it describe how to develop the field programmable gate array
标签: programmable describe develop array
上传时间: 2013-08-28
it consist of PCF8583 assembly driver, Proteus RTC example that is schematic, Proteus library and model files
标签: assembly consist driver 8583
上传时间: 2013-09-25
Abstract: Electrolytic capacitors are notorious for short lifetimes in high-temperature applications such asLED light bulbs. The careful selection of these devices with proper interpretation of their specifications isessential to ensure that they do not compromise the life of the end product. This application notediscusses this problem with electrolytic capacitors in LED light bulbs and provides an analysis that showshow it is possible to use electrolytics in such products.
上传时间: 2013-11-17
Automotive power systems are unforgiving electronicenvironments. Transients to 90V can occur when thenominal voltage range is 10V to 15V (ISO7637), along withbattery reversal in some cases. It’s fairly straightforwardto build automotive electronics around this system, butincreasingly end users want to operate portable electronics,such as GPS systems or music/video players,and to charge their Li-Ion batteries from the automotivebattery. To do so requires a compact, robust, effi cientand easy-to-design charging system
上传时间: 2013-11-04
The above title is not happenstance and was arrived at afterconsiderable deliberation. As a linear IC manufacturer, it isour goal to encourage users to design and build switchingregulators. A problem is that while everyone agrees thatworking switching regulators are a good thing, everyonealso agrees that they are difficult to get working. Switchingregulators, with their high efficiency and small size, areincreasingly desirable as overall package sizes shrink.Unfortunately, switching regulators are also one of themost difficult linear circuits to design. Mysterious modes,sudden, seemingly inexplicable failures, peculiar regulationcharacteristics and just plain explosions are commonoccurrences. Diodes conduct the wrong way. Things gethot that shouldn’t. Capacitors act like resistors, fusesdon’t blow and transistors do. The output is at ground, andthe ground terminal shows volts of noise.
标签: Regulators Switching Poets for
上传时间: 2013-12-19
针对盘山路存在的转弯盲区,即在转弯时司机无法得知弯路对面是否有车辆通过,设计一种基于C8051F310的山路转弯预防警示系统。该系统利用一阶滤波算法检测山路转弯时是否有车辆通过。运用该算法可增强系统检测的实时性,提高检测机动车辆的灵敏度,同时大大减少环境温度对检测的干扰。试验表明该系统能够正确指示出在山路转弯时是否有车辆通过,目前该系统已安装在盘山路上,可大大减少事故的发生率。 Abstract: Aiming at passing hilly road,there is a turn blind spot.Motormen usually do not know if the passing of vehicles pass the road.So a system of defending accident on hilly road is designed,which is based on MCU C8051F310.The sys-tem uses the first-order filter algorithm to detect whether there are passing vehicles.This algorithm enhances the real-time detection and improves the sensitivity of detection vehicles.Meanwhile,it reduces the detection interference of environmen-tal temperature.The experimental results show that this system can exactly indicate if there are passing vehicles.At present,the system has been successfully applied to hilly road.The system can greatly decrease accident.
上传时间: 2013-10-10
对于沥青混凝土摊铺机自动找平控制系统来说,数字式控制系统的研制是目前的一个方向。介绍了一种基于CAN总线的数字式自动找平控制系统。该系统以CAN总线作为通信方式,PWM控制信号通过C8051F040单片机内部PCA可编程计数器阵列产生,并具有结构简单、信号稳定、实时性强、易扩展的特点。通过硬件实现和系统运行达到了比较理想的控制效果,验证了系统的可行性。 Abstract: A digital auto-leveling control system based on CAN Bus is introduced.It uses CAN Bus as the method of communication and creates PWM signals by programmable counter array in C8051F040 microcontroller. The system is simple, stable, real-time and expansive.
上传时间: 2013-10-09
The PCF8578 is a low power CMOS1 LCD row and column driver, designed to drive dotmatrix graphic displays at multiplex rates of 1:8, 1:16, 1:24 or 1:32. The device has40 outputs, of which 24 are programmable and configurable for the following ratios ofrows/columns: 32¤8, 24¤16, 16¤24 or 8¤32. The PCF8578 can function as a stand-alone LCDcontroller and driver for use in small systems. For larger systems it can be used inconjunction with up to 32 PCF8579s for which it has been optimized. Together these twodevices form a general purpose LCD dot matrix driver chip set, capable of driving displaysof up to 40960 dots. The PCF8578 is compatible with most microcontrollers andcommunicates via a two-line bidirectional bus (I2C-bus). Communication overhead isminimized by a display RAM with auto-incremented addressing and display bankswitching.
上传时间: 2013-10-23
针对当前安检力学试验机所能完成的试验种类单一、自动化程度低等问题,提出一种以ATmega128单片机为核心控制器的安检力学试验机的设计。详细阐述了该安检力学试验机各个组成部分的设计原理和方案,并且给出了各部分的软件设计思想和操作流程。经过大量测试试验表明:设计的安检力学试验机可以完成多达十余种的力学安检试验,完全符合相关国家标准,并且具有数据采集精度高、传输速度快、操作安全简便等特点,实现了安检设备的多功能化、数字化和自动化。 Abstract: Currently, many mechanical security testing machines have only one function. The degree of automation of them is low. To solve those problems, a new kind of mechanical security testing machine, using ATmega128 micro-controller as its core controller, has been advanced. It describes the components of the machine. The principles and the scheme in the designing processes are presented in detail, and the software architecture and the operation processes of each part are given. After having done many testing, we have reached the following conclusions: the mechanical security testing machine presented can do over ten mechanical security tests complying with related national standards. It has high data acquisition accuracy and high transmission speed. The operation of the machine is simple and safe. In general, this machine is a multi-functional, highly automatic, digitalized security testing device.
上传时间: 2013-11-05
The CAT93C46 is a 1 kb Serial EEPROM memory device which isconfigured as either 64 registers of 16 bits (ORG pin at VCC) or 128registers of 8 bits (ORG pin at GND). Each register can be written (orread) serially by using the DI (or DO) pin. The CAT93C46 features aself−timed internal write with auto−clear. On−chip Power−On Resetcircuit protects the internal logic against powering up in the wrongstate.
上传时间: 2013-11-20