This program queries the network and shows the Domains/Servers/Workstations structure. It also shows the users of each Server or Workstation and can send messages to the selected PC. This programs works only on a Windows NT 4.0 Machine! 查询网络,显示 域/服务器/工作站的结构,它也显示用户,并将信息发送到指定的PC,只能在NT 4上工作
标签: shows Workstations the structure
上传时间: 2015-04-13
We propose and analyze several timestamping of an MPEG-2 Transport Stream transmitted strategies for performing over a packet-switched network using the PCR-unaware encapsulation scheme, and analyze their effect on the quality of the recovered clock at the MPEG-2 Systems decoder.
标签: timestamping transmitted strategies Transport
上传时间: 2014-12-05
Use the verilog language write a MIPS CPU code, and have additional instruction, for example: selection sort instruction. The code has contain combination circuit and sequenial circuit. CPU have contain ALU, ADD, ALU_CONTROL, DATA_MEMORY, INST_MEMORY, REGISTER, PC, and TESTBRANCH.
标签: instruction additional language example
上传时间: 2014-01-17
The GRLIB IP Library is an integrated set of reusable IP cores, designed for system-on-chip (SOC) development. The IP cores are centered around the common on-chip bus, and use a coherent method for simulation and synthesis. The library is vendor independent, with support for different CAD tools and target technologies. A unique plug&play method is used to configure and connect the IP cores without the need to modify any global resources.
标签: system-on-chip integrated designed reusable
上传时间: 2013-12-20
SDP Search and Record generator OVERVIEW: Recognizing the difficulty in creating an SDP service description and search from scratch, Microsoft is providing a sample utility in bthnscreate.cxx to automatically create a service or record. This utility can be run to create an SDP record or to setup an SDP Service, Attribute, or ServiceAttribute search based on information stored in a human readable file.
标签: Recognizing difficulty SDP generator
上传时间: 2015-04-16
C Traps and Pitfalls 经典书籍。 有些内容些许过时, 但绝对值得看一遍
上传时间: 2014-12-20
项目描述: Fink is an attempt to bring the full world of Unix Open Source software to Darwin and Mac OS X. Packages are downloaded and built automatically and installed into a tree managed by dpkg. Fink试图将Unix开源软件世界带入到 Darwin 和Mac OS X。工具包可以被下载和自动生成,并安装到由dpkg管理的树状结构中。 来源:
标签: software attempt Darwin Source
上传时间: 2015-04-17
项目描述: g-page is a client/server application designed to send text messages to pagers and PCS phones with short messaging capabilites. g-page 是一款客户端/服务器应用程序,用来给呼机或PCS电话发送短消息。
标签: application designed messages g-page
上传时间: 2013-12-13
this is a trade sale system realized by java. It can run some easy functions and has a good design pattern CVS. A good project to learn CVS.
标签: functions realized design system
上传时间: 2015-04-17
Application of Bootstrap Loader in MSP430 With Flash Hardware and Software Proposal
标签: Application Bootstrap Hardware Software
上传时间: 2015-04-17