图形显示技巧,这是其中一段代码 procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject) var newbmp:TBitmap i,bmpheight,bmpwidth:integer //推拉 BEGIN newbmp:=TBitmap.Create newbmp.Width:=image1.Width newbmp.Height:=image1.Height bmpheight:=image1.Height bmpwidth:=image1.Width for i:=0 to bmpheight do BEGIN newbmp.Canvas.CopyRect(Rect(0,bmpheight-i,bmpwidth,bmpheight),image1.Canvas,Rect(0,0,bmpwidth,i)) form1.Canvas.Draw(120,100,newbmp) end newbmp.free end
标签: procedure TBitmap TObject Button
上传时间: 2016-01-18
On Sunday, April 27, 2003, Fresno will celebrate Earth Day in downtown Fresno at Courthouse Park. The event will BEGIN at noon. This year we will include music, speakers, and vendors, plus activities for children. Fresno Earth Day is recognized as the only Earth Day festival that happens in Fresno, and the largest in the Central Valley. The Fresno Earth Day Committee is a small group of environmental activists hoping to broaden the appeal of a better planet and environment. We are a non-profit organization whose fiscal fiduciary is the Fresno Center for Nonviolence.
标签: Fresno Courthouse celebrate downtown
上传时间: 2016-02-24
This document is designed to aid anyone considering whether to write an emulator for an arcade game machine. It will attempt to answer frequently asked questions, give a step by step tutorial, and provide the resources necessary for a capable programmer to BEGIN work on an emulator for an arcade game.
标签: considering document designed emulator
上传时间: 2014-01-05
K3:--- P1.6 K4:--- P1.7 BEEP:--- P3.7 K3 --- 控制按键 K4 --- 清零按键 开机显示: SECOND-CLOCK 0 TIME 00:00:00:00 K3 --- 控制按键: 第一次按下时,开始计时。 显示 BEGIN COUNT 1 TIME 00:00:01:88 第二次按下时,暂停计时。 显示 PAUST COUNT 2 TIME 00:00:01:88 第三次按下时,累计计时。
上传时间: 2016-05-10
词法分析器的实现,1) 输入:字符串(待进行词法分析的源程序),输出:由(种别码,自身值)所组成的二元组序列。 2) 功能: a. 滤空格 b. 识别保留字 c. 识别标识符 d. 拼数 e. 拼复合单词: 例如: >=、 <=、 := 3) 检查如下错误: a. 程序语言的字符集以外的非法字符 b. 单词拼错,如9A88,而对于将BEGIN拼写成begon的错误,只须把begon当成标识符即可
标签: 分析器
上传时间: 2016-05-18
词法分析是编制一个读单词的过程,从输入的源程序中,识别出各个具有独立意义的单词,即基本保留字、标识符、常数、运算符、分隔符五大类。并依次输出各个单词的内部编码及单词符号自身值。程序语言的单词符号一般分为五种:关键字(保留字/基本字)if、while、BEGIN…;标识符:常量名、变量名…;常数:34、56.78、true、‘a’、…;运算符:+、-、*、/、〈、and、or、….、;界限符:, ; ( ) { } /*…。
上传时间: 2016-05-31
构造一个简单程序设计语言的词法分析器,要求: 1) 含有保留字program, BEGIN, end, var, integer, if, then, else, do, while. 2) 标识符和无符号的整常数,其中保留字和标识符不区分大小写. 3) 含有界符和运算符如下:+,-, (, ), =, >, <, , :, :=.,,。 4) 输出二元组。
上传时间: 2014-01-04
MD5变换动态链接库文件调用:(delphi例子) ========================================================================= function transfer(tran:widestring):widestring stdcall external md5.dll name transfer //edit1为输入字符,edit2为输出md5摘要 procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject) BEGIN edit2.text:=transfer(edit1.Text) end
上传时间: 2016-07-04
Very suitable for BEGINners to use JAVA development PPT course equipped with Microsoft s office software will be able to view the open let us BEGIN
标签: development Microsoft BEGINners suitable
上传时间: 2013-12-18
操作说明: 1. 双击RobotView.exe,打开应用程序; 2. 菜单中Draw->Block,出现一个对话框,从键盘输入具体值,然后在左边蓝色区域任意位置点击,出现红色的矩形,即设置好障碍物位置,此时右上方区域中相应位置的值从0变为1; 3. 菜单中Draw->RobotPoint,然后在左边蓝色区域任意位置点击,出现绿色的圆,即设置好机器人目前位置; 4. 菜单中Draw->GoalPoint,然后在左边蓝色区域任意位置点击,出现黄色的圆,即设置好目的地位置; 5. 菜单中,Edit->BEGIN,会在右下方会出现一条从机器人目前位置到目标点的无碰路径。
上传时间: 2016-12-11