UART 4 UART参考设计,Xilinx提供VHDL代码 uart_vhdl This zip file contains the following folders: \vhdl_source -- Source VHDL files: uart.vhd - top level file txmit.vhd - transmit portion of uart rcvr.vhd - - receive portion of uart \vhdl_testfixture -- VHDL Testbench files. This files only include the testbench behavior, they do not instantiate the DUT. This can easily be done in a top-level VHDL file or a schematic. This folder contains the following files: txmit_tb.vhd -- Test bench for txmit.vhd. rcvr_tf.vhd -- Test bench for rcvr.vhd.
上传时间: 2013-11-07
The NCV7356 is a physical layer device for a single wire data linkcapable of operating with various Carrier Sense Multiple Accesswith Collision Resolution (CSMA/CR) protocols such as the BoschController Area Network (CAN) version 2.0. This serial data linknetwork is intended for use in applications where high data rate is notrequired and a lower data rate can achieve cost reductions in both thephysical media components and in the microprocessor and/ordedicated logic devices which use the network.The network shall be able to operate in either the normal data ratemode or a high-speed data download mode for assembly line andservice data transfer operations. The high-speed mode is onlyintended to be operational when the bus is attached to an off-boardservice node. This node shall provide temporary bus electrical loadswhich facilitate higher speed operation. Such temporary loads shouldbe removed when not performing download operations.The bit rate for normal communications is typically 33 kbit/s, forhigh-speed transmissions like described above a typical bit rate of83 kbit/s is recommended. The NCV7356 features undervoltagelockout, timeout for faulty blocked input signals, output blankingtime in case of bus ringing and a very low sleep mode current.
上传时间: 2013-10-24
U 盘作为一种便利的存储设备,可以应用于嵌入式系统中,其应用的基础就是对Linux 的USB Mass Storage 驱动的裁剪,以获得所需的简化的驱动程序。分析了Linux 下的USB mass storage 协议,简化系统中所不需要的代码,使其仅支持基于Bulk-Only 传输模式下的ATAPI 协议的存储设备,从而使嵌入式系统更加精简,对USB mass storage 驱动程序进行了裁剪。经过裁剪的USB Mass Storage 驱动程序移植到三星公司的QT2410E 开发板上并取得成功。
上传时间: 2013-11-23
The LPC2292/2294 microcontrollers are based on a 16/32-bit ARM7TDMI-S CPU with real-time emulation and embedded trace support, together with 256 kB of embedded high-speed flash memory. A 128-bit wide memory interface and a unique accelerator architecture enable 32-bit code execution at the maximum clock rate. For critical code size applications, the alternative 16-bit Thumb mode reduces code by more than 30 pct with minimal performance penalty. With their 144-pin package, low power consumption, various 32-bit timers, 8-channel 10-bit ADC, 2/4 (LPC2294) advanced CAN channels, PWM channels and up to nine external interrupt pins these microcontrollers are particularly suitable for automotive and industrial control applications as well as medical systems and fault-tolerant maintenance buses. The number of available fast GPIOs ranges from 76 (with external memory) through 112 (single-chip). With a wide range of additional serial communications interfaces, they are also suited for communication gateways and protocol converters as well as many other general-purpose applications. Remark: Throughout the data sheet, the term LPC2292/2294 will apply to devices with and without the /00 or /01 suffix. The suffixes /00 and /01 will be used to differentiate from other devices only when necessary.
上传时间: 2014-12-30
6小时学会labview, labview Six Hour Course – Instructor Notes This zip file contains material designed to give students a working knowledge of labview in a 6 hour timeframe. The contents are: Instructor Notes.doc – this document. labviewIntroduction-SixHour.ppt – a PowerPoint presentation containing screenshots and notes on the topics covered by the course. Convert C to F (Ex1).vi – Exercise 1 solution VI. Convert C to F (Ex2).vi – Exercise 2 solution subVI. Thermometer-DAQ (Ex2).vi – Exercise 2 solution VI. Temperature Monitor (Ex3).vi – Exercise 3 solution VI. Thermometer (Ex4).vi – Exercise 4 solution subVI. Convert C to F (Ex4).vi – Exercise 4 solution subVI. Temperature Logger (Ex4).vi – Exercise 4 solution VI. Multiplot Graph (Ex5).vi – Exercise 5 solution VI. Square Root (Ex6).vi – Exercise 6 solution VI. State Machine 1 (Ex7).vi – Exercise 7 solution VI. The slides can be presented in two three hour labs, or six one hour lectures. Depending on the time and resources available in class, you can choose whether to assign the exercises as homework or to be done in class. If you decide to assign the exercises in class, it is best to assign them in order with the presentation. This way the students can create VI’s while the relevant information is still fresh. The notes associated with the exercise slide should be sufficient to guide the students to a solution. The solution files included are one possible solution, but by no means the only solution.
标签: labview
上传时间: 2013-10-13
The main objective of this book is to present all the relevant informationrequired for RF and micro-wave power amplifier design includingwell-known and novel theoretical approaches and practical design techniquesas well as to suggest optimum design approaches effectively combininganalytical calculations and computer-aided design. This bookcan also be very useful for lecturing to promote the analytical way ofthinking with practical verification by making a bridge between theoryand practice of RF and microwave engineering. As it often happens, anew result is the well-forgotten old one. Therefore, the demonstrationof not only new results based on new technologies or circuit schematicsis given, but some sufficiently old ideas or approaches are also introduced,that could be very useful in modern practice or could contributeto appearance of new ideas or schematic techniques.
标签: Amplifier Microwave Design Power
上传时间: 2013-12-22
The information in this specification is subject to change without notice.Use of this specification for product design requires an executed license agreement from the CompactFlashAssociation.The CompactFlash Association shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein; norfor incidental or consequential damages resulting from the furnishing, performance, or use of this material.All parts of the CompactFlash Specification are protected by copyright law and all rights are reserved. Thisdocumentation may not, in whole or in part, be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated, or reduced to anyelectronic medium or machine readable form without prior consent, in writing, from the CompactFlash Association.The CFA logo is a trademark of the CompactFlash Association.Product names mentioned herein are for identification purposes only and may be trademarks and/or registeredtrademarks of their respective companies.© 1998-99, CompactFlash Association. All rights reserved.
标签: 技术资料
上传时间: 2013-10-08
ExpressPCB 是一款免费的PCB设计软件,简单实使。可以画双层板。 Our Free PCB software is a snap to learn and use. For the first time, designing circuit boards is simple for the beginner and efficient for the professional. Our board manufacturing service makes top quality two and four layer PCBs. Use our MiniBoard service and pay only $51 for three boards (plus $8 shipping).
标签: ExpressPCB PCB 设计软件
上传时间: 2013-11-15
ExpressPCB 是一款免费的PCB设计软件,简单实使。可以画双层板。 Our Free PCB software is a snap to learn and use. For the first time, designing circuit boards is simple for the beginner and efficient for the professional. Our board manufacturing service makes top quality two and four layer PCBs. Use our MiniBoard service and pay only $51 for three boards (plus $8 shipping).
标签: ExpressPCB PCB 设计软件
上传时间: 2013-10-09
One of the strengths of Synplify is the Finite State Machine compiler. This is a powerfulfeature that not only has the ability to automatically detect state machines in the sourcecode, and implement them with either sequential, gray, or one-hot encoding. But alsoperform a reachability analysis to determine all the states that could possibly bereached, and optimize away all states and transition logic that can not be reached.Thus, producing a highly optimal final implementation of the state machine.
标签: Synplicity Machine Verilog Design
上传时间: 2013-10-20