packet DSCP tagger , can tag packets in differntial services , you can route packets from the router according to the DSCP 2 Byte tag
标签: packets differntial can services
上传时间: 2016-11-16
AVP三元组协议包, RADIUS通信的基础协议,包头为20字节,每项数据采用属性ID|长度|内容三元组形式. 可以根据HASHTABLE结构构造AVP的Byte数组,也可以根据Byte数组构建AVP包的HASHTABLE内容。
上传时间: 2013-12-27
这个源代码主要模仿了一个类似 深度操作系统安装程序中的一个软件自动安装管理器AutoIt v3,具有如下功能: 一、支持INI读取,支持 SECTION 的读取,模块modINIReader.bas支持读取Sections及key 二、支持 /auto /uninstall /del命令行参数运行 三、支持软件后台静默模式安装、支持静默卸载(当然视安装软件的参数支持) 四、支持自身删除 五、模块 modSys.bas 获取文件大小,支持kb,MB,Byte及auto 返回大小单位 六、支持高级shell调用及等待安装程序结束并返回结果 七、支持倒计时进度计时器及饼图显示 八、支持XP风格,不需要使用.manifest格式文件 九、支持系统托盘气泡提示各种安装信息等 补充:要安装的软件请放在soft文件夹中,再修改Autoss.ini文件中的安装路径。
上传时间: 2016-11-25
selects the mux channel and configures the MAX197 for second write pulse, written with ACQMOD = 0, termi- either unipolar or bipolar input range. A write pulse (WR nates acquisition and starts conversion on WR°Os risin + CS) can either start an acquisition interval or initiate a edge (Figure 6). However, if the second control Byte combined acquisition plus conversion. The sampling contains ACQMOD = 1, an indefinite acquisition interval interval occurs at the end of the acquisition interval. is restarted. The ACQMOD bit in the input control Byte offer
标签: configures the selects channel
上传时间: 2013-12-09
selects the mux channel and configures the MAX197 for second write pulse, written with ACQMOD = 0, termi- either unipolar or bipolar input range. A write pulse (WR nates acquisition and starts conversion on WR°Os risin + CS) can either start an acquisition interval or initiate a edge (Figure 6). However, if the second control Byte combined acquisition plus conversion. The sampling contains ACQMOD = 1, an indefinite acquisition interval interval occurs at the end of the acquisition interval. is restarted. The ACQMOD bit in the input control Byte offer
标签: configures the selects channel
上传时间: 2016-12-24
selects the mux channel and configures the MAX197 for second write pulse, written with ACQMOD = 0, termi- either unipolar or bipolar input range. A write pulse (WR nates acquisition and starts conversion on WR°Os risin is restarted. The ACQMOD bit in the input control Byte offer+ CS) can either start an acquisition interval or initiate a edge (Figure 6). However, if the second control Byte combined acquisition plus conversion. The sampling contains ACQMOD = 1, an indefinite acquisition interval interval occurs at the end of the acquisition interval.
标签: configures the selects channel
上传时间: 2016-12-24
en_RUPT 编码的字节操作,全部是Byte操作,将u32 拆分成Byte x[][4],实现en_RUPT 加解密算法
上传时间: 2014-01-05
程序描述:网络远端温度感测器,这个范例中使用到 (1)8051 的Port 1连接到LCD显示器,PORT 3的P3.3、P3.4和P3.5分别连接到LCD显示器的控制线,程序执行时可以让LCD显示器显示出时间和日期。 (2)温度感测组件AD590经由ADC0804将感测到的温度,转换成数位数据,然后经由PORT 0输入8051。 (3)igangcai 8051的第10和第11只脚RXD和TXD分别连线到MAX232,然后连接到PC的COM埠。 (4) 当PC端经由RS232传送S时,接下来PC送出的下 个Byte就用来设定PORT 3的输出。 (5) 当PC端经由RS232传送T时,接下来PC连续送出五个Bytes,这五个Bytes是 "年月日时分",这是 PC 用来设定实验板的时间日期。 (6) 8051每 分钟就读入ADC0804转换的数字温度数据,然后通过RS232传送给PC端,再由PC端通过网络传送到远端的电脑。*/
上传时间: 2014-01-09
Reads/writes text as a character stream, buffering characters so as to provide for the efficient reading/writing of characters, arrays, and lines. The buffer size may be specified, or the default size may be used. The default is large enough for most purposes. In general, each read request made of a Reader causes a corresponding read request to be made of the underlying character or Byte stream. It is therefore advisable to wrap a BufferedReader around any Reader whose read() operations may be costly, such as FileReaders and InputStreamReaders.
标签: characters character buffering efficient
上传时间: 2017-02-20
The Bit Array structure provides a compacted arrays of Booleans, with one bit for each Boolean value. A 0 [1] bit corresponds to the Boolean value false [true], respectively. We can look at a stream of Bytes as a stream of bits each Byte contains 8 bits, so any n Bytes hold n*8 bits. And the operation to manipulate this stream or bits array is so easy, jut read or change the bits state or make any Boolean operation on the whole bits array, like 鈥楢ND鈥? 鈥極R鈥? or 鈥榅OR鈥?
标签: structure compacted Booleans provides
上传时间: 2014-01-15