上传时间: 2014-11-30
1D FDTD simulation between free space and dielectric medium with absorbing boundary conditions,calculating the fourier transform of electric field
标签: simulation dielectric conditions absorbing
上传时间: 2016-09-24
vim7.2最新源码。Vim 7.2修正了大量bug并更新了运行时文件,最主要的新特性在于加入对脚本浮点数的支持。另外,修正了上一版中发现多个导致崩溃和威胁安全的问题。
上传时间: 2014-01-16
VB5.0与Windows API之间的呼叫技巧 取得Disk Volume Information 取得Disk Free Space与Total Space 取得Disk Driver List与各个Driver的型态 取得File 8.3之文件名称格式 如何用程序来Delete Copy Move Rename File/Directory 如何用VB建立快捷方式(ShortCut) 如何直接开启一个文件 设定Mouse 在某个固定范围 隐藏Mouse 显示、隐藏win95任务栏 建立Floating Window(Top Most的window) 建立与读取.ini文件 检查开机方式及Mouse Buttons个数 如何将整个画面暗下来,如同关机前一般 如何截取屏幕画面 如何改变桌面的图片? 如何读取 Windows 任务栏的大小及位置? 如何为 ListBox 设定水平滚动栏? 如何让 Windows(95 及 NT) 重新开机?
标签: Disk Space Information Windows
上传时间: 2013-12-18
上传时间: 2014-01-04
上传时间: 2016-10-21
Microchip MDD filesystem 1.1.2 Free filesystem from Microchip for accessing any flash filesystem storage device
标签: filesystem Microchip accessing flash
上传时间: 2013-12-18
在线查询ip所在地 bug: 1、http请求时可能有12152错误,可能是网络供应商的问题,待解决;错误时弹出"ad"消息。 2、TODO:ip格式化字符检查
上传时间: 2013-12-24
For solving the following problem: "There is No Free Lunch" Time Limit: 1 Second Memory Limit: 32768 KB One day, CYJJ found an interesting piece of commercial from newspaper: the Cyber-restaurant was offering a kind of "Lunch Special" which was said that one could "buy one get two for free". That is, if you buy one of the dishes on their menu, denoted by di with price pi , you may get the two neighboring dishes di-1 and di+1 for free! If you pick up d1, then you may get d2 and the last one dn for free, and if you choose the last one dn, you may get dn-1 and d1 for free. However, after investigation CYJJ realized that there was no free lunch at all. The price pi of the i-th dish was actually calculated by adding up twice the cost ci of the dish and half of the costs of the two "free" dishes. Now given all the prices on the menu, you are asked to help CYJJ find the cost of each of the dishes.
标签: Limit following solving problem
上传时间: 2014-01-12
免费GPS软件 Free GPS Software
上传时间: 2014-09-11