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  • The Inter IC bus or I2C bus is a simple bidirectional two wire bus designed primarily for general co

    The Inter IC bus or I2C bus is a simple bidirectional two wire bus designed primarily for general control and data transfer communication between ICs. Some of the features of the I2C bus are: • Two signal lines, a serial data line (SDA) and a serial clock line (SCL), and ground are required. A 12V supply line (500mA max.) for powering the peripherals often may be present. • Each device connected to the bus is software addressable by a unique address and simple master/ slave relationships exist at all times masters can operate as master-transmitters or as master-receivers. • The I2C bus is a true multi-master bus including collision detection and arbitration to prevent data corruption if two or more masters simultaneously initiate data transfer systems. • Serial, 8-bit oriented, bidirectional data transfers can be made at up to 100 KBit/s in the standard mode or up to 400 KBit/s in the fast mode.

    标签: bus bidirectional primarily designed

    上传时间: 2013-12-11


  • this is a stepper motor controller with specifications pins: for RS-232 interfacing stepper motor:

    this is a stepper motor controller with specifications pins: for RS-232 interfacing stepper motor: 47-50 bus PUSH button: 9-15 POTEN:9-15

    标签: stepper motor specifications interfacing

    上传时间: 2013-12-22


  • The SL11RIDE is a low cost, high speed Universal Serial Bus RISC based Controller board. It contains

    The SL11RIDE is a low cost, high speed Universal Serial Bus RISC based Controller board. It contains a 16-bit RISC processor with built in SL11RIDE ROM to greatly reduce firmware development efforts. Its serial flash EEPROM interface offers low cost storage for USB device configuration and customer product specific functions. New functions can be programmed into the I2C by downloading it from a USB Host PC. This unique architecture provides the ability to upgrade products, in the field, without changing the peripheral hardware.

    标签: Controller Universal contains Serial

    上传时间: 2014-01-06


  • MBUS协议 The bus communication system of EN1434-3 is commonly called M-Bus. Its application layer des

    MBUS协议 The bus communication system of EN1434-3 is commonly called M-Bus. Its application layer describes a standard especially for meter readout. It can be used with various physical layers and with link layers and network layers which support the transmission of variable length binary transparent telegrams.

    标签: communication application commonly called

    上传时间: 2017-08-10


  • 基于RS-485总线的MODBUS通信协议在单片机上的实现

    以仓库智能改造为背景,主要介绍单片机和上位机之间通信网络和通信协议的选择,MODBUS协议通信指令和功能码使用,重点阐述了基于RS-485总线的MODBUS通信协议在上位机和单片机之间的串行通信,实现上位机对单片机设备的远程控制和信息采集的功能。Based on the intelligent warehouse transformation as the background,mainly introduces between MCU and PC communication network and the choice of communication protocol,instruction and the function code using the MODBUS protocol communication,expounds the MODBUS communication protocol based on RS-485 bus serial communication between PC and single chip microcomputer,PC remote control of single chip computer equipment and the function of information collection.

    标签: RS-485总线 modbus 单片机

    上传时间: 2022-03-26


  • CAN协议中文版

    CAN-bus 规范 V2.0 版本,CAN协议中文版,CAN学习资料

    标签: can协议

    上传时间: 2022-05-28


  • 基于嵌入式Linux的以太网与CAN和MBUS两种现场总线的通信网关设计

    在传统的数据传输及工业自动化控制领域,有成千上万的数据采集、通信和自动控制设备都是利用Meter Bus总线、CAN总线等进行数据通信、数据交换和数据管理的。虽然Meter Bus总线、CAN总线都具有一些先天性的优势。诸如低功耗、造价低廉、设计简单、应用广泛等特点。但是,随着社会需求的发展,稳定、大流量、长距离、高速度、高集成度、交互性强和资源共享的系统成为必然,从而使得单纯的Meter bus总线通信或者CAN总线通信不能满足社会的需求。同时,随着互联网的迅猛发展,支持TCP/IP协议的以太网的功能得到了极大的完善,并且已经延伸到社会的各个角落。与Meter Bus总线通信和CAN总线通信相比较,TCP/IP网络是基于复杂环境设计的,具有自动纠错功能,通信质量稳定。目前100M已经是TCP/IP网络的标准配置,1000M也在快速的普及当中,这么快的传输速度是Meter Bus总线通信和CAN总线通信所无法达到的。而且,TCP/IP网络的开放性非常强,只要接入互联网,通信距离就可以无限延长,从而可以实现最大限度的信息和资源共享。基于此,充分利用Meter Bus总线通信和CAN总线通信的优势,同时与开放的TCP/IP网络衔接,正是目前国内外测控技术研究的重点,我们把它称为网络化的测控技术。本文基于嵌入式Linux系统,设计并实现了Meter Bus总线和CAN总线与TCP/IP网络的通信转换网关,完成了Meter Bus总线和CAN总线与TCP/IP网络的数通,V1

