基于DSP28035的高速永磁无刷直流电机驱动系统,包括论文和软硬设计资料。摘要参赛作品为基于DSP28035的高速永磁无刷直流电机驱动系统。该系统以一台额定转速60 krpm的高速永磁无刷直流电机、交错并联的Buck电路以及全桥电路为硬件平台,以DSP28035为控制核心,实现了调压调速功能和基于坐标变换的无位置传感器新技术。为实现该系统要求,本作品充分利用了DSP28035的资源例如:CLA模块,模拟比较器、HPWM模块以及AD转换模块等。AbstractThis work is the drive system for a high speed permanent magnet burshless dc motor based on DSP28035. The hardware platform consists of a BLDC motor(rated speed is 60000rpm), a Buck circuit and an inverter. Under the control of DSP28035, this system can achieve the goal of adjusting the motor’s speed with voltage and the function of sensorless control based on the coordinate transformation. By making full use of resources of the core, such as CLA, analog comparator, HPWM and AD converters, the whole system can meet the requirements.1 引言高速永磁无刷直流电机驱动系统由于基波频率较高(一般在1kHZ以上),利用逆变桥斩波进行调速的控制方式通常会受到开关管开关频率的限制,因此该系统多采用三相全桥前级加Buck电路进承担调压调速的功能,而三相全桥主要承担逻辑换相的功能。然而,传统Buck电路所需电感的体积较大,增加了系统的体积,降低了系统的功率密度。
上传时间: 2022-05-08
This manual documents the Microcontroller profile of version 7 of the ARM® Architecture, the ARMv7-M architecture profile. For short definitions of all the ARMv7 profiles see About the ARMv7 architecture, and architecture profiles on page A1-20.ARMv7 is documented as a set of architecture profiles. The profiles are defined as follows: ARMv7-A The application profile for systems supporting the ARM and Thumb instruction sets, and requiring virtual address support in the memory management model. ARMv7-R The realtime profile for systems supporting the ARM and Thumb instruction sets, and requiring physical address only support in the memory management model ARMv7-M The microcontroller profile for systems supporting only the Thumb instruction set, and where overall size and deterministic operation for an implementation are more important than absolute performance. While profiles were formally introduced with the ARMv7 development, the A-profile and R-profile have implicitly existed in earlier versions, associated with the Virtual Memory System Architecture (VMSA) and Protected Memory System Architecture (PMSA) respectively.
标签: arm
上传时间: 2022-06-02
The information disclosed to you hereunder (the Materials ) is provided solely for the selection and use of Xilinx products. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law: (1) Materials are made available"AS IS"and with all faults, Xilinx hereby DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR ST ATUTORY, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY NON-INFRINGEMENT, OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE; and (2) Xilinx shall not be liable (whether in contract or tort. includina nealigence. or under anv other theorv of liabilitv) for any loss or damage of any kind or nature related to, arising under, or in connection with, the Materials (including vour use of the Materials), including for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential loss or damage (including loss of data, profits, qoodwill, or any type of loss or damage suffered as a result of anv action brought by a third party)
上传时间: 2022-06-18
Spartane-6 LXand LXT FPGAs are available in various speed grades, with -3 having the highest performance. The DC and AC electrical parameters of the Automotive XA Spartan-6 FPGAs and Defense-grade Spartan-6Q FPGAs devices are equivalent to the commercial specifications except where noted. The timing characteristics of the commercial(XC)-2 speed grade industrial device are the same as for a-2 speed grade commercial device. The -2Q and -3Q speed grades are exclusively for the expanded(Q) temperature range. The timing characteristics are equivalent to those shown for the-2 and-3speed grades for the Automotive and Defense-grade devices.Spartan-6 FPGA DC and AC characteristics are specified for commercial (C), industrial (), and expanded (Q) temperature ranges. Only selected speed grades and/or devices might be available in the industrial or expanded temperature ranges for Automotive and Defense-grade devices.
