Mobile and wireless application development has come a long way in the past few years. It has progressed beyond the hype of wireless Web applications for consumers to the reality of high-value mobile applications for corporate users. Opportunities abound for creating new mobile and wireless applications that provide vital Benefits to any business. A sampling of these Benefits includes increased worker productivity, reduced processing costs, heightened accuracy, and competitive advantage. In contrast is the concern that developing mobile and wireless applications will involve many new technologies and concepts that many corporate developers are still learning to use.
标签: Essentials Wireless Mobile Design and
上传时间: 2020-05-30
Contamination and electrostatic discharge (ESD) are now becoming recognized as factors affecting yield and reliability in an ever-increasing number of industries. Whereas contam- ination traditionally was recognized as affecting the semiconductor, disk drive, aerospace, pharmaceutical, and medical device industries, today such industries as automobile and food production are also discovering the Benefits of contamination control. ESD control has experienced a similar growth in applications.
标签: Contamination Control and ESD
上传时间: 2020-06-05
With the proliferation of cloud computing and Internet online services, more and more data and computation are migrated to geographical distributed Internet data centers (IDCs), which can provide reliability, management, and cost Benefits. However, IDC operators encounter several major problems in IDC operations, such as huge energy consumption and energy cost, and high carbon emission. To deal with the above problems, IDC operators have to efficiently manage the way of energy consumption and energy supply. Considering the potential of smart grid, we focus on the energy management of IDCs in smart grid from several perspectives, i.e., power outage, carbon emission, heterogeneous service delay guarantees, and operation risk.
上传时间: 2020-06-07
Under the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA), the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) was assigned “primary responsibility to coordinate development of a framework that includes protocols and model standards for information management to achieve interoperability of Smart Grid devices and systems…” [EISA Section 1305]. 35 This responsibility comes at a time when the electric power grid and electric power industry are undergoing the most dramatic transformation in many decades. Very significant investments are being made by industry and the federal government to modernize the power grid. To realize the full Benefits of these investments—and the continued investments forecast for the coming decades—there is a continued need to establish effective smart grid 36 standards and protocols for interoperability.
标签: Framework Roadmap NIST and
上传时间: 2020-06-07
Sensors are points ofcontact betweenthe material world ofatoms, mass, andenergy and the seemingly immaterial world of information, computation, and cognition. Linking these two domains more tightly yields all sorts of practical Benefits, such as improvedinputdevicesforcomputers,moreeffectivemedicaldevices(implantedor worn), more precise agricultural operations, better monitored buildings or bridges, more secure payment systems, and more reliable sensor–actuator control systems. There are many settings in which tighter coupling between digital and physical planes can enhance safety, security, performance, and reliability.
标签: Computational RFID
上传时间: 2020-06-08
With all the recent hype over radio frequency identification (RFID) and the requirements to implement it, you might think that RFID can turn water into wine, transform lead into gold, and cure the world’s diseases. You might also be worried that RFID will enable Big Brother to track your move- ments to within a foot of your location from a satellite five hundred miles up in space. The truth is, RFID can do none of these things. In this chapter, you find out the basics of what RFID is, what forces are dri- ving RFID as a replacement for the bar code in the marketplace, and what Benefits RFID can offer
标签: ForDummies_RFID_For_Dummies
上传时间: 2020-06-08
Simulation can provide a lot of information about what the system is doing. We canadd the effect of different element, like Encoder resolution, ADC sampling rate, etc and understand how does it affect the system. Another benefit is the possibility to slow down the process, to gain insight on what happens of fast systems or, vice versa, speed up slow process.Because National Instruments is a unique company in the fact the we provide a fullhardware solution couple with a full development platform, we can use this tools in very particular ways For example, it is possible to combine the LabVIEW Control Design and Simulation Module along with the FPGA module to quickly prototype a controller. One of the main Benefits of this approach is that there is no need to compile the FPGA code, which allows for a quick algorithm design turnaround and debugging.
标签: pid控制
上传时间: 2022-07-20