    标签: 嵌入式 linux 以太网 can mbus 现场总线 通信网关

    上传时间: 2022-06-21


  • VIP专区-单片机源代码精选合集系列(68)

    eeworm.com VIP专区 单片机源码系列 67资源包含以下内容:1. P89LPC912单片机数据手册.pdf2. P89LPC932 Flash单片机使用指南.pdf3. PC MCU串行通信的应用设计方法.pdf4. RSA加解密系统及其单芯片实现.pdf5. PCF8563实时时钟高精度调整方法.pdf6. PAM2862 1A LED Driver with Int.pdf7. AN070219 PCF8563中断输出功能.pdf8. SJA1000 Stand-alone CAN contro.pdf9. PCA82C250 PCA82C251 CAN Transc.pdf10. SJA1000独立的CAN控制器应用指南.pdf11. PCA82C250 CAN收发器应用指南.pdf12. SCN2681 SCN68681和SCC2691数据通信.pdf13. Philips单片机P89V51RD2简介.pdf14. 飞利浦SC16C器件和飞利浦低功耗SC16CxxxB器件之间.pdf15. P89V51RD2单片机看门狗的使用方法.pdf16. SC16C554 SC16C654 SC16C554B SC.pdf17. P89V51RD2的加密操作.pdf18. SC16C550应用实例.pdf19. 如何在C语言中调用P89V51RD2的IAP功能.pdf20. P89LPC901实现ADC DAC及UART通信.pdf21. P89LPC900在高精度模数转换场合的应用.pdf22. P89C51Rx2xx硬件进入ISP的方法.pdf23. Study-3 51单片机开发板原理图.pdf24. 基于P87LPC760的DALI从机.pdf25. PCA9515D PCA9515DP I2C中继器.pdf26. PCA9534 8bit I2C bus and SMBus low power IO port with interru.pdf27. LPC900 Flash单片机键盘中断.pdf28. PCA9516 5channel I2C hub.pdf29. PCA9535 PCA9535C 16bit I2C bus.pdf30. LPC700系列单片机看门狗复位应注意的问题.pdf31. PCA9516 I2C中继器.pdf32. PCA9536 4bit I2C bus and SMBus.pdf33. 内置Reset WDT电路的串行E2PROM原理及应用设计.pdf34. PCA9517 Level translating I2C-.pdf35. PCA9537 4bit I2C bus and SMBus.pdf36. X-tal oscillators on 8-bit mic.pdf37. PCA9517低电压I2C总线中继器.pdf38. PCA9538 8bit I2C bus and SMBus.pdf39. 8051系列单片机应用系统的PROTEUS仿真设计.doc40. PCA9518 Expandable 5channel I2.pdf41. PCA9539 PCA9539R 16-bit I2C-bu.pdf42. 基于单总线技术蓄电池监控系统设计.pdf43. PCA9518A I2C 中继器集线器与扩展器.pdf44. PCA9540B 2channel I2C bus mult.pdf45. 