the file contain many matlab signal source code and many example .
标签: many contain example matlab
上传时间: 2014-01-20
自制51编程器 I have build my own programmer. This device can program the AT89C51 and works with it. So it can easily be adapted to programming other devices by itself. The Atmel Flash devices are ideal for developing, since they can be reprogrammed easy, often and fast. You need only 1 or 2 devices in low cost plastic case for developing. In contrast you need 10 or more high cost windowed devices if you must develop with EPROM devices (e.g. Phillips 87C751).
标签: programmer program device build
上传时间: 2015-05-11
Eclipse Rich Client Platform Designing Coding and Packaging Java Applications的源代码
标签: Applications Designing Packaging Platform
上传时间: 2015-05-12
Attributes, Constraints, and Carry Logic Overview Information for Mentor Customers Schematic Syntax UCF/NCF File Syntax Attributes/Logical Constraints Placement Constraints Relative Location (RLOC) Constraints Timing Constraints Physical Constraints Relationally Placed Macros (RPM) Carry Logic in XC4000 FPGAs Carry Logic in XC5200 FPGAs
标签: Constraints Information Attributes Customers
上传时间: 2015-05-12
MPEG-2 Audio Simulation Software Distribution 10
标签: Distribution Simulation Software Audio
上传时间: 2015-05-12
lex and yacc, trying to identify the different words
标签: different identify trying words
上传时间: 2013-12-23
This a full 3-tier dababase application which includes a activex dll project(business objects) and a standard exe(UI). Besides all the database techniques it demonstrates, it also shows how to make MSHFlexgrid a editable grid(with combobox, checkbox, datetimepicker) and how to merge a toolbar for multi forms.
标签: application dababase business includes
上传时间: 2014-01-01
This network protcol stack,it is very strong and powerful!
标签: powerful network protcol strong
上传时间: 2015-05-13
IBM MQ Introduction and overview This chapter describes the scope of this book and introduces WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker, WebSphere Business Integration Event Broker, and their main components.
标签: Introduction and describes overview
上传时间: 2015-05-13
Back propagation neural networks and its Application: Time-Series Forecasting Prediction of the Annual Number of Sunspots
标签: Application propagation Time-Series Forecasting
上传时间: 2015-05-13