GCC source code for do it yoursel a avr programer and jtagice debuger.
标签: programer debuger jtagice yoursel
上传时间: 2013-12-19
Night Light use by PIC12c508 with C language, including circuit. Anyone can do it yourself.
标签: including language yourself circuit
上传时间: 2016-08-26
the Code standars i do it to my company
上传时间: 2013-12-22
it con do it! good thank you !!
上传时间: 2017-06-13
auto shutdown it is very useful
上传时间: 2017-08-29
create 3D by 2D.I do not know i can do it well because i am learning
标签: learning because create do
上传时间: 2013-12-26
Why do People Program? Each person can have his own reason for programming but I can tell you that programming is one of the best ways to gain a deep understanding of computers and computer technology. Learning to program makes you understand why computers and computer programs work the way they do. It also puts some sense into you about how hard it is to create software. 1.2. What is C++ & OOP? C++ is an extended version C. C was developed at Bell Labs. in 1978.
标签: programming can Program People
上传时间: 2013-12-07
1.运行IARID.EXE,获取ID号 2.右键编辑"Do it.bat",将其中ID改为IARID.EXE中获取到的ID,注意0x后面5个字符中如果有小写字母需要改为大写,如0x02dt5需要改为0x02DT5; 3.保存该文件,运行后生成一个avrsn.txt文件,在该文件中查找"AVR",对应的序列号及License即为安装时所需注册内容。
上传时间: 2013-06-12
The #1 Step-by-Step Guide to labviewNow Completely Updated for labview 8! Master labview 8 with the industry's friendliest, most intuitive tutorial: labview for Everyone, Third Edition. Top labview experts Jeffrey Travis and Jim Kring teach labview the easy way: through carefully explained, step-by-step examples that give you reusable code for your own projects! This brand-new Third Edition has been fully revamped and expanded to reflect new features and techniques introduced in labview 8. You'll find two new chapters, plus dozens of new topics, including Project Explorer, AutoTool, XML, event-driven programming, error handling, regular expressions, polymorphic VIs, timed structures, advanced reporting, and much more. Certified labview Developer (CLD) candidates will find callouts linking to key objectives on NI's newest exam, making this book a more valuable study tool than ever. Not just what to d why to do it! Use labview to build your own virtual workbench Master labview's foundations: wiring, creating, editing, and debugging VIs; using controls and indicators; working with data structures; and much more Learn the "art" and best practices of effective labview development NEW: Streamline development with labview Express VIs NEW: Acquire data with NI-DAQmx and the labview DAQmx VIs NEW: Discover design patterns for error handling, control structures, state machines, queued messaging, and more NEW: Create sophisticated user interfaces with tree and tab controls, drag and drop, subpanels, and more Whatever your application, whatever your role, whether you've used labview or not, labview for Everyone, Third Edition is the fastest, easiest way to get the results you're after!
上传时间: 2013-10-14
Have you ever wanted to copy a file from your Desktop Computer to your handheld Pocket PC? This included any Windows CE version too? Well if so, I will present an easy way to do it here: It s called the Remote Application Programming Interface, or, RAPI in this article. It is touched on in the MSDN but not really explained very well.
标签: your Computer handheld Desktop
上传时间: 2013-12-24