使用LinkSwitch-3(LNK6404D)的2 W通用输入(85 VAC-265 VAC)非隔离反激式(5 V,400 mA输出)电源,用于家庭和楼宇自动化
标签: LinkSwitch-3 楼宇自动化
上传时间: 2022-02-09
ARM处理器有两种工作状态ARM和Thumb(Jazelle此处先不考虑)。这两种工作状态和运行模式没有任何关系。比如不论是ARM还是Thumb状态的代码都可以运行在用户模式下。这两种工作状态之间最大的差异是指令集,ARM状态的指令长度是32位的,Thumb状态的指令长度是16位的(也可能为32位)。了解如何使用Thumb工作状态对于编写ARM平台的漏洞利用是至关重要的。当我们编写ARM shellcode时,需要使用16 bit的Thumb指令代替32 bit的ARM指令,从而避免在指令中出现’\0’截断。容易引起混淆的是,不同的ARM版本,支持的Thumb指令集并不相同。在某些版本中,ARM引入了扩展的Thumb指令集(也就是Thumb-2),它支持32 bit指令以及条件执行。这在原本的Thumb指令中都是不受支持的。为了在Thumb状态下支持条件执行,“it”指令被引入。然而,可能是为了简化指令集,这个指令在后来的版本中被删除了。我认为这种设计反而增加了兼容的复杂度。不过,当然我认为没必要知道所有ARM版本的ARM/Thumb指令集变体,我建议你也不必在这上面浪费太多时间。你只需要知道目标设备的版本和该版本对Thumb指令有哪些特殊支持,然后调整你的代码就好了。ARM Infocenter可以帮助你了解各个ARM版本的具体细节
上传时间: 2022-02-10
The PW5410B is a low noise, constant frequency (1.2MHz) switched capacitor voltage doubler. Itproduces a regulated output voltage from 1.8V to 5V input with up to 100mA of output current. Lowexternal parts count (one flying capacitor and two small bypass capacitors at VIN and VOUT) makethe PW5410B ideally suited for small, battery-powered applications
标签: pw5410
上传时间: 2022-02-11
The PW5410A is a low noise, constant frequency (1.2MHz) switched capacitor voltage doubler. Itproduces a regulated output voltage from 2.7V to 5V input with up to 250mA of output current. Lowexternal parts count (one flying capacitor and two small bypass capacitors at VIN and VOUT) makethe PW5410A ideally suited for small, battery-powered applications
标签: pw5410
上传时间: 2022-02-11
The PW5200A/ PW5200C is high efficiency synchronous, PWM step-up DC/DC converters optimizedto provide a high efficient solution to medium power systems. The devices work with a 1.4MHz fixedfrequency switching. These features minimize overall solution footprint by allowing the use of tiny,low profile inductors and ceramic capacitors. Automatic PWM/PFM mode switching at light loadsaves power and improves efficiency
标签: pw5200
上传时间: 2022-02-11
The PW4556 series of devices are highly integrated Li-Ion and Li-Pol linear chargers targetedat small capacity battery for portable applications. It is a complete constant-current/ constantvoltage linear charger. No external sense resistor is needed, and no blocking diode is required dueto the internal MOSFET architecture. It can deliver up to 300mA of charge current (using a goodthermal PCB layout) with a final float voltage accuracy of ±1%. The charge voltage is fixed at 4.2V or4.35V, and the charge current can be programmed externally with a single resistor. The chargerfunction has high accuracy current and voltage regulation loops and charge termination
标签: pw4556
上传时间: 2022-02-11
The PW4554 is a cost-effective, fully integrated high input voltage single-cell Li-ion battery charger.The charger uses a CC/CV charge profile required by Li-ion battery. The charger accepts an inputvoltage up to 24V but is disabled when the input voltage exceeds the OVP threshold, typically 6.8V,to prevent excessive power dissipation. The 24V rating eliminates the over-voltage protection circuitrequired in a low input voltage charger
标签: pw4554
上传时间: 2022-02-11
The PW2606B is a front-end over voltage and over current protection device. It achieves wide inputvoltage range from 2.5VDC to 40VDC. The over voltage threshold can be programmed externally orset to internal default setting. The low resistance of integrated power path nFET switch ensures betterperformance for battery charging system applications. It can deliver up to 1A current to satisfy thebattery supply system. It integrates the over-temperature protection shutdown and auto-recoverycircuit with hysteresis to protect against over current events
标签: pw2606b
上传时间: 2022-02-11
The PW2601 is a charger front-end integrated circuit designed to provide protection to Li-ionbatteries from failures of charging circuitry. The device monitors the input voltage, battery voltageand the charging current to make sure all three parameters are operated in normal range. Thedevice will switch off internal MOSFET to disconnect IN to OUT to protect load when any of inputvoltage, output current exceeds the threshold. The Over temperature protection (OTP) functionmonitors chip temperature to protect the device. The PW2601 also can protect the system’sbattery from being over charged by monitors the battery voltage continuously. The deviceoperates like a linear regulator, maintaining a 5.1V output with input voltages up to the input overvoltage threshold.The PW2601 is available in DFN-2x2-8L package. Standard products are Pb-free and Halogenfree
标签: pw2601
上传时间: 2022-02-11
The PW2228A is a high efficiency single inductor Buck-Boost converter which can supply theload current up to 1.5A. It provides auto-transition between Buck and Boost Mode. The PW2228Aoperates at 2.4MHz switching frequency in CCM. DC/DC converter operates at Pulse-Skipping Modeat light load. The output voltage is programmable using an external resistor divider, or is fixed to3.3V internally. The load is disconnected from the VIN during shutdown.The PW2228A is available in TDFN3X3-10 package.
标签: pw2228a
上传时间: 2022-02-11