移动通信网中摩托罗拉BSC话务统计分析软件,实现原始话统文件导入SQL SERVER2000数据库,极大方便后期分析.做摩托无线维护的同志必备.
上传时间: 2016-01-03
华为无线产品培训部的内部材料[MA000004 GSM通信原理(BSC) ISSUE2.0],介绍了GSM发展简史、GSM系统结构和相关接口、GSM的区域定义以及识别号、GSM的逻辑信道、GSM系统的主要技术等内容。
上传时间: 2013-04-24
·详细说明: T264是中国的视频编码自由组织合力开发的264编解码程序,其设计吸收了jm,x264和xvid三个源码的优点。文件列表: avc-src-0.14 ............\bin ............\...\t264lib.BSC ............\build ............\.....\bin&
上传时间: 2013-04-24
上传时间: 2013-11-15
通过学习本书可以基本掌握 移动用户做位置登记的信令过程 移动用户做主叫的信令过程 移动用户做被叫的信令过程 GSM通信流程MA0002 Issue 3.3 1 MSC做汇接呼叫的信令过程 BSC内切换信令过程 BSC间切换的信令过程 MSC间切换的信令过程 呼叫重建的信令过程 定向重试的信令过程
上传时间: 2013-12-03
上传时间: 2014-12-05
Solving Problem inheritance by Prolog The parents of Mark are Linda and Peter. The parents of Fiona are Linda and Peter. The parents of Andrea are Fiona and Andrew. The parents of John are Fiona and Andrew. The parents of Eileen are Andrea and Alan. The parents of Jane are Andrea and Alan. Total Inheritance Everyone in my family, who holds a PhD should receive $100,000. Everyone in my family, receives $3,000 for every aunt they have who holds a PhD. Everyone in my family, receives $2,000 for every uncle they have who holds a PhD. Everyone in my family, receives $100 for every sibling holding a University degree. Peter, Mark, and Fiona hold a PhD. Mark, Linda, and Andrea all hold a MSc. Andrew, John, Alan, Eileen hold a BSC. Jane holds a Tafe certificate.
标签: parents inheritance The Solving
上传时间: 2014-01-08