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  • 基于AVR单片机的闭环控制系统

      针对科研实验中对拉压千斤顶加载过程控制的需要,采用ATmega128单片机控制步进电机进而实现对执行系统的电动泵站实行自动控制。对力和位移的数据采集与处理及用步进电机控制电动泵站手柄的技术细节作了重点描述。通过单片机的A/D变换器对AMP放大模块采集的电桥信号作量化处理,千斤顶的操控手柄位置依电动油泵阀门开启的方向和大小作若干定位,单片机根据力或位移传感器信号,实时控制步进电机驱动手柄旋转到相应操控位置。   Abstract:   This article describes the use of ATmega128 AVR microcontroller series of DBS electric pumping stations and QF100/200 separate twoway hydraulic jack to automate the process of manipulating the work of the technical content. Articles on force and displacement data acquisition and processing, and stepper motor control electric pump with the handle of the key technical details were described. Through the MCU’s A / D converter module is collected on the AMP amplification quantify the signal bridge, jack handle position control valve opening according to the direction of electric pumps for a number of positioning and size of the microcontroller based on force or displacement sensor signals, real-time control stepper motor drive control handle rotate to the appropriate location.  

    标签: AVR 单片机 闭环控制

    上传时间: 2014-01-16


  • Atmel AT89C系列单片机电路板设计指南

    Designing Boards with Atmel AT89C51,AT89C52, AT89C1051, and AT89C2051 for Writing Flash at In-Circuit Test. Recent improvements in chips and testers have made it possible for the tester to begin taking over the role tradi-tionally assigned to the PROM program-mer. Instead of having a PROM pro- grammer write nonvolatile memories before assembling the board, the in-cir- cuit tester writes them during in-circuit testing operations. Many Teradyne Z18- series testers are now in use loading code into nonvolatile memories, micro- controllers and in-circuit programmable logic devices. The purpose of this note is to explain how the Z18 approaches the writing task for Atmel AT89C series IC’s, so that designers of boards using these chips can get the best results.  

    标签: Atmel 89C AT 89

    上传时间: 2013-11-17


  • 基于AT89S52的汉字显示屏的设计

    介绍了一种基于AT89S52微处理器、键控显示模式、多汉字显示的显示模块设计方法。对AT89S52的内部功能及使用高128字节RAM时的寻址方式进行说明。给出了四汉字显示模块的硬件电路原理图、主程序流程图以及中断显示流程图。 Abstract:  The design method of display module base on the AT89S52 microcontroller,display mode controlled by keyboard and? showing several Chinese characterses are introduced in the paper.The internal function and the addressing mode for the high 128B RAM of the AT89S52 are explained.The basic circuit diagram,the main program flow chart and the display interrupt flow chart of four Chinese characterses display module are also given.

    标签: 89S S52 AT 89

    上传时间: 2014-01-23


  • 基于AVR单片机的USB接口设计

    以AVR单片机ATmega8和USB接口器件PDIUSBD12为核心,基于标准的USB1.1协议,设计一种通用USB接口模块,以满足嵌入式系统中对USB接口的需求。对模块的硬件电路或单片机固件程序的硬件接口层稍加修改即可用于其他各种微处理器。该模块可为各种嵌入式系统增加USB接口,实现与USB主机系统通信。 Abstract:  Based on AVR microcontroller ATmega8 and USB interface chip PDIUSBD12, a general USB interface module is designed according to USB1.1 protocol for various requirements of embedded systems. Only with few modifications in circuit or hardware abstract layer of firmware, the module can be used on many types of microprocessors. All kinds of embedded systems can realize high speed and stable communication with USB host systems, owing to the facility of this module.

    标签: AVR USB 单片机 接口设计

    上传时间: 2014-01-08


  • 基于STC12C5408AD的记忆示波器

    主要介绍构成记忆示波器的STC12C5408AD增强型单片机8通道10位模数转换功能的设置、应用和具体的汇编程序设计,以及PC机串行通讯和图形显示的高速汇编程序的设计要点,并列举实例说明其应用效果。 Abstract:  The configuration, applications and the designs for? compiling program of the memorial oscillograph of 10 bits A/D conversation are introduced. It’s bases on STC12C5408AD 8? channels? single-chip? computer? in? enhancement? mode. It also recommends the devising essentials of high speed compiling program for PC serial communication and graphics display, lists examples to explain its effects in using.

