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  • 确定任务参数的温度记录仪

    Logger iButton devices have gained a lot of popularity with researchers. Although free evaluation software is easy to use and welldocumented, the choices and inputs that need to be made can sometimes be challenging. This application note explains technicalterms that are common with temperature logger iButtons and how they relate to each other. Additionally, it presents an algorithm tohelp users choose the necessary input parameters, including the sample rate based on a user's needs and the available memory tostore the data.

    标签: 参数 温度记录仪

    上传时间: 2013-11-16


  • XAPP713 -Virtex-4 RocketIO误码率测试器

      The data plane of the reference design consists of a configurable multi-channel XBERT modulethat generates and checks high-speed serial data transmitted and received by the MGTs. Eachchannel in the XBERT module consists of two MGTs (MGTA and MGTB), which physicallyoccupy one MGT tile in the Virtex-4 FPGA. Each MGT has its own pattern checker, but bothMGTs in a channel share the same pattern generator. Each channel can load a differentpattern. The MGT serial rate depends on the reference clock frequency and the internal PMAdivider settings. The reference design can be scaled anywhere from one channel (two MGTs)to twelve channels (twenty-four MGTs).

    标签: RocketIO Virtex XAPP 713

    上传时间: 2013-12-25


  • 谈集成电路的通用接口

    Abstract: How can an interface change a happy face to a sad face? Engineers have happy faces when an interface works properly.Sad faces indicate failure somewhere. Because interfaces between microprocessors and ICs are simple—even easy—they are oftenignored until interface failure causes sad faces all around. In this article, we discuss a common SPI error that can be almostimpossible to find in a large system. Links to interface tutorial information are provided for complete information. Noise as a systemissue and ICs to minimize its effects are also described.

    标签: 集成电路 通用接口

    上传时间: 2013-11-18


  • SL811开发资料_包含源程序_电路图_芯片资料

    SL811开发资料_包含源程序_电路图_芯片资料:SL811HS Embedded USB Host/Slave Controller.The SL811HS is an Embedded USB Host/Slave Controller capable of communicate with either full-speed or low-speed USB peripherals. The SL811HS can interface to devices such as microprocessors, microcontrollers, DSPs, or directly to a variety of buses such as ISA, PCMCIA, and others. The SL811HS USB Host Controller conforms to USB Specification 1.1.The SL811HS USB Host/Slave Controller incorporates USB Serial Interface functionality along with internal full-/low-speed transceivers.The SL811HS supports and operates in USB full-speed mode at 12 Mbps, or at low-speed 1.5-Mbps mode.The SL811HS data port and microprocessor interface provide an 8-bit data path I/O or DMA bidirectional, with interrupt support to allow easy interface to standard microprocessors or microcontrollers such as Motorola or Intel CPUs and many others. Internally,the SL811HS contains a 256-byte RAM data buffer which is used for control registers and data buffer.The available package types offered are a 28-pin PLCC (SL811HS) and a 48-pin TQFP package (SL811HST-AC). Both packages operate at 3.3 VDC. The I/O interface logic is 5V-tolerant.

    标签: 811 SL 开发资料 源程序

    上传时间: 2013-12-22


  • 单片机12864液晶时钟显示程序

    12864液晶时钟显示程序 LCD 地址变量 ;**************变量的定义***************** RS             BIT      P2.0            ;LCD数据/命令选择端(H/L) RW             BIT      P2.1          ;LCD读/写选择端(H/L) EP             BIT      P2.2            ;LCD使能控制 PSB        EQU P2.3 RST        EQU P2.5 PRE            BIT      P1.4            ;调整键(K1) ADJ            BIT      P1.5            ;调整键(K2) COMDAT         EQU P0 LED        EQU P0.3 YEAR           DATA      18H            ;年,月,日变量 MONTH          DATA      19H DATE           DATA      1AH WEEK           DATA      1BH HOUR           DATA      1CH            ;时,分,秒,百分之一秒变量 MIN            DATA      1DH SEC            DATA      1EH SEC100         DATA      1FH STATE          DATA      23H LEAP           BIT      STATE.1            ;是否闰年标志1--闰年,0--平年 KEY_S          DATA      24H            ;当前扫描键值 KEY_V          DATA      25H            ;上次扫描键值 DIS_BUF_U0      DATA      26H            ;LCD第一排显示缓冲区 DIS_BUF_U1      DATA      27H DIS_BUF_U2      DATA      28H DIS_BUF_U3      DATA      29H DIS_BUF_U4      DATA      2AH DIS_BUF_U5      DATA      2BH DIS_BUF_U6      DATA      2CH DIS_BUF_U7      DATA      2DH DIS_BUF_U8      DATA      2EH DIS_BUF_U9      DATA      2FH DIS_BUF_U10     DATA      30H DIS_BUF_U11     DATA      31H DIS_BUF_U12     DATA      32H DIS_BUF_U13     DATA      33H DIS_BUF_U14     DATA      34H DIS_BUF_U15     DATA      35H DIS_BUF_L0      DATA      36H            ;LCD第三排显示缓冲区 DIS_BUF_L1      DATA      37H DIS_BUF_L2      DATA      38H DIS_BUF_L3      DATA      39H DIS_BUF_L4      DATA      3AH DIS_BUF_L5      DATA      3BH DIS_BUF_L6      DATA      3CH DIS_BUF_L7      DATA      3DH DIS_BUF_L8      DATA      3EH DIS_BUF_L9      DATA      3FH DIS_BUF_L10     DATA      40H DIS_BUF_L11     DATA      41H DIS_BUF_L12     DATA      42H DIS_BUF_L13     DATA      43H DIS_BUF_L14     DATA      44H DIS_BUF_L15     DATA      45H FLAG            DATA      46H ;1-年,2-月,3-日,4-时,5-分,6-秒,7-退出调整。 DIS_H           DATA      47H DIS_M           DATA      48H DIS_S           DATA      49H

