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  • vivado Final_IP+Integrator视频演示

    为了解决实现的瓶颈,Vivado 工具采用层次化器件编辑器和布局规划器、速度提升 了3 至 15 倍且为 SystemVerilog 提供业界领先支持的逻辑综合工具、速度提升 了4 倍且确定性更高的布局布线引擎、以及通过分析技术可最小化时序、线长、路由拥堵等多个变量的“成本”函数。此外,增量式流程能让工程变更通知单 (ECO) 的任何修改只需对设计的一小部分进行重新实现就能快速处理,同时确保性能不受影响。 赛灵思vivado设计套件专题:http://www.elecfans.com/topic/tech/vivado/

    标签: Integrator Final_IP vivado 视频

    上传时间: 2013-10-12


  • proe5.0野火版下载(中文版免费下载)

    proe5.0野火版下载,proe5.0中文野火版,proe5.0版免费下载:PROE5.0新功能介绍 野火5.0现在只有内部测试版,10底对外发行测试版,09年4月对外公开发行 1、界面 2、工程图菜单图标化 3、在草绘中可以画斜的长方形与椭圆 4、cable piping图标化 5\ cable piping图标化 意外退出自动保存 新增了人体工程学模块! WF5.0的新功能太多了,我一下子说不全,等大家自己去体会吧!! 工程图有很大的改入哦 使用说明:直接进bin目录,找到proe.exe文件,运行,就可以使用。

    标签: proe 5.0 免费下载

    上传时间: 2014-01-15


  • This firmware translates a PS/2 mouse to a USB mouse. The translator firmware is entirely interrup

    This firmware translates a PS/2 mouse to a USB mouse. The translator firmware is entirely interrupt driven (with the exception of sending the data via USB to the host.) An interrupt is generated when the PS/2 start bit is received, at which time the firmware will begin its receive routine. In addition to this interrupt, every 168ms a timer overflow interrupts the main program and implements one state of the mouse state machine. This state machine handles sending bytes to and translating bytes received from the PS/2 mouse automatically. All of this is done in the BACKGROUND while the main program runs in the foreground. The only operation that the main program implements is sending mouse data to the PC via USB.

    标签: firmware mouse translates translator

    上传时间: 2015-04-26


  • This project is created using the Keil ARM CA Compiler. The Logic Analyzer built into the simula

    This project is created using the Keil ARM CA Compiler. The Logic Analyzer built into the simulator may be used to monitor and display any variable or peripheral I/O register. It is already configured to show the PWM output signal on PORT3.0 and PORT3.1 This ARM Example may be debugged using only the uVision Simulator and your PC--no additional hardware or evaluation boards are required. The Simulator provides cycle-accurate simulation of all on-chip peripherals of the ADuC7000 device series. You may create various input signals like digital pulses, sine waves, sawtooth waves, and square waves using signal functions which you write in C. Signal functions run in the BACKGROUND in the simulator within timing constraints you configure. In this example, several signal functions are defined in the included Startup_SIM.INI file.

    标签: the Analyzer Compiler project

    上传时间: 2013-12-19


  • <===== 关于 GANT 鼠标集 (M) =====> 此“GANT 鼠标集 (M)”包含黄色和蓝色两种颜色主题

    <===== 关于 GANT 鼠标集 (M) =====> 此“GANT 鼠标集 (M)”包含黄色和蓝色两种颜色主题,每种颜色主题分别有两套鼠标。换句话说,这个鼠标集共提供4套鼠标,分别放在4个文件夹内。 这里,我简单介绍一下每套鼠标,以所在文件夹名来指代: - yellow_normal_24x24:黄色,9个 ani 文件(动态鼠标)和6个 cur 文件(静态鼠标),与预览图中所示一样; - yellow_colorful_24x24:黄色,除“Work in BACKGROUND.ani”和“Wait.ani”两个鼠标为12色变换之外,其他13个鼠标与上面一套完全相同; - blue_normal_24x24:蓝色,9个 ani 文件和6个 cur 文件; - blue_colorful_24x24:蓝色,除“Work in BACKGROUND.ani”和“Wait.ani”两个鼠标为12色变换之外,其他13个鼠标与上面一套完全相同。 所有鼠标的尺寸都是 24像素 x 24像素。 感谢 mattahan 准许我使用他的 GANT 图标来制作这几套鼠标! 同时非常感谢 cyberchaos05(http://cyberchaos05.deviantart.com),他为我制作了鼠标的预览图。 “GANT 鼠标集 (M)”仅供个人使用,不得用于任何商业目的!

    标签: GANT 鼠标 lt gt

    上传时间: 2013-12-20


  • This book, the Sun™ ONE Message Queue (MQ) 3.0.1 Administrator’s Guide, provides the backgroun

    This book, the Sun™ ONE Message Queue (MQ) 3.0.1 Administrator’s Guide, provides the BACKGROUND and information needed to perform administration tasks for an MQ messaging system. This preface contains the following sections: • Audience for This Guide • Organization of This Guide • Conventions • Other Documentation Resources

    标签: Administrator backgroun the provides

    上传时间: 2014-10-28


  • county, random population coordinates were generated using the complete spatial randomness (CSR) fun

    county, random population coordinates were generated using the complete spatial randomness (CSR) function in S-PLUS. Then, the BACKGROUND information was attached to each individual county based on the county?s distribution for the class of interest. Finally, all counties were merged into a single dataset that describes the whole state

    标签: coordinates population randomness generated

    上传时间: 2014-01-18


  • A fast customizable function for locating and measuring the peaks in noisy time-series signals. Adju

    A fast customizable function for locating and measuring the peaks in noisy time-series signals. Adjustable parameters allow discrimination of "real" signal peaks from noise and BACKGROUND.

    标签: customizable time-series measuring function

    上传时间: 2015-08-10


  • A fast customizable function for locating and measuring the peaks in noisy time-series signals. Adju

    A fast customizable function for locating and measuring the peaks in noisy time-series signals. Adjustable parameters allow discrimination of "real" signal peaks from noise and BACKGROUND. Determines the position, height, and width of each peak by least-squares curve-fitting.

    标签: customizable time-series measuring function

    上传时间: 2015-08-10


  • Its a text-fading linking ticker type applet that will fade text of any color over any color backgro

    Its a text-fading linking ticker type applet that will fade text of any color over any color BACKGROUND. It features rollover color feedback, and will pause when rolled over so the user doesn t have to "chase" links. It uses very little processor power and source is included! Now supports frames!

    标签: color text-fading any linking

    上传时间: 2014-10-10