    标签: C5408 5408 STC 12C

    上传时间: 2013-10-10


  • 基于ROM单片机的汉字输入法的实现

    在需要实时大量输入汉字的显示控制处理应用中,利用传统单片机实现显示控制的设计方法是较难实现的。带汉字字库的液晶模块的使用使得小容量ROM单片机的大量汉字信息输入与显示成为可能。提出了针对汉字字库编码的二级索引拼音输入检索方法,介绍了以ST7920作为控制器的带汉字字库的液晶显示模块的接口方法及汉字显示和控制原理,给出了通用计算机键盘在单片机中的串行接口,采用该技术可大大增强单片机的汉字输入功能。为小容量ROM单片机的大批量汉字信息处理提供了一种汉字输入解决方案。 Abstract:  It is difficult to realize Chinese characters input method based on the embedded system by using the traditional design method of display control. It is possible to input and display Chinese characters based on the embedded system with the ROM of small content by using the LCD module with Chinese characters.Chinese characters input method of the quadric index recall in allusion to Chinese characters code is brought forward.The interface and the principle of Chinese characters display control based on the LCD module controlled with the ST7920 is introduced too.The serial interface of the computer keyboard in common use and the embedded system is given at the same time. It can enhance the embedded system function of Chinese characters input by using this technology, and provide a kind of Chinese characters input scheme for the embedded system with small capacity ROM.

    标签: ROM 单片机 汉字输入法

    上传时间: 2013-11-19


  • 基于MSP430单片机和DS18B20的数字温度计

    为了在工业生产及过程控制中准确测量温度,设计了一种基于低功耗MSP430单片机的数字温度计。整个系统通过单片机MSP430F1121A控制DS18B20读取温度,采用数码管显示,温度传感器DS18B20与单片机之间通过串口进行数据传输。MSP430系列单片机具有超低功耗,且外围的整合性高,DS18B20只需一个端口即可实现数据通信,连接方便。通过多次实验证明,该系统的测试结果与实际环境温度一致,除了具有接口电路简单、测量精度高、误差小、可靠性高等特点外,其低成本、低功耗的特点使其拥有更广阔的应用前景。 Abstract:  In order to obtain accurate measuring temperature in industrial production and process control, a digital thermometer based on MSP430 MCU is designed. The system uses MSP430F1121A MCU to control DS18B20, and gets the temperature data, which is displayed on the LED. The temperature sensor DS18B20 and MCU transmit data through serial communication. MSP430 series has ultra-low power and high integration, DS18B20 only needs one port to achieve data communication. Through many experimental results prove, this system is consistent with actual environment temperature. The system has characteristics of interface circuit simple, high measuring accuracy, minor error, high reliability, besides, the characteristics of low cost and low power make it having vaster application prospect.

    标签: MSP 430 18B B20

    上传时间: 2013-10-16


  • SN65LBC170,SN75LBC170,pdf(TRIP

    The SN65LBC170 and SN75LBC170 aremonolithic integrated circuits designed forbidirectional data communication on multipointbus-transmission lines. Potential applicationsinclude serial or parallel data transmission, cabledperipheral buses with twin axial, ribbon, ortwisted-pair cabling. These devices are suitablefor FAST-20 SCSI and can transmit or receivedata pulses as short as 25 ns, with skew lessthan 3 ns.These devices combine three 3-state differentialline drivers and three differential input linereceivers, all of which operate from a single 5-Vpower supply.The driver differential outputs and the receiverdifferential inputs are connected internally to formthree differential input/output (I/O) bus ports thatare designed to offer minimum loading to the buswhenever the driver is disabled or VCC = 0. Theseports feature a wide common-mode voltage rangemaking the device suitable for party-lineapplications over long cable runs.

    标签: 170 LBC SN TRIP

    上传时间: 2013-10-13


  • lpc2478完全使用手册

    NXP Semiconductor designed the LPC2400 microcontrollers around a 16-bit/32-bitARM7TDMI-S CPU core with real-time debug interfaces that include both JTAG andembedded Trace. The LPC2400 microcontrollers have 512 kB of on-chip high-speedFlash memory. This Flash memory includes a special 128-bit wide memory interface andaccelerator architecture that enables the CPU to execute sequential instructions fromFlash memory at the maximum 72 MHz system clock rate. This feature is available onlyon the LPC2000 ARM Microcontroller family of products. The LPC2400 can execute both32-bit ARM and 16-bit Thumb instructions. Support for the two Instruction Sets meansEngineers can choose to optimize their application for either performance or code size atthe sub-routine level. When the core executes instructions in Thumb state it can reducecode size by more than 30 % with only a small loss in performance while executinginstructions in ARM state maximizes core performance.

    标签: 2478 lpc 使用手册

    上传时间: 2013-11-15


  • PROTEUS VSM在单片机系统仿真中的应用

    PROTEUS VSM在单片机系统仿真中的应用::介绍了单片机系统仿真工具PROTEUS VSM 及其在单片机系统仿真中的应用,给出了具体的应用实例,详细地介绍了PROTEUS VSM 与Keil uVision3的接口方法。关键词:单片机;Keil uVision3;仿真;外围器件;PROTEUS VSM; Abstract:This paper introduces the simulation tool for M CU system —PROTEUS VSM , and presents the application ofPROTEUS VSM in MCU system simulation through an applicable example.The way of interfacing PROTEUS VSM to Keil uVision3is also presented in details.Keywords:MCU ;Keil uVision3;simulation;peripheral devices;PROTEUS VSM ;

    标签: PROTEUS VSM 单片机 中的应用

    上传时间: 2013-11-16
