This Application Note describes the steps that are required to install and use the Keil Monitor-51 on a user specific hardware. The Keil Monitor-51 allows you to connect your 8051 hardware to the μVision2 Debugger. You can use the powerful debugging interface to test application programs in your target hardware.
标签: Application describes the required
上传时间: 2013-12-03
在模式识别应用中,用分支定界法(branch-and-board method)进行特征的选择。该程序在matlab环境下实现了该算法,以从六个特征中选择两个最佳特征为例
标签: 模式识别
上传时间: 2014-01-09
The FM24C256/C256L/C256LZ devices are 256 Kbits CMOS nonvolatile electrically erasable memory. These devices offer the designer different low voltage and low power options. They conform to all requirements in the Extended IIC 2-wire protocol. Furthermore, they are designed to minimize device pin count and simplify PC board layout requirements.
标签: 256 electrically nonvolatile erasable
上传时间: 2016-12-11
The TMS320LF240xA and TMS320LC240xA devices, new members of the TMS320C24x generation of digital signal processor (DSP) controllers, are part of the TMS320C2000 platform of fixed-point DSPs. The 240xA devices offer the enhanced TMS320 DSP architectural design of the C2xx core CPU for low-cost, low-power, and high-performance processing capabilities. Several advanced peripherals, optimized for digital motor and motion control applications, have been integrated to provide a true single-chip DSP controller. While code-compatible with the existing C24x DSP controller devices, the 240xA offers increased processing performance (40 MIPS) and a higher level of peripheral integration. See the TMS320x240xA Device Summary section for device-specific features.
标签: TMS 320 generation 240
上传时间: 2013-12-16
The exercise should be finished in English. 2. According to Prof. Zhang s requirement, this exercise mainly focuses on the BER performance of some wireless communication system using specific coding and modulation type through the AWGN channel. Signal-to-Noise ration (SNR) varies from 5dB to 20dB.
标签: requirement According exercise finished
上传时间: 2014-01-06
CAN1.c and CAN2.c are a simple example of configuring a CAN network to transmit and receive data on a CAN network, and how to move information to and from CAN RAM message objects. Each C8051F040-TB CAN node is configured to send a message when it s P3.7 button is depressed/released, with a 0x11 to indicate the button is pushed, and 0x00 when released. Each node also has a message object configured to receive messages. The C8051 tests the received data and will turn on/off the target board s LED. When one target is loaded with CAN2.c and the other is loaded with CAN1.c, one target board s push-button will control the other target board s LED, establishing a simple control link via the CAN bus and can be observed directly on the target boards.
标签: CAN configuring and transmit
上传时间: 2013-12-11
isual Chat 1.91 Developer Edition - Customize the Visual Chat code regarding your own requirements - Use customchatdev.html for developing / testing - Create .jar and .cab-files containing client-specific .class-files and the images-folder (use zip and cabarc compressing tools) - Adapt the customchat.html file - Upload all the files to your webserver - Start the ChatServer by invoking java [port [server-key]] from your commandline - I kindly ask you to leave copyright and credit information in the InfoPanel.class as it is - but you are invited to add your own text. In case of violations I will consider excluding this class from the source in the future.
标签: Chat requirement Developer Customize
上传时间: 2017-01-27
上传时间: 2017-01-31
LXI Standards Documents are developed within the LXI Consortium and LXI Technical Working Groups sponsored by the LXI Consortium Board of Directors. The LXI Consortium develops its standards through a consensus development process modeled after the American National Standards Institute, which brings together volunteers representing varied viewpoints and interests to achieve the final product. Volunteers are not necessarily members of the Consortium and serve without compensation. While the LXI Consortium administers the process and establishes rules to promote fairness in the consensus development process, the LXI Consortium does not exhaustively evaluate, test, or verify the accuracy of any of the information contained in its standards.
标签: LXI Consortium Documents Standards
上传时间: 2013-12-23
Linux Home Server 是专门为家庭和SOHO/SMB 设计的高性价比的ISCSI 存储服务器, 具有如下的特色: 强大的iscsi 存储服务器软件; 混合iscsi 和NAS 服务; Free, 基于Linux; LHS-200 的编译使用openwrt 框架,需要先下载并配置openwrt 开发环境 从openwrt 的开发站点, 下载最新的开发分枝,并下载到本地 svn co 为方便起见,建议下载所有的可选包,后面要用到 svn co 从公司网站 或者 下载 LHS-200 的最新源代码并解压缩,源代码中包含两个目录和一个README文件,按README文件的要求,拷贝下列包到trunk/package 目录 libs/libiconv net/samba3 utils/pciutils net/wget net/ctorrent libs/uclibc++ 然后从解压缩的源代码中分别拷贝目录modified 和lhstoolfix中的内容到trunk 目录 至此,就可以象通常的openwrt 项目一样进行编译, Target System 选 "RDC 321x", Target Profile 选 "R3210 based linux home server board"
上传时间: 2017-02-09