基于AT89C51应用系统的串行通信设计.pdf46. PCA9519 4channel level transla.pdf47. PCA9541 2 to 1 I2C-bus master.pdf48. PCA9519 4通道I2C-bus SMBus 中继器.pdf49. PCA9544A 4channel I2C multiple.pdf50. PCA9542A 2channel I2C bus mult.pdf51. PCA9544A I2C多路复用器.pdf52. PCA9544中文资料.pdf53. PCA9549 Octal bus switch with.pdf54. PCA9545A/PCA9545B/PCA9545C I2C.pdf55. PCA9549D/PCA9549PW/PCA9549B I2.pdf56. PCA9546A 4 channel I2C bus swi.pdf57. PCA9555 16bit I2C-bus and SMBu.pdf58. PCA9546A I2C多路复用器和开关.pdf59. PCA9670 Remote 8-bit IO expand.pdf60. PCA9547 8 channel I2C bus mult.pdf61. PCA9671 Remote 16-bit IO expan.pdf62. PCA9547D/PW/BS I2C多路复用器和开关.pdf63. PCA9672 Remote 8-bit IO expand.pdf64. PCA9548中文资料.pdf65. PCA9673 Remote 16-bit IO expan.pdf66. PCA9548A 8 channel I2C bus swi.pdf67. PCA9674 PCA9674A Remote 8-bit.pdf68. PCA9548AB I2C多路复用器和开关.pdf69. 8-bit I2C-bus and SMBus IO port with reset.pdf70. PCA9698芯片的应用.pdf71. PCA9698 I2C扩展芯片.pdf72. PCF2123的中断输出功能.pdf73. TI新推29款Cortex-M3内核Stelleris AR.pdf74. 端口RS-232工业PC104多串口卡.pdf75. TIPC1000带视频输入接口的嵌入式触摸平板电脑.pdf76. 串口调试助手用户手册.pdf77. PCM8416AS自动校准功能智能型PC104高分辨率多功能.pdf78. TJA1042高速CAN 收发器.pdf79. COS-II调试插件.pdf80. PROFIBUS技术和应用.pdf81. TJA1042 High-speed CAN transce.pdf82. TKStudio IDE集成开发环境升级记录.pdf83. Replacement of NXP PCA9518 wit.pdf84. TJA1051高速CAN 收发器.pdf85. 1A SIMPLE STEP-DOWN SWITCHING.pdf86. RSM232隔离RS-232收发器.pdf87. TJA1051 High-speed CAN transce.pdf88. DUAL RS-232 DRIVER RECEIVER WI.pdf89. RSM-4055 8通道隔离数字量输入输出模块.pdf90. 外部工具用户手册.pdf91. XGate COP10 CANopen 嵌入式通信模块.pdf92. RSM-6505 5通道热电偶测量模块.pdf93. 十六进制编辑器.pdf94. ZigBee模块ZICM2410应用开发指南.pdf95. RSM-65055通道热电偶测温模块.pdf96. 图片字模助手.pdf97. ZY00xxGD-10W交直流两用全电压输入AC-DC电源模.pdf98. TKStudio下SDCC_8051用户使用手册.pdf99. 定压输出隔离稳压单输出系列.pdf100. ZY00xxGD-15W交直流两用全电压输入AC-DC电源模.pdf

