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  • Active Filters

    Power conversion by virtue of its basic role produces harmonics due to theslicing of either voltages or currents. To a large extent the pollution in theutility supply and the deterioration of the power quality has been generatedor created by non-linear converters. It is therefore ironic that power convertersshould now be used to clean up the pollution that they helped to create inthe first place.In a utility system, it is desirable to prevent harmonic currents (which resultin EMI and resonance problems) and limit reactive power flows (whichresult in transmission losses).Traditionally, shunt passive filters, comprised of tuned LC elements andcapacitor banks, were used to filter the harmonics and to compensate forreactive current due to non-linear loads. However, in practical applicationsthese methods have many disadvantages.

    标签: Filters Active

    上传时间: 2013-11-05


  • CMOS模拟开关工作原理

    开关在电路中起接通信号或断开信号的作用。最常见的可控开关是继电器,当给驱动继电器的驱动电路加高电平或低电平时,继电器就吸合或释放,其触点接通或断开电路。CMOS模拟开关是一种可控开关,它不象继电器那样可以用在大电流、高电压场合,只适于处理幅度不超过其工作电压、电流较小的模拟或数字信号。 一、常用CMOS模拟开关引脚功能和工作原理  1.四双向模拟开关CD4066  CD4066 的引脚功能如图1所示。每个封装内部有4个独立的模拟开关,每个模拟开关有输入、输出、控制三个端子,其中输入端和输出端可互换。当控制端加高电平时,开关导通;当控制端加低电平时开关截止。模拟开关导通时,导通电阻为几十欧姆;模拟开关截止时,呈现很高的阻抗,可以看成为开路。模拟开关可传输数字信号和模拟信号,可传输的模拟信号的上限频率为40MHz。各开关间的串扰很小,典型值为-50dB。

    标签: CMOS 模拟开关 工作原理

    上传时间: 2013-10-27


  • Creating Safe State Machines(Mentor)

      Finite state machines are widely used in digital circuit designs. Generally, when designing a state machine using an HDL, the synthesis tools will optimize away all states that cannot be reached and generate a highly optimized circuit. Sometimes, however, the optimization is not acceptable. For example, if the circuit powers up in an invalid state, or the circuit is in an extreme working environment and a glitch sends it into an undesired state, the circuit may never get back to its normal operating condition.

    标签: Creating Machines Mentor State

    上传时间: 2013-10-08


  • PCB抄板密技

    第一步,拿到一块PCB,首先在纸上记录好所有元气件的型号,参数,以及位置,尤其是二极管,三极管的方向,IC缺口的方向。最好用数码相机拍两张元气件位置的照片。 第二步,拆掉所有器件,并且将PAD孔里的锡去掉。用酒精将PCB清洗干净,然后放入扫描仪内,启动POHTOSHOP,用彩色方式将丝印面扫入,并打印出来备用。 第三步,用水纱纸将TOP LAYER 和BOTTOM LAYER两层轻微打磨,打磨到铜膜发亮,放入扫描仪,启动PHOTOSHOP,用彩色方式将两层分别扫入。注意,PCB在扫描仪内摆放一定要横平树直,否则扫描的图象就无法使用,扫描仪分辨率请选为600。 需要的朋友请下载哦!

    标签: PCB 抄板

    上传时间: 2013-11-17


  • Cadence 应用注意事项

    good good study ,day day up

    标签: Cadence 注意事项

    上传时间: 2014-05-15


  • PCB各层定义及描述

    TOP/BOTTOM SOLDER(顶层/底层阻焊绿油层):顶层/底层敷设阻焊绿油,以防止铜箔上锡,保持绝缘。在焊盘、过孔及本层非电气走线处阻焊绿油开窗。

    标签: PCB 定义

    上传时间: 2013-10-14


  • PCB抄板密技

    第一步,拿到一块PCB,首先在纸上记录好所有元气件的型号,参数,以及位置,尤其是二极管,三机管的方向,IC缺口的方向。最好用数码相机拍两张元气件位置的照片。第二步,拆掉所有器件,并且将PAD孔里的锡去掉。用酒精将PCB清洗干净,然后放入扫描仪内,启动POHTOSHOP,用彩色方式将丝印面扫入,并打印出来备用。第三步,用水纱纸将TOP LAYER 和BOTTOM LAYER两层轻微打磨,打磨到铜膜发亮,放入扫描仪,启动PHOTOSHOP,用彩色方式将两层分别扫入。注意,PCB在扫描仪内摆放一定要横平树直,否则扫描的图象就无法使用。第四步,调整画布的对比度,明暗度,使有铜膜的部分和没有铜膜的部分对比强烈,然后将次图转为黑白色,检查线条是否清晰,如果不清晰,则重复本步骤。如果清晰,将图存为黑白BMP格式文件TOP.BMP和BOT.BMP。第五步,将两个BMP格式的文件分别转为PROTEL格式文件,在PROTEL中调入两层,如过两层的PAD和VIA的位置基本重合,表明前几个步骤做的很好,如果有偏差,则重复第三步。第六,将TOP。BMP转化为TOP。PCB,注意要转化到SILK层,就是黄色的那层,然后你在TOP层描线就是了,并且根据第二步的图纸放置器件。画完后将SILK层删掉。 第七步,将BOT。BMP转化为BOT。PCB,注意要转化到SILK层,就是黄色的那层,然后你在BOT层描线就是了。画完后将SILK层删掉。第八步,在PROTEL中将TOP。PCB和BOT。PCB调入,合为一个图就OK了。第九步,用激光打印机将TOP LAYER, BOTTOM LAYER分别打印到透明胶片上(1:1的比例),把胶片放到那块PCB上,比较一下是否有误,如果没错,你就大功告成了。

