A collection of interface applications between various microprocessors/ controllers and the LTC1090 family of data acquisition systems. The note is divided into sections specific to each interface.
上传时间: 2013-11-08
基本的编辑工具(GENERAL EDITING FACILITIES) 对象放置(Object Placement) ISIS支持多种类型的对象,每一类型对象的具体作用和功能将在下一章给出。虽然类型不同,但放置对象的基本步骤都是一样的。 放置对象的步骤如下(To place an object:) 1.根据对象的类别在工具箱选择相应模式的图标(mode icon)。 2. Select the sub-mode icon for the specific type of object. 2、根据对象的具体类型选择子模式图标(sub-mode icon)。 3、如果对象类型是元件、端点、管脚、图形、符号或标记,从选择器里(selector)选择你想要的对象的名字。对于元件、端点、管脚和符号,可能首先需要从库中调出。 4、如果对象是有方向的,将会在预览窗口显示出来,你可以通过点击旋转和镜象图标来调整对象的朝向。 5、最后,指向编辑窗口并点击鼠标左键放置对象。对于不同的对象,确切的步骤可能略有不同,但你会发现和其它的图形编辑软件是类似的,而且很直观。 选中对象(Tagging an Object) 用鼠标指向对象并点击右键可以选中该对象。该操作选中对象并使其高亮显示,然后可以进行编辑。
上传时间: 2013-11-09
superpro 3000u 驱动 PIC16C65B@QFP44 [SA245] PIC16C65B: Part number QFP44: Package in QFP44 SA245: Adapter purchase number AM29DL320GT@FBGA48 [SA642+B026] AM29DL320GT: Part number FBGA48: Package in FBGA48 SA642: Adapter purchase number (Top board with socket) B026: Adapter purchase number (Bottom board, exchangable for different parts) 87C196CA@PLCC68(universal adapter) [PEP+S414T] 87C196CA: Part number PLCC68: Package in PLCC68 universal adapter: this adapter is valid for all parts in this package PEP: The PEP (Pin-driver Expansion Pack necessary to work with the adapter S414T) S414T: Adapter purchase number (Universal for all parts in this package) S71PL127J80B@FBGA64(special adapter) [(SA642A-B079A-Y096AF001)] S71PL127J80B: Part number FBGA64: Package in FBGA64 special adapter: this adapter is valid for this
上传时间: 2014-03-27
ERWIN绝好的数据库建模工具,可以把数据模型导入数据库如sql server foxpro等这里是方法指南更多内容可以去http://erwin.softwarechn.com/_script/showfull.asp?Board=method&Tabname=erwin
标签: softwarechn server foxpro script
上传时间: 2013-12-06
重写了微软提供SQLHelper(共用的数据库调用接口) 1把SqlHelper的connectionString做成一个全局量,统一设置数据库连接字符串 2增加了返回特定表名的DataSet的各接口。 可在项目的config文件设置数据库连接字符串 private static string connectionString = System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["ConnectionString"] <!-- application specific settings --> <appSettings> <add key="ConnectionString" value="packet size=4096 user id=sa data source=localhost persist security info=True initial catalog=NorthWind password= "/> </appSettings> 当然可以把数据库连接方法修改后直接用。
标签: connectionString SQLHelper SqlHelper 微软
上传时间: 2013-12-12
1.此代码在SDT2.51下调试通过,可以在我的板子ARM DEVELOP BOARD V1.0上面跑!其上电以后LED会闪烁一下,接着串口0会输出一些系统信息 可以通过串口终端与系统交互,可以测试320X240 STN LCD,包括图形显示函数,ascii字符显示函数。
上传时间: 2015-02-18
Lachesis an IRCRPG combat engine written in a combination of C and C++. The combat engine is being written for a specific RPG, but most of the project should be useful to IRCRPGs in general. It includes a native interface to the IRC protocol to allow it to act as an IRC bot, for such uses as dice rolling and acting as a remote-controlled client (RPG NPC perhaps).
标签: combat engine combination Lachesis
上传时间: 2014-01-26
OXCC is a multipass, interpreting C compiler with several language extensions. It generates an Architecture Neutral Format (ANF) output and comes with a couple of example back ends. Programmers are expected to write additional back ends for their specific needs.
标签: interpreting extensions generates multipass
上传时间: 2015-04-12
USB通信具有快速,热插拔的特性,可以广泛的应用到与计算机通信的地方。本示例是计算机通过USB总线,控制单片机对I2C E2PROM进行读写操作。下位机电路主要采用广州周立功单片机发展有限公司推出的USB Smart Board,外挂一个24系列的E2PROM。
上传时间: 2013-12-02
LPC2148 USB Audio Device Example This USB example project implements an USB Audio Device that connects via the USB interface to the PC. It may be used on the following devices: LPC2141 LPC2142 LPC2144 LPC2146 LPC2148 An USB Audio Device (HID) does not require any special USB driver, since the USB Audio support is already built into Windows 2000 and Windows XP. Therefore USB Audio devices can be directly connected to the computer. This example project is designed to work with Keil MCB2140 Evaluation Board. Refer to Running USBAudio for information on how to operate this example project.
标签: Device USB Audio implements
上传时间: 2015-04-16