴别位移脉宽频率检测多用途专用集成电路3.29 多路高速高精度F/D专用集成电路3.30 数控带通滤波器的实现及其典型应用 第四章 控制系统与后向通道接口技术4.1 模糊逻辑与模糊控制4.2 自动控制技术的新发展--模糊控制技术4.3 模糊控制表的确定原则4.4 变结构模糊控制系统的实验研究4.5 新型集成模糊数据相关器NLX1124.6 功率固态继电器的应用4.7 双向功率MOS固态继电器4.8 SSR小型固态继电器与PSSR功率参数固态继电器4.9 JGD型多功能固态继电器的原理和应用4.10 光电耦合器在晶闸管触发电路中的应用4.11 一种廉价的12位D/A转换器AD667及接口4.12 利用单片机构成高精度PWM式12位D/A4.13 三相高频PWM模块SLE45204.14 专用集成电路TCA785及其应用4.15 单片温度控制器LM3911的应用4.16 工业测控系统软件设计的若干问题研究 第五章 人机对话通道接口技术5.1 廉价实用的8×8键盘5.2 单片机遥控键盘接口5.3 对8279键盘显示接口的改进5.4 用单片机8031的七根I/O线实现对键盘与显示器的控制5.5 通用8位LED数码管驱动电路ICM7218B5.6 利用条图显示驱动器LM3914组成100段LED显示器的方法5.7 液晶显示器的多极驱动方式5.8 点阵式液晶显示屏的构造与应用5.9 点阵式液晶显示器图形程序设计5.10 DMF5001N点阵式液晶显示器和8098单片机的接口技术5.11 8098单片机与液晶显示控制器HD61830接口5.12 利用PL/M语言对点阵式液晶显示器进行汉字程序设计5.13 语音合成器TMS 5220的开发与应用5.14 制作T6668语音系统的一些技术问题5.15 单片机、单板机在屏显系统中的应用 第六章 多机通讯网络与遥控技术6.1 用双UART构成的可寻址遥测点装置--兼谈如何组成系统6.2 IBM?PC微机与8098单片机的多机通讯6.3 80C196单片机与IBM?PC机的串行通讯6.4 IBM?PC与MCS?51多机通讯的研究6.5 半双工方式传送的单片机多机通信接口电路及软件设计6.6 单片机与IBM/PC机通讯的新型接口及编程6.7 用光耦实现一点对多点的总线式通讯电路6.8 用EPROM作为通讯变换器实现多机通讯6.9 ICL232单电源双RS?232发送/接收器及其应用6.10 DTMF信号发送/接收电路芯片MT8880及应用6.11 通用红外线遥控系统6.12 8031单片机在遥控解码方面的应用 第七章 电源、电压变换及电源监视7.1 用于微机控制系统的高可靠性供电方法7.2 80C31单片机防掉电和抗干扰电源的设计7.3 可编程基准电压源7.4 电源电压监视器件M81953B7.5 检出电压可任意设定的电源电压监测器7.6 低压降(LDO?Low Drop?Out)稳压器7.7 LM317三端可调稳压器应用二例7.8 三端集成稳压器的扩流应用 第八章 可靠性与抗干扰技术8.1 数字电路的可靠性设计实践与体会8.2 单片机容错系统的设计与实现8.3 微机测控系统的接地、屏蔽和电源供给8.4 ATE的抗干扰及接地技术8.5 微处理器监控电路MAX690A/MAX692A8.6 电测仪表电路的实用抗干扰技术8.7 工业镀锌电阻炉温度控制机的抗干扰措施8.8 一种简单的抗干扰控制算法 ? 第九章 综合应用实例9.1 蔬菜灌溉相关参数的自动检测9.2 MH?214溶解氧测定仪9.3 COP840C单片机在液晶线控空调电脑控制器中的应用9.4 单片机在电饭煲中的应用9.5 用PIC单片机制作电扇自然风发生器 第十章 文章摘要 一、 单片机的综合应用技术1.1 摩托罗拉8位单片机的应用和开发1.2 NS公司的COP800系列8位单片机1.3 M68HC11与MCS?51单片机功能比较1.4 8098单片机8M存储空间的扩展技术1.5 80C196KC单片机的外部设备事件服务器1.6 一种多进程实时控制系统的软件设计1.7 开发单片机的结构化高级语言PL/M?961.8 应用软件开发中的菜单接口技术1.9 单片机用户系统EPROM中用户程序的剖析方法1.10 BJS?98硬件、软件典型实验1.11 FORTH语言系统的开发应用1.12 在Transputer系统上用并行C语言编程的特点1.13 一种软件扩展8031内部计数器简易方法1.14 MCS 51系列单片机功能测试方法研究1.15 用CD 4520B设计对称输出分频器的方法1.16 多路模拟开关CC 4051功能扩展方法1.17 条形码技术及其应用系统的设计与实现? 