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  • image capture Billing control system

    image capture Billing control system

    标签: capture Billing control system

    上传时间: 2015-08-04


  • Billing and invertory project

    Billing and invertory project

    标签: invertory Billing project and

    上传时间: 2017-03-27


  • Billing Internet Cafe

    Billing Internet Cafe

    标签: Internet Billing Cafe

    上传时间: 2013-12-25


  • this is a program for illustrating resturant Billing management

    this is a program for illustrating resturant Billing management

    标签: illustrating management resturant Billing

    上传时间: 2017-04-23


  • 中型通讯视资料applied to SIP, H323, and other agreements soft phone, the single gateway, VoIP Billing, to s

    中型通讯视资料applied to SIP, H323, and other agreements soft phone, the single gateway, VoIP Billing, to support the then separate Billing.

    标签: agreements applied gateway Billing

    上传时间: 2013-12-18


  • this is source code for Billing system in c language

    this is source code for Billing system in c language

    标签: language Billing source system

    上传时间: 2014-09-08


  • this is source code for Billing system application in c language.. this program are made from dev-c

    this is source code for Billing system application in c language.. this program are made from dev-cpp

    标签: this application language Billing

    上传时间: 2017-09-24


  • 基于IC卡的新型供暖计费系统设计

    将现行的供暖计费方式由按建筑面积计费变为按消耗的热能计费是供暖计费方式发展趋势,为了满足这一计费方式变化的需要,设计了基于IC卡的预付费式新型供暖计费系统,通过测量用户采暖系统进出口的温度和流量,计算用户消耗的热能,利用IC卡记录用户预付费的金额和当年热能的单价,根据热能消耗和当年热能的单价计算用户采暖费,根据实际发生的供暖费用和预付费金额控制供暖的开停,这一计费方式的变化使供暖计费更趋合理。 Abstract:  It is trend that the mode of heat charging is changed from Billing by building area to by thermal energy. In order to meet the needs of heat charging mode changing, a new system of heat charging based on IC card is proposed. The user?蒺s energy consumption is calculated by measuring the user inlet and outlet temperature and flow,using the IC card to record the prepaid amount and the current price of heat. The user?蒺s heating costs is calculated according to energy consumption and current price, according to actual heating costs and prepaid amount,the system controls the heating opening or stopping. It is more reasonable that calculated heating costs by user heat consumption

    标签: IC卡 计费 系统设计

    上传时间: 2013-10-14


  • SDP, Service Delivery Platform, is more for telecom operators who want to manage the Data Service be

    SDP, Service Delivery Platform, is more for telecom operators who want to manage the Data Service better delivered to the end device users by bridging with back-end content providers. Operators rely on the content provider to create & distribute data content to different types of devices. This is different from the open world in the internet communication. Operators must control who can access what content based on his rate plans. Also, based the content access results, the process will be recorded as the transaction records based on which Billing statements can be generated to collected the money and shared by operators and content providers. I am working on the conceptual architecture level and the real implementation is very complicated due to too many types of service from different content providers to different types of devices based on the different types of the rate plans.

    标签: Service operators Delivery Platform

    上传时间: 2016-03-10


  • SDP, Service Delivery Platform, is more for telecom operators who want to manage the Data Service be

    SDP, Service Delivery Platform, is more for telecom operators who want to manage the Data Service better delivered to the end device users by bridging with back-end content providers. Operators rely on the content provider to create & distribute data content to different types of devices. This is different from the open world in the internet communication. Operators must control who can access what content based on his rate plans. Also, based the content access results, the process will be recorded as the transaction records based on which Billing statements can be generated to collected the money and shared by operators and content providers. I am working on the conceptual architecture level and the real implementation is very complicated due to too many types of service from different content providers to different types of devices based on the different types of the rate plans.

    标签: Service operators Delivery Platform

    上传时间: 2013-12-03
