标签: 256
上传时间: 2014-01-08
一个完整的email客户端代码 Example program from Chapter 1 Programming Spiders, Bots and Aggregators in Java Copyright 2001 by Jeff Heaton SendMail is an example of client sockets. This program presents a simple dialog Box that prompts the user for information about how to send a mail.
标签: Aggregators Programming Example Chapter
上传时间: 2015-10-04
minigui实例源代码,目标板处理器是s3c2410,包括相应的配置文件。代码包括Dialog Box、Simple editor、Bitbmp disp、GDI draw等
上传时间: 2013-12-27
2005-7-13 10:03 前几天要做一个短信收发的小软件,于是按照习惯Box寻找例程和控件,可惜没有找到! 于是,大幅翁、Google!!!终于找到了好几个,不是要收费就是不能用!气愤!! 这又不是什么高新尖端科技,俺们不是做不出来,俺们只是秉承RAD的精神而已! 于是这个短消息控件诞生了!虽然还很简陋,起码胳膊腿都有了,剩下就看它怎么跑了! 使用标准AT指令 现在只能支持PDU模式(Text模式太简陋)! 支持7_Bit 和 UCS2 编码 集成了串口(spcomm) 只需要简单的配置几个参数就可以收发短信了
上传时间: 2015-12-19
这是一个7"LCD 液晶屏显示器,通过一个Box(如压缩包图)转接,使此显示器多达三个信号输入源。其中AV1、AV2接DVD信号,另外一个接倒车摄像头视频信号。而且此显示器系统具有自动视频切换功能,即当显示器在播放DVD视频且汽车倒车时,显示器会自动切换到倒车视频。
上传时间: 2016-01-08
Abstract The Lucene Server project is an attempt to extend the Jakarta Lucene tool with server capabilities. Lucene is a robust Java API that enables you creating indexes from text sources and perform powerful searches on these indexes. With Lucene, creating an index must be done programmatically and there are almost no possibilities of integrating index management in a distributed environment. In other words, out of the Box, Lucene is suitable for integrating indexing and searching possibilities in a single application but not for providing index/search services for multiple applications. The Lucene Server project comes with a Java API that propose the following make it easy to create indexes in a declarative way by simply providing an XML configuration document. make it easy to personalize the way Lucene must handle different kind of data sources. provide services for index management and searching that can be accessed from several applications. enable batch tasks scheduling.
标签: Lucene Abstract Jakarta project
上传时间: 2016-01-10
极易使用的SQL数据库操作控件 Ver 1.0 一个很容易使用的SQL服务器操作控件,体积小巧,方便使用,摆脱你挣扎在大堆代码中的苦恼,操作SQL数据库仅需要几句代码,易如反掌,主要功能有: 1. 很方便的登录到 SQL 服务器,支持SQL7.0 2000更高版本 2. 备份,修复和还原数据库操作 3. 任意添加和删除数据库操作 4. 任意控制SQL服务器操作 (如启动,停止,暂停和继续等) 5. 检查服务器运行状态 (如是否启动,停止或者暂停等状态) 5. 检查服务器连接状态,如服务器没有激活等 6. 自动列表服务器中数据库,列表数据表,列表字段,并支持绑定到LietBox,ComBox等对象中 7. 支持SQL语法打开数据库 (类似 select) 8. 保存任意文件到二进制类型的字段,如图片,文件等 9. 显示数据库中的图片文件到指定图片控件对象中 10. 把数据库的二进制字段保存为一个文件,如图片,文本文件等 11. 检查记录游标位置,如是否末尾 12. 查找任意记录更方便 13. 添加,编辑t,更新和删除记录更方便 14. 支持绑定数据库字段到 VB对象 (如 Text Box 或者 Label) 15. 方便的绑定数据库的表到 MSFLEXGRID32 网格控件 16. 方便容易的错误处理功能,均返回错误号和错误内容 (非运行时和设计时错误.
上传时间: 2014-02-11
hanks for downloading this code. This VB Project shows you how to make forms with "rounded rectangle" shape. It also shows you how you can reduce the size of your programs with a GUI by using blocks of images and absolutely positioning and stretching them to create a dialog Box, rather than making the whole dialog Box in a graphics program and setting it as the Picture property of the Form. Another advantage of using image blocks is that you can resize this form to virtually any size and the effect will still be the same.
标签: downloading rectangle Project rounded
上传时间: 2013-12-13
Intro/: Directory containing introductory examples. HelloWorld.c A simple program that draws a Box and writes "Hello World" in HelloWorld.f it. data The data file for the introductory progressive example. Lines.c Reads the data from file "data" and plots just the curve with Lines.f no labels, viewport or anything indicating quantity or units. Viewport.c Restricts the graph to a viewport and frames the viewport, Viewport.f leaving the remainder of the area for labels, etc. CharLbls.c Adds labels for the chart title, X-axis title, and Y-axis CharLbls.f title. Tics.c Adds tic marks to the viewport edges, but since clipping was Tics.f not set correctly, tics extend outside the viewport. Clip.c Sets clipping such that tic marks are clipped at the viewport Clip.f boundaries. TicLabels.c Adds numeric tic labels to the graph this is the final TicLabels.f installment of the progressive example.
标签: introductory HelloWorld containing Directory
上传时间: 2016-03-29
A Tutorial on Principal Component Analysis.Principal component analysis (PCA) is a mainstay of modern data analysis - a black Box that is widely used but poorly understood. The goal of this paper is to dispel the magic behind this black Box.
标签: Principal Component component Tutorial
上传时间: 2016-04-14