    标签: PCB 抄板

    上传时间: 2013-10-15


  • 高性能覆铜板的发展趋势及对环氧树脂性能的新需求

    讨论、研究高性能覆铜板对它所用的环氧树脂的性能要求,应是立足整个产业链的角度去观察、分析。特别应从HDI多层板发展对高性能CCL有哪些主要性能需求上着手研究。HDI多层板有哪些发展特点,它的发展趋势如何——这都是我们所要研究的高性能CCL发展趋势和重点的基本依据。而HDI多层板的技术发展,又是由它的应用市场——终端电子产品的发展所驱动(见图1)。 图1 在HDI多层板产业链中各类产品对下游产品的性能需求关系图 1.HDI多层板发展特点对高性能覆铜板技术进步的影响1.1 HDI多层板的问世,对传统PCB技术及其基板材料技术是一个严峻挑战20世纪90年代初,出现新一代高密度互连(High Density Interconnection,简称为 HDI)印制电路板——积层法多层板(Build—Up Multiplayer printed board,简称为 BUM)的最早开发成果。它的问世是全世界几十年的印制电路板技术发展历程中的重大事件。积层法多层板即HDI多层板,至今仍是发展HDI的PCB的最好、最普遍的产品形式。在HDI多层板之上,将最新PCB尖端技术体现得淋漓尽致。HDI多层板产品结构具有三大突出的特征:“微孔、细线、薄层化”。其中“微孔”是它的结构特点中核心与灵魂。因此,现又将这类HDI多层板称作为“微孔板”。HDI多层板已经历了十几年的发展历程,但它在技术上仍充满着朝气蓬勃的活力,在市场上仍有着前程广阔的空间。

    标签: 性能 发展趋势 覆铜板 环氧树脂

    上传时间: 2013-11-22


  • pcb layout design(台湾硬件工程师15年经验

    PCB LAYOUT 術語解釋(TERMS)1. COMPONENT SIDE(零件面、正面)︰大多數零件放置之面。2. SOLDER SIDE(焊錫面、反面)。3. SOLDER MASK(止焊膜面)︰通常指Solder Mask Open 之意。4. TOP PAD︰在零件面上所設計之零件腳PAD,不管是否鑽孔、電鍍。5. BOTTOM PAD:在銲錫面上所設計之零件腳PAD,不管是否鑽孔、電鍍。6. POSITIVE LAYER:單、雙層板之各層線路;多層板之上、下兩層線路及內層走線皆屬之。7. NEGATIVE LAYER:通常指多層板之電源層。8. INNER PAD:多層板之POSITIVE LAYER 內層PAD。9. ANTI-PAD:多層板之NEGATIVE LAYER 上所使用之絕緣範圍,不與零件腳相接。10. THERMAL PAD:多層板內NEGATIVE LAYER 上必須零件腳時所使用之PAD,一般稱為散熱孔或導通孔。11. PAD (銲墊):除了SMD PAD 外,其他PAD 之TOP PAD、BOTTOM PAD 及INNER PAD 之形狀大小皆應相同。12. Moat : 不同信號的 Power& GND plane 之間的分隔線13. Grid : 佈線時的走線格點2. Test Point : ATE 測試點供工廠ICT 測試治具使用ICT 測試點 LAYOUT 注意事項:PCB 的每條TRACE 都要有一個作為測試用之TEST PAD(測試點),其原則如下:1. 一般測試點大小均為30-35mil,元件分布較密時,測試點最小可至30mil.測試點與元件PAD 的距離最小為40mil。2. 測試點與測試點間的間距最小為50-75mil,一般使用75mil。密度高時可使用50mil,3. 測試點必須均勻分佈於PCB 上,避免測試時造成板面受力不均。4. 多層板必須透過貫穿孔(VIA)將測試點留於錫爐著錫面上(Solder Side)。5. 測試點必需放至於Bottom Layer6. 輸出test point report(.asc 檔案powerpcb v3.5)供廠商分析可測率7. 測試點設置處:Setup􀃆pads􀃆stacks

    标签: layout design pcb 硬件工程师

    上传时间: 2013-10-22


  • pci e PCB设计规范

    This document provides practical, common guidelines for incorporating PCI Express interconnect layouts onto Printed Circuit Boards (PCB) ranging from 4-layer desktop baseboard designs to 10- layer or more server baseboard designs. Guidelines and constraints in this document are intended for use on both baseboard and add-in card PCB designs. This includes interconnects between PCI Express devices located on the same baseboard (chip-to-chip routing) and interconnects between a PCI Express device located “down” on the baseboard and a device located “up” on an add-in card attached through a connector. This document is intended to cover all major components of the physical interconnect including design guidelines for the PCB traces, vias and AC coupling capacitors, as well as add-in card edge-finger and connector considerations. The intent of the guidelines and examples is to help ensure that good high-speed signal design practices are used and that the timing/jitter and loss/attenuation budgets can also be met from end-to-end across the PCI Express interconnect. However, while general physical guidelines and suggestions are given, they may not necessarily guarantee adequate performance of the interconnect for all layouts and implementations. Therefore, designers should consider modeling and simulation of the interconnect in order to ensure compliance to all applicable specifications. The document is composed of two main sections. The first section provides an overview of general topology and interconnect guidelines. The second section concentrates on physical layout constraints where bulleted items at the beginning of a topic highlight important constraints, while the narrative that follows offers additional insight.  

    标签: pci PCB 设计规范

    上传时间: 2013-10-15
