成績顯示三個部份abc #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> int main(void) { float gread printf("請輸入分數\n") scanf("%f",&gread) if(gread>=80&&gread<=100) printf("成績為A\n") else if(gread>=60&&gread<=79) { printf("成績為B\n") } else if(gread>=0&&gread<60) { printf("成績為C\n") } else { printf("分數輸入錯誤\n") } system("pause") return 0 }
标签: include stdlib float gread
上传时间: 2014-01-15
标准答案习题1 1.1 简述C++语言程序的结构特点。 答: (1)C++程序由一个或多个函数组成,其中至少有一个主函数main(),程序从主函数开始执行,由主函数来调用其他函数。
上传时间: 2013-12-18
S3CEV40\DHCP_Test\main.c dhcp的网络服务
标签: DHCP_Testmain dhcp CEV 40
上传时间: 2017-01-12
熟悉基于 uCOS-II 扩展的嵌入式操作系统的启动和应用程序的结构。阅读 main. 调用的函数,了解 uCOS-II操作系统系统的启动过程。使用Source Insight 3.0 C代码 辑器,在操作系统的基础上,编写一段程序,在屏幕上显示“Hello world”等文本
上传时间: 2013-12-21
The C++ Editor is a text editor for C++ programmers. The editor have color syntax highlighting. Editor s main purpose is to edit source code files outside the IDE (Integrated Development Environment) with multiple opened copies of program, when programmer needs to find, replace or compare source code. The program can compile the file using for this purpose the Microsoft VC compiler. Most effectively the editor can be used with a file search utility. The search utility Search&Edit or IDE Helper is available for download on developer s WEB site (http://www.easydevtools.com/dwnl_frame.htm).
标签: editor highlighting programmers The
上传时间: 2013-12-09
Last week I posted an article on a simple C++ template class, XYDataArray, I used in my system development tool. The main purpose of this template class is to store and sort general data types. I needed to implement the same thing in Java, since the tool I developed has a compatible Java version. I checked the Java SDK documentation before writing my own code, and found that almost everything I needed is already there, like the C++ case.
标签: XYDataArray template article posted
上传时间: 2017-03-03
The buffers allow receiving of data while a page in the main memory is being reprogrammed. Unlike conventional Flash
标签: reprogrammed receiving buffers Unlike
上传时间: 2014-01-09
汇编程序所在目录ex2_asm 。 C 语言程序所在目录ex2_c 。 在CC2000 中的操作如下: 1. Project->Open ,打开该目录中的工程文件。 2. Project->Rebuild ALL, 编译链接 3. File->Load Program 4. Debug->GO Main 5. Debug->RUN (快捷键F5) 即可看到最边上一个LED 周期性的闪亮。灯的闪烁频率由软件中的定时器Timer1 设置。这两个程序执行的功能是完全一样的。用户可以参考这两个文件作为其开发应用程序的模板。
上传时间: 2017-04-26
汇编程序所在目录ex2_asm 。 C 语言程序所在目录ex2_c 。 在CC2000 中的操作如下: 1. Project->Open ,打开该目录中的工程文件。 2. Project->Rebuild ALL, 编译链接 3. File->Load Program 4. Debug->GO Main 5. Debug->RUN (快捷键F5) 即可看到最边上一个LED 周期性的闪亮。灯的闪烁频率由软件中的定时器Timer1 设置。这两个程序执行的功能是完全一样的。用户可以参考这两个文件作为其开发应用程序的模板。
上传时间: 2017-04-26
This is the main project file for VC++ projects generated using an Application Wizard. It contains information about the version of Visual C++ that generated the file, and information about the platforms, configurations, and project features selected with the Application Wizard.
标签: Application generated projects project
上传时间: 2017-06-05