    标签: 电子技术基础 模拟电子技术 电子教案

    上传时间: 2013-04-15


  • VIP专区-单片机源代码精选合集系列(69)

    eeworm.com VIP专区 单片机源码系列 68资源包含以下内容:1. AN010101基于LM3S2000系列CAN控制器的驱动库.pdf2. 定压输入6000VDC隔离非稳压单路输出.pdf3. LM3S系列单片机扩展按键及数码管及RTC应用笔记.pdf4. Stellaris系列微控制器的ADC过采样技术.pdf5. 基于SPWM技术的逆变电源.pdf6. ADC Oversampling Techniques fo.pdf7. Adding 32 KB of Serial SRAM to.pdf8. Using the Stellaris Microcontr.pdf9. Stellaris系列微控制器的时钟.pdf10. CAN通信实验报文对象的FIFO缓冲器应用.pdf11. Clocking Options for Stellaris.pdf12. CAN节点设计基于32位Luminary ARM.pdf13. LM3S系列单片机休眠与深度休眠应用笔记.pdf14. CAN总线现场总线应用方案RS-485升级到CAN.pdf15. LM3S系列微控制器UART应用笔记.pdf16. LM3S316逆变电源应用方案.pdf17. Luminary软硬件平台快速搭建.pdf18. Luminary复位电路汇总.pdf19. 3-V TO 5.5-V MULTICHANNEL RS-2.pdf20. LPC3220与LPC3250在引脚上的区别.pdf21. DUAL DIGITAL ISOLATORS.pdf22. 基于Fusion的原理讲解教程.zip23. AN070231 I O扩展器选型指南.pdf24. EPCS-6100工控机主板.pdf25. 模拟开小车的设计基于EasyFPGA030.pdf26. PCA954X家庭的I C SMBus多路复用器与开关.pdf27. EPCM-2643 EPCM2000系列数据采集工控主板.pdf28. Using the P82B715 I2C extender.pdf29. AN255-02 IC SMBus REPEATERS HU.pdf30. 51系列单片机设计实例下载.rar31. EPC-6000 PC/104工控机主板.pdf32. I2C总线.pdf33. 波形发生器设计.pdf34. EPC266x兼容Anywhere软件开发平台EPC2000.pdf35. Using the P82B96 for bus inter.pdf36. 简易频率计设计.pdf37. PROFIBUS嵌入式模块.pdf38. 采用双核处理器OMAP3530的嵌入式工控机主板.pdf39. 串口接收显示设计.pdf40. PROFIBUS-DP从站通讯模块.pdf41. EPCS-6960工控机主板.pdf42. 模拟乒乓球比赛设计.pdf43. 16-bit IC and SMBus I/O Port w.pdf44. EPCS-500工控机主板.pdf45. I2C总线接口模块设计.pdf46. CAT9554A IO 口扩展芯片.pdf47. CAT9534 I2C IO 扩展芯片.pdf48. 直流电机控制电路设计.pdf49. I2C总线扩展器.pdf50. CAT660简易负电压方案.pdf51. 8-bit IC and SMBus IO Port wit.pdf52. 液晶驱动安装.pdf53. 5G14433和MCS 51单片机接口电路的调试过程.pdf54. 视频字符叠加解决方案.pdf55. 单片机系统中的率表算法.pdf56. TFT控制器解决方案.pdf57. 单片机系统的低功耗设计策略.pdf58. PCI控制器解决方案.pdf59. 51单片机实训指南.doc60. 多串口扩展解决方案.pdf61. 用单片机制作通用型电视遥控器.pdf62. IDE控制器解决方案.pdf63. 32位MCU开发全攻略 (含上册、下册).rar64. 手持式设备解决方案.pdf65. 基于ADuC812单片机的暖表计量系统.pdf66. 摄像头数据采集解决方案.pdf67. 基于单片机的陶瓷窑多点温度检测系统.pdf68. NXP半导体控制器.rar69. S51下载线的制作-单片机实用技术探讨.pdf70. 自动控制升降旗系统的设计.pdf71. MDT单片机反汇编器(mdt writer)V2.43.rar72. MSP430系列单片机C语言程序设计与开发.rar73. mcs-51(c51)智能反编译器.rar74. MSP430系列超低功耗16位单片机原理与应用.rar75. MCU(单片机)对可控硅的控制.pdf76. 51单片机反汇编软件.rar77. 基于M CORE微控制器的嵌入式系统.rar78. 智能直流高频开关电源系统微机监控模块的研制.pdf79. keil c51v805 完全汉化破解版.zip80. EZ-USB FX系列单片机USB外围设备设计与应用.rar81. 以PLD器件实现自动扫描去抖的编码键盘设计.pdf82. 单片机原理及应用实验报告.pdf83. 单片机c语言轻松入门.pdf84. 单片机应用编程技巧百问.pdf85. 8051单片机系统扩展与接口技术.rar86. 单片机语言C51应用实战集锦 (经典推荐).rar87. MSP430F413实现的智能遥控器设计.pdf88. 基于PIC单片机的脉冲电源.pdf89. 基于8086 CPU 的单芯片计算机系统的设计.pdf90. Lattice下载电缆导致单板无法上电案例及解决方案.pdf91. 单片机C语言应用程序设计.rar92. 基于单DSP的VoIP模拟电话适配器研究与实现.pdf93. SystemView仿真软件的应用.pdf94. MSP430系列flash型超低功耗16位单片机.rar95. 看门狗定时器的工作原理.pdf96. 世界著名单片机厂家简介.pdf97. 单片机的数学基础.pdf98. 以单片微机87C196MC为核心的电梯门机变频调速控制系统.pdf99. 基于单片机PWM控制逆变电源的设计.pdf100. 单片机键盘扫描之状态机实现.pdf

    标签: 电工学 精品课

    上传时间: 2013-04-15


  • PCI Local Bus v2.1

    PCI Local Bus v2.1

    标签: Local PCI Bus 2.1

    上传时间: 2013-04-15
