极限网络智能办公系统 Office AutomatiOn V3.0官方100%源代码.
标签: AutomatiOn Office 3.0 100
上传时间: 2013-12-27
极限网络智能办公系统 - Office AutomatiOn 2008 官方100% 源码,内含注册机。
标签: AutomatiOn Office 2008 100
上传时间: 2013-12-12
The ElectricTM VLSI Design System is an open-source Electronic Design AutomatiOn (EDA) system that can handle many forms of circuit design, including: * Custom IC layout * Schematic Capture (digital and analog) * Textual Languages such as VHDL and Verilog
标签: Design open-source ElectricTM AutomatiOn
上传时间: 2013-12-18
在前面的教程中我们已经有提到java script中的OLE AutomatiOn。在本节的教程中,我们将一起来讨论一下java script是怎样利用AutomatiOn的强大功能来扩展服务端脚本的能力的。 实际上AutomatiOn并不是新的事物。它已经在好几年前就流行了,但是被ActiveX脚本语言的支持是一个新的应用。如果你已经有了Visual Basic 或者Visual C++的编程背景,本节教程将介绍怎样利用你的经验来创建有用的脚本以控制外部的应用程序。 在你的脚本中控制外部的应用是非常强大的,比如从你的脚本中打开一个Word文档或者一个Excel电子表格。HTML编辑器,比如HomeSite 4.0和HotMetal Pro 6为你提供了丰富的工具使得你可以利用它们到你的主页中去。它们都是封装到ActiveX控件中的。
标签: AutomatiOn script java OLE
上传时间: 2014-01-13
Matlab Code for Biomimicry for Optimization, Control, and AutomatiOn.
标签: Optimization Biomimicry AutomatiOn for
上传时间: 2013-11-28
The advantages of AutomatiOn can be exploited in order to solve or to minimize the needs of manual approach. In order to support the development of survey accurate cadastral system, an automatic programming approach will be adopted. Database selection system will conduct several outliers integrity checking, rebuild cadastral spatial topology (cadastral lot) and make selfcorrection procedures based on cadastral survey concepts and mathematical model respective to the cadastral lots selected. This is to ensure that all cadastral lots are kept in a closed polygon and provide accurate and "clean" cadastral information.. This system was developed in windows environment.
标签: advantages AutomatiOn exploited minimize
上传时间: 2017-04-29
This is IR (Infra-Red) learn module for home AutomatiOn system. It can learn IR codes from different IR remotes, and then execute any assigned actions controlled by learned IR remote. This project was developed using Keil 8051 compiler. Processor - Atmel AT89C51 Frequency - 22.1184 Mhz (described as OSC_FREQ in "timer.h") Timer 0 - system timer (used for timeouts and delays) Also, look in folder /doc for additional information about IR codes formats and codes from different manufacturers.
标签: learn AutomatiOn Infra-Red different
上传时间: 2017-05-30
Basic program for Home AutomatiOn robo in assembly language.
标签: AutomatiOn assembly language program
上传时间: 2013-12-17
Networked solutions for industrial AutomatiOn Product Information (eng. Moeller) AS-Interface, Profibus, Ethernet, Telecontrol, LON.
标签: AS-Interface Information AutomatiOn industrial
上传时间: 2013-12-22
Home AutomatiOn System (Source Code)
标签: AutomatiOn System Source Home
上传时间: 2017-09-13