二、 新一代存储器及逻辑器件2.1 一种多功能存储器M6M 72561J2.2 串行E2PROM及其在智能仪器中的应用2.3 新型高性能的AT24C系列串行E2PROM2.4 2K~512K EPROM编程卡2.5 电子盘的设计与实现2.6 NS GAL器件的封装标签、类型代码和编程结构间的关系 三、数据采集、前向通道与测量技术3.1 仪器用精密运放CA3193的应用3.2 集成电压?电流转换器XTR100的应用3.3 瞬时浮点放大器及应用3.4 隔离放大器289J及其应用3.5 ICS?300系列新型加速度传感器3.6 一种实用的压力传感器接口电路3.7 霍尔传感器的应用3.8 一种对多个传感器进行调理的方法3.9 两线制压力变送器3.10 小信号双线变送器XTR101的使用3.11 两线长距离频率传输压力变送器的设计3.12 测温元件AD590及其应用3.13 热敏电阻应用动态3.14 一种组合式A/D、D/A转换器的设计3.15 一种复合式A/D转换器3.16 TLC549串行输出ADC及其应用3.17 提高A/D转换精度的方法--双通道A/D转换3.18 模数转换器ICL7135的0~3.9999V显示3.19 微型光耦合器3.20 一种高精度的分压器电路3.21 利用单片机软件作热电偶非线性补偿3.22 三线制RTD测量电路及应用中要注意的问题3.23 微伏信号高精度检测中极易被忽略的问题3.24 宽范围等分辨率精密测量法3.25 传感器在线校准系统3.26 一种高精度的热敏电阻测温电路3.27 超声波专用集成电路LM1812的原理与应用3.28 旋转变压器数字化检测及其在8098单片机控制伺服系统中的应用3.29 单片集成两端式感温电流源AD590在温度测控系统中的应用?3.30 数字示波器和单片机构成的自动测试系统3.31 霍尔效应式功率测量研究 四、 控制系统与后向通道接口技术4.1 模糊逻辑与模糊控制(实用模糊控制讲座之一)4.2 红绿灯模糊控制器(实用模糊控制讲座之二)4.3 国外模糊技术新产品4.4 交流串级调速双环模糊PI单片机控制系统4.5 时序控制专用集成电路LT156及其应用4.6 电池充电控制集成电路4.7 双向晶闸管4.8 双向可控硅的自触发电路及其应用4.9 微处理器晶闸管频率自适应触发器4.10 F18系列晶闸管模块介绍4.11 集成电路UAA4002的原理及应用4.12 IGBT及其驱动电路4.13 TWH8751应用集锦4.14 结构可变式计算机工业控制系统设计4.15 单片机控制的音响编辑器 五、 人机对话通道接口技术5.1 5×7点阵LED智能显示器的应用5.2 基于8031串行口的LED电子广告牌5.3 点阵液晶显示控制器与计算机的接口技术5.4 单片机控制可编程液晶显示系统5.5 大规模语言集成电路应用综述5.6 最新可编程语言集成电路MSSIO61的应用5.7 用PC打印机接口扩展并行接口 六、 多机系统、网络与遥控技术6.1 用8098单片机构成的分布式测温系统6.2 平衡接口EIA?422和EIA485设计指南6.3 I2C BUS及其系统设计6.4 摩托罗拉可寻址异步接受/发送器6.5 用5V供电的RS232C接口芯片6.6 四通道红外遥控器6.7 TA7333P和TA7657P的功能及应用 七、 电源、电压变换及电源监视7.1 单片机控制的可控硅三相电源调压稳压技术7.2 集成开关电源控制器MC34063的原理及应用7.3 LM299精密基准电压源7.4 集成过压保护器的应用7.5 3V供电的革命7.6 HMOS微机的超低电源电压运行技术 八、 可靠性与抗干扰设计8.1 浅谈舰船电磁兼容与可靠性 九、 综合应用实例9.1 8098单片机交流电气参数测试系统的设计和应用9.2 主轴回转误差补偿控制器9.3 FWK?A型大功率发射台微机控制系统9.4 高性能压控振荡型精密波形发生器ICL8038及应用9.5 单片机COP 840C在洗碗机中的应用
上传时间: 2013-11-10