    标签: 12864 单片机 液晶时钟 显示程序

    上传时间: 2013-12-25


  • 温湿度传感器 sht11 仿真程序下载

    温湿度传感器 sht11 仿真程序 sbit out =P3^0; //加热口  //sbit input =P1^1;//检测口  //sbit speek =P2^0;//报警  sbit clo =P3^7;//时钟  sbit ST =P3^5;//开始  sbit EOC =P3^6;//成功信号  sbit gwei =P3^4;//个位  sbit swei =P3^3;//十位 sbit bwei =P3^2;//百位 sbit qwei =P3^1;//千位 sbit speak =P0^0;//报警音 sbit bjled =P0^1;//报警灯 sbit zcled =P0^2;//正常LED  int count;  uchar xianzhi;//取转换结果 uchar seth;//高时间 uchar setl;//低时间 uchar seth_mi;//高时间 uchar setl_mi;//低时间  bit  hlbz;//高低标志  bit  clbz;  bit  spbz;       ///定时中断程序/// void t0 (void) interrupt 1 using 0 {     TH0=(65536-200)/256;//5ms*200=1000ms=1s   TL0=(65536-200)%256;  clo=!clo;//产生时钟      if(count>5000)   {     if(hlbz)            {       if(seth_mi==0){seth_mi=seth;hlbz=0;out=0;}    else seth_mi--;       }     if(!hlbz)            {       if(setl_mi==0){setl_mi=setl;hlbz=1;out=1;}    else setl_mi--;       }   count=0;   }      else count++;         } ///////////// ///////延时/////// delay(int i) {    while(--i);          }     ///////显示处理/////// xianshi() {      int   abcd=0;     int i;     for (i=0;i<5;i++) {   abcd=xianzhi;  gwei=1;  swei=1;  bwei=1;  qwei=1;  P1=dispcode[abcd/1000];   qwei=0;  delay(70);   qwei=1;  abcd=abcd%1000;  P1=dispcode[abcd/100];  bwei=0;  delay(70);  bwei=1;   abcd=abcd%100;  P1=dispcode[abcd/10];  swei=0;  delay(70);  swei=1;  abcd=abcd%10;  P1=dispcode[abcd];  gwei=0;  delay(70);  gwei=1;  } }   doing()   {     if(xianzhi>100)     {bjled=0;speak=1;zcled=1;}  else {bjled=1;speak=0;zcled=0;}   }   void main(void)  {  seth=60;//h60秒  setl=90;//l90秒  seth_mi=60;//h60秒  setl_mi=90;//l90秒  TMOD=0X01;//定时0 16位工作模式   TH0=(65536-200)/256;   TL0=(65536-200)%256;    TR0=1; //开始计时  ET0=1;   //开定时0中断  EA=1;    //开全中断  while(1)  {      ST=0;    _nop_();     ST=1;    _nop_();     ST=0;  //   EOC=0;          xianshi();       while(!EOC)   {         xianshi();    }        xianzhi=P2;             xianshi();     doing();  }  }

    标签: sht 11 温湿度传感器 仿真程序

    上传时间: 2013-10-16


  • Grammatica is a C# and Java parser generator (compiler compiler). It improves upon simlar tools (lik

    Grammatica is a C# and Java parser generator (compiler compiler). It improves upon simlar tools (like yacc and ANTLR) by creating well-commented and readable source code, by having automatic error recovery and detailed error messages, and by support for testing and debugging grammars without generating source code. It supports LL(k) grammars with an unlimited number of look-ahead tokens.

    标签: compiler Grammatica generator improves

    上传时间: 2015-01-11


  • S3C44BOX的BIOS。可使用的命令:help --- show help ? --- = help date --- show or set current date time --

    S3C44BOX的BIOS。可使用的命令:help --- show help ? --- = help date --- show or set current date time --- show or set current time setweek --- set weekday clock --- show system running clock setmclk --- set system running clock setbaud ------ set baud rate ipcfg ------ show or set IP address load ------ load file to ram comload ------ load file from serial port run ------ run from sdram prog ------ program flash copy ------ copy flash from src to dst address boot ------ boot from flash backup ------ move bios to the top of flash md ------ show memory data move ------ move program from flash to sdram

    标签: help date show current

    上传时间: 2015-01-22


  • This module defines safer C library string * * routine replacements. These are meant to make C * * a

    This module defines safer C library string * * routine replacements. These are meant to make C * * a bit more safe in reference to security and * * robustness

    标签: replacements defines library routine

    上传时间: 2014-01-04


  • yright 2002 Cygnal Integrated Products, Inc. // // Filename: LIION_BC_MAIN.c // Target Device: 8051F

    yright 2002 Cygnal Integrated Products, Inc. // // Filename: LIION_BC_MAIN.c // Target Device: 8051F300 // Created: 11 SEP 2002 // Created By: DKC // Tool chain: KEIL Eval C51 // // This is a stand alone battery charger for a Lithium ION battery. // It utilizes a buck converter, controlled by the on-chip 8-bit PWM, // to provide constant current followed by constant voltage battery charge.

    标签: LIION_BC_MAIN Integrated Filename Products

    上传时间: 2013-12-23
