《Learning C++ as a new language》is a very good book.
标签: Learning language good book
上传时间: 2013-12-23
本程序是完成一个函数计算器的功能,通过输入表达式,然输入表达的未知数,则可以计算出表达式的值来:如:a+b+c+sin(a+b),分别输入a ,b ,c 的值,就可以计算表达式的值
上传时间: 2016-02-05
本程序运用的万年历的计算公式: d=a-1+(a-1)/4-(a-1)/100+(a-1)/400+c 其中a为年c为该日期在本年中的天数,d取整数,当d/7余数0时是星期天,余数1时是星期一依此类推。
上传时间: 2016-04-04
The document describes an AP library adapted for C++. The AP library for C++ contains a basic set of mathematical functions and collection classes needed to run the programs from the ALGLIB website.
上传时间: 2014-09-11
LAPACK++ (Linear Algebra PACKage in C++) is a software library for numerical linear algebra that solves systems of linear equations and eigenvalue problems on high performance computer architectures
标签: numerical software Algebra PACKage
上传时间: 2014-08-16
GNU Common C++ is a very portable and highly optimized class framework for writing C++ applications that need to use threads and support concurrent sychronization, and that use sockets, XML parsing, object serialization, thread-optimized String and data structure classes, etc. This framework offers a class foundation that hides platform differences from your C++ application so that you need not write platform specific code. GNU Common C++ has been ported to compile nativily on most platforms which support either posix threads, or on maybe be used with Debian hosted mingw32 to build native threading applications for Microsoft Windows.
标签: applications framework optimized portable
上传时间: 2014-01-02
1.有三根杆子A,B,C。A杆上有若干碟子 2.每次移动一块碟子,小的只能叠在大的上面 3.把所有碟子从A杆全部移到C杆上 经过研究发现,汉诺塔的破解很简单,就是按照移动规则向一个方向移动金片: 如3阶汉诺塔的移动:A→C,A→B,C→B,A→C,B→A,B→C,A→C 此外,汉诺塔问题也是程序设计中的经典递归问题
上传时间: 2016-07-25
C Primer Plus is a conversational-style book aimed at those new to C programming. A friendly and easy-to-use self-study guide, this book will be appropriate for serious students of programming, as well as developers proficient in other languages with a desire to better understand the fundamentals of this core language.
标签: conversational-style programming friendly Primer
上传时间: 2016-08-20
上传时间: 2016-09-05
上传时间: 2013-12-18