CCSM Research Tools: Community Atmosphere Model (CAM)
标签: Atmosphere Community Research Model
上传时间: 2013-12-18
Control optimisation. It is example of use BFGS algorithm to control satellite form Earth Atmosphere to the Mars. Controled is engine power (bang-bang type) and angle of nozze.
标签: optimisation Atmosphere algorithm satellite
上传时间: 2013-12-29
springMVC Atmosphere-comet-websockets 实现实时网络通讯,实时聊天功能
标签: springMVC-Atmosphere-comet-websoc kets
上传时间: 2016-06-03
AI :Auto-Insertion 自动插件 AQL :acceptable quality level 允收水准 ATE :automatic test equipment 自动测试 ATM :Atmosphere 气压 BGA :ball grid array 球形矩阵
上传时间: 2013-11-20
% This program calculates radar ranges in a jamming environment. It works % with both Stand-off jamming and self-screening jamming for steady and Swerling type % targets with frequency agility, coherent integration and standard Atmosphere/rain % attenuation
标签: environment calculates Stand-off program
上传时间: 2013-12-24
Wireless means different things to different people. For this book, it refers to the radio systems that provide point-to-point, point-to-multipoint, and Earth-space communications over transmission links that propagate outside buildings through the lower Atmosphere. Wireless systems are being built that provide data transmission between computers and other devices on one’s own desk. These are part of the wireless world but not the part where, except for interference perhaps, the Atmosphere has any influence. The intent of this book is to provide a description of the physical phenomena that can affect propagation through the Atmosphere, present sample measurements and statistics, and provide models that system designers can use to calculate their link budgets and estimate the limitations the Atmosphere may place on their design.
标签: Communication Propagation Handbook Wireless for
上传时间: 2020-05-31
Modern power systems involve large amount of investment. An electric power system comprises of generation, transmission, and distribution of electric energy. Growth of power systems has led to very complex networks extended across large areas. In such situations, the proper functioning of a modern power system is heavily dependent upon the healthy operation of the transmission lines within it. Transmission lines are used to transmit a huge amount of power over a long distance. But as these lines are located in the open Atmosphere, they are highly affected by different types of abnormal conditions or faults.
标签: Transmission Protection Line
上传时间: 2020-06-07