In this demo, I use the EM algorithm with a Rauch-Tung-Striebel smoother and an M step, which I ve recently derived, to train a two-layer perceptron, so as to classify medical data (kindly provided by Steve Roberts and Will Penny from EE, Imperial College). The data and simulations are described in: Nando de Freitas, Mahesan Niranjan and Andrew Gee Nonlinear State Space Estimation with Neural Networks and the EM algorithm After downloading the file, type "tar -xf EMdemo.tar" to uncompress it. This creates the directory EMdemo containing the required m files. Go to this directory, load matlab5 and type "EMtremor". The figures will then show you the simulation results, including ROC curves, likelihood plots, decision boundaries with error bars, etc. WARNING: Do make sure that you monitor the log-likelihood and check that it is increasing. Due to numerical errors, it might show glitches for some data sets.
标签: Rauch-Tung-Striebel algorithm smoother which
上传时间: 2016-04-15
This manual describes Freescale’s IEEE™ 802.15.4 Standard compliant MAC/PHY software. The Freescale 802.15.4 MAC/PHY software is designed for use with the Freescale MC1319x and MC1320x, family of short range, low power, 2.4 GHz Industrial, Scientific, and Medical (ISM) band transceivers, designed for use with the HCS08 Family of MCUs. The MAC/PHY software also works with the MC1321x family of short range, low power, 2.4 GHz ISM band transceivers that incorporate a low power 2.4 GHz radio frequency transceiver and an 8-bit microcontroller into a single LGA package. Throughout this manual, the term transceiver refers to either the MC1319x, MC1320x, or the internal counterpart inside the MC1321x System in a Package (SiP).
标签: Freescale describes compliant Standard
上传时间: 2016-04-17
mips命令集详解,the mips32 instruction set and instruction bit encodings
上传时间: 2016-04-23
This example provides a description of how to use a DMA channel to transfer a word data buffer from memory (Flash) to memory (RAM). The dedicated DMA channel is configured to transfer once a time a 32 word data buffer stored as constant in the Flash memory to another buffer in the RAM memory. The received data are stored in the DST_Buffer. The DMA channel transfer complete interrupt is enabled to generate an interrupt at the end of the buffer transfer. As soon as the transfer is completed an interrupt is generated and in the DMA channel interrupt routine the transfer complete interrupt pending bit is cleared. The data counter is stored before and after the transfer to show that all data has been transfered. TransferStatus gives the data transfer status where it is PASSED if transmitted and received data are the same otherwise it is FAILED
标签: description provides transfer example
上传时间: 2016-04-24
12864液晶原程序.#include <reg52.h> #include <intrins.h> typedef unsigned char BYTE typedef bit BOOL sbit rs=P2^0 sbit rw=P2^1 sbit e =P2^2 BYTE code dis[]={""} delay(BYTE ms) {
标签: include unsigned intrins typedef
上传时间: 2016-04-25
基于BP神经网络的 参数自学习控制 (1)确定BP网络的结构,即确定输入层节点数M和隐含层节点数Q,并给出各层加权系数的初值 和 ,选定学习速率 和惯性系数 ,此时k=1; (2)采样得到rin(k)和yout(k),计算该时刻误差error(k)=rin(k)-yout(k); (3)计算神经网络NN各层神经元的输入、输出,NN输出层的输出即为PID控制器的三个可调参数 , , ; (4)根据(3.34)计算PID控制器的输出u(k); (5)进行神经网络学习,在线调整加权系数 和 ,实现PID控制参数的自适应调整; (6)置k=k+1,返回(1)。
上传时间: 2016-04-26
runs Kalman-Bucy filter over observations matrix Z for 1-step prediction onto matrix X (X can = Z) with model order p V = initial covariance of observation sequence noise returns model parameter estimation sequence A, sequence of predicted outcomes y_pred and error matrix Ey (reshaped) for y and Ea for a along with inovation prob P = P(y_t | D_t-1) = evidence
标签: matrix observations Kalman-Bucy prediction
上传时间: 2016-04-28
KMEANS Trains a k means cluster model.CENTRES = KMEANS(CENTRES, DATA, OPTIONS) uses the batch K-means algorithm to set the centres of a cluster model. The matrix DATA represents the data which is being clustered, with each row corresponding to a vector. The sum of squares error function is used. The point at which a local minimum is achieved is returned as CENTRES.
上传时间: 2014-01-07
C-编译器的设计文档与源代码下载,1. 具有比较友好的GUI界面(仿照了我自己正在用的emacs); 2. 语法支持比较全面(毕竟是C-,语法还是不多的); 3. Error Recovery;
上传时间: 2014-07-03
vhdl编写,8b—10b 编解码器设计 Encoder: 8b/10b Encoder (file: 8b10b_enc.vhd) Synchronous clocked inputs (latched on each clock rising edge) 8-bit parallel unencoded data input KI input selects data or control encoding Asynchronous active high reset initializes all logic Encoded data output 10-bit parallel encoded output valid 1 clock later Decoder: 8b/10b Decoder (file: 8b10b_dec.vhd) Synchronous clocked inputs (latched on each clock rising edge) 10-bit parallel encoded data input Asynchronous active high reset initializes all logic Decoded data, disparity and KO outputs 8-bit parallel unencoded output valid 1 clock later
上传时间: 2016-05-05