上传时间: 2022-06-19
le flows through MOS channel while Ih flows across PNP transistor Ih= a/(1-a) le, IE-le+lh=1/(1-a)' le Since IGBT has a long base PNP, a is mainly determined by ar si0 2ar= 1/cosh(1/La), La: ambipolar diff length a-0.5 (typical value)p MOSFET channel current (saturation), le=U"Cox"W(2"Lch)"(Vc-Vth)le Thus, saturated collector current Ic, sat=1/(1-a)"le=-1/(1-a)"UCox"W/(2Lch)"(Vo-Vth)2Also, transconductance gm, gm= 1/(1-a)"u' Cox W/Lch*(Vo-Vth)Turn-On1. Inversion layer is formed when Vge>Vth2. Apply positive collector bias, +Vce3. Electrons flow from N+ emitter to N-drift layer providing the base current for the PNP transistor4. Since J1 is forward blased, hole carriers are injected from the collector (acts as an emitter).5. Injected hole carriers exceed the doping level of N-drift region (conductivity modulation). Turn-Off1. Remove gate bias (discharge gate)2. Cut off electron current (base current, le, of pnp transistor)
标签: igbt
上传时间: 2022-06-20
INTRODUCTION In the past, adding speech recording and playback capability to a product meant using a digital signal processor or a specialized audio chip. Now, using a simplified Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation(ADPCM) algorithm, these audio capabilities can be added to any PICmicro device. This application note will cover the ADPCM compression and decompression algorithms, performance comparison of all PICmicro devices, and an application using a PIC16C72 micro-controller.DEFINITION OF TERMS step size -value of the step used for quantization of ana-log signals and inverse quantization of a number of steps.quantization -the digital form of an analog input signal is represented by a finite number of steps.adaptive quantization -the step size of a quantizer is dramatically changed with time in order to adapt to a changing input signal.inverse quantizer -a finite number of steps is converted into a digital representation of an analog signal.
上传时间: 2022-06-20
通讯工具FTPLINK的源代码,适用于文曲星与电脑间的串口通讯。原作者为L-Communication FTPLINK the source code for Wenquxing from the c
标签: ftplink
上传时间: 2013-04-24
详细介绍了VC下利用WINDOWS API函数来实现与符合HID设备类的USB接口通信,并给出了通信程序的部分源代码-details of VC using Windows API function
上传时间: 2013-07-13
The new demoboard set for the NE/SE564 provides the capabilityfor demonstrating three different
上传时间: 2013-04-24
微弱信号检测装置 四川理工学院 刘鹏飞、梁天德、曾学明 摘要: 本设计以TI的Launch Pad为核心板,采用锁相放大技术设计并制作了一套微弱信号检测装置,用以检测在强噪声背景下已知频率微弱正弦波信号的幅度值,并在液晶屏上数字显示出所测信号相应的幅度值。实验结果显示其抗干扰能力强,测量精度高。 关键词:强噪声;微弱信号;锁相放大;Launch Pad Abstract: This design is based on the Launch Pad of TI core board, using a lock-in amplifier technique designed and produced a weak signal detection device, to measure the known frequency sine wave signal amplitude values of the weak in the high noise background, and shows the measured signal amplitude of the corresponding value in the liquid crystal screen. Test results showed that it has high accuracy and strong anti-jamming capability. Keywords: weak signal detection; lock-in-amplifier; Launch Pad 1、引言 随着现代科学技术的发展,在科研与生产过程中人们越来越需要从复杂高强度的噪声中检测出有用的微弱信号,因此对微弱信号的检测成为当前科研的热点。微弱信号并不意味着信号幅度小,而是指被噪声淹没的信号,“微弱”也仅是相对于噪声而言的。只有在有效抑制噪声的条件下有选择的放大微弱信号的幅度,才能提取出有用信号。微弱信号检测技术的应用相当广泛,在生物医学、光学、电学、材料科学等相关领域显得愈发重要。 2、方案论证 针对微弱信号的检测的方法有很多,比如滤波法、取样积分器、锁相放大器等。下面就针对这几种方法做一简要说明。 方案一:滤波法。 在大部分的检测仪器中都要用到滤波方法对模拟信号进行一定的处理,例如隔离直流分量,改善信号波形,防止离散化时的波形混叠,克服噪声的不利影响,提高信噪比等。常用的噪声滤波器有:带通、带阻、高通、低通等。但是滤波方法检测信号不能用于信号频谱与噪声频谱重叠的情况,有其局限性。虽然可以对滤波器的通频带进行调节,但其噪声抑制能力有限,同时其准确性与稳定性将大打折扣。
上传时间: 2013-11-04