10pin jtag接口定义 表1 Rainbow Blaster 的10PIN 母头接口定义引AS 模式 PS 模式 JTAG 模式脚 信号名 描述 信号名 描述 信号名 描述1 DCLK 时钟信号 DCLK 时钟信号 TCK 时钟信号2 GND 信号地 GND 信号地 GND 信号地3 CONF_DONE 配置完毕 CONF_DONE 配置完毕 TDO 数据来自于器件4 VCC(TRGT) 目标电源 VCC(TRGT) 目标电源 VCC(TRGT) 目标电源5 nCONFIG 配置控制 nCONFIG 配置控制 TMS JTAG 状态机控制6 nCE Cyclone 芯片使能/ /7 DATAOUT AS 数据输出 nSTATUS 配置状态 /8 nCS 串行配置器件芯片使能/ /9 ASDI AS 数据输入 DATA0 数据到器件 TDI 数据到器件10 GND 信号地 GND 信号地 GND 信号地
上传时间: 2014-04-02
针对使用硬件描述语言进行设计存在的问题,提出一种基于FPGA并采用DSP Builder作为设计工具的数字信号处理器设计方法。并按照Matlab/Simulink/DSP Builder/QuartusⅡ设计流程,设计了一个12阶FIR 低通数字滤波器,通过Quartus 时序仿真及嵌入式逻辑分析仪SignalTapⅡ硬件测试对设计进行了验证。结果表明,所设计的FIR 滤波器功能正确,性能良好。 Abstract: Aiming at the problems in designing DSP using HDL,a method of designing DSP based on FPGA which using DSP Builder as designed tool is pointed out.A 12-order low-pass FIR digital filter was designed according to the process of Matlab/Simulink/DSP Builder/QuartusⅡ, and the design was verified by the timing simulation based on QuartusⅡand practical test based on SignalTapⅡ. The result shows the designed filter is correct in function and good in performance.
上传时间: 2013-11-17
设计一种应用于某全地形ATV车载武器装置中的中控系统,该系统设计是以TMS320F2812型DSP为核心,采用模块化设计思想,对其硬件部分进行系统设计,能够完成对武器装置高低、回转方向的运动控制,实现静止或行进状态中对目标物的测距,自动瞄准以及按既定发射模式发射弹丸和各项安全性能检测等功能。通过编制相应的软件,对其进行系统调试,验证了该设计运行稳定。 Abstract: A central control system applied to an ATV vehicle weapons is designed. The system design is based on TMS320F2812 DSP as the core, uses modular design for its hardware parts. The central control system can complete the motion control of the level of weapons and equipment, rotation direction, to achieve a state of static or moving objects on the target ranging, auto-targeting and according to the established target and the projectile and the launch of the security performance testing and other functions. Through the development of appropriate software and to carry out system testing to verify the stability of this design and operation.
上传时间: 2013-11-02
摘 要 瞬态仿真领域的许多工作需要获得可视化数据, 仿真电路不能将输出参数绘制成图形时研究工作将受到很大影响. 而权威电路仿真软件PSpice 在这个方面不尽如人意. 本文提出了一种有效的解决办法: 通过MATLAB 编程搭建一个PSpice 与MATLAB 的数据接口,使PSpice输出数据文件可以导入到MATLAB中绘制图形. 这令我们能够很方便地获得数据的规律以有效地分析仿真结果, 这项技术对于教学和工程实践都有比较实际的帮助.关键词: 瞬态仿真 仿真程序 PSpice MATLAB 可视化数据The Data Transfer from Pspice to MATLABWu hao Ning yuanzhong Liang yingAbstract Many works in the area of transient simulation has shown how a emulator such asPSpice can be interfaced to an control analysis package such as MATLAB to get viewdata. Thepaper describes how such interfaces can be made using the MATLAB programming. The platformas a typical platform will solve the problem that PSpice software sometimes can not draw the datato a picture. It can make us find the rule from numerous data very expediently, so we can analyzethe outcome of the simulation. And it also can be used in the field of education.Keywords Transient Simulation Emulator PSpice MATLAB Viewdata1 引言科学研究和工程应用常需要进行电路仿真 PSpice可进行直流 交流 瞬态等基本电路特性分析 也可进行蒙托卡诺 MC 统计分析 最坏情况 Wcase 分析 优化设计等复杂电路特性分析 它是国际上仿真电路的权威软件 而MATLAB的主要特点有 高效方便的矩阵和数组运算 编程效率高 结构化面向对象 方便的绘图功能 用户使用方便 工具箱功能强大 两者各有着重点 两种软件结合应用 对研究工作有很重要的意义香港理工大学Y. S. LEE 等人首先将PSpice和MATLAB结合 开发了电力电子电路优化用的CAD 程序MATSPICE[6] 将两者相结合的关键在于 如何用MATLAB 获取PSpice的仿真数据 对此参考文献 6 里没有详细叙述 本文着重说明用MATLAB 读取PSpice仿真数据的具体方法本论文利用MATLAB对PSpice仿真出的数据处理绘制出后者无法得到或是效果不好的仿真图形 下面就两者结合使用的例子 进行具体说明
上传时间: 2013-10-20
As businesses and consumers expect more fromportable electronics, the FPGA industry has beencompelled to re-think how it serves these low-power,cost-sensitive markets. Application classes like
上传时间: 2013-11-10
This white paper discusses how market trends, the need for increased productivity, and new legislation have accelerated the use of safety systems in industrial machinery. This TÜV-qualified FPGA design methodology is changing the paradigms of safety designs and will greatly reduce development effort, system complexity, and time to market. This allows FPGA users to design their own customized safety controllers and provides a significant competitive advantage over traditional microcontroller or ASIC-based designs. Introduction The basic motivation of deploying functional safety systems is to ensure safe operation as well as safe behavior in cases of failure. Examples of functional safety systems include train brakes, proximity sensors for hazardous areas around machines such as fast-moving robots, and distributed control systems in process automation equipment such as those used in petrochemical plants. The International Electrotechnical Commission’s standard, IEC 61508: “Functional safety of electrical/electronic/programmable electronic safety-related systems,” is understood as the standard for designing safety systems for electrical, electronic, and programmable electronic (E/E/PE) equipment. This standard was developed in the mid-1980s and has been revised several times to cover the technical advances in various industries. In addition, derivative standards have been developed for specific markets and applications that prescribe the particular requirements on functional safety systems in these industry applications. Example applications include process automation (IEC 61511), machine automation (IEC 62061), transportation (railway EN 50128), medical (IEC 62304), automotive (ISO 26262), power generation, distribution, and transportation. 图Figure 1. Local Safety System
上传时间: 2013-11-05
Abstract: Designers who must interface 1-Wire temperature sensors with Xilinx field-programmable gate arrays(FPGAs) can use this reference design to drive a DS28EA00 1-Wire slave device. The downloadable softwarementioned in this document can also be used as a starting point to connect other 1-Wire slave devices. The systemimplements a 1-Wire master connected to a UART and outputs temperature to a PC from the DS28EA00 temperaturesensor. In addition, high/low alarm outputs are displayed from the DS28EA00 PIO pins using LEDs.
标签: PicoBlaze Create Master Xilinx
上传时间: 2013-11-05
上传时间: 2013-11-05
Abstract: This application note discusses the development and deployment of 3G cellular femtocell base stations. The technicalchallenges for last-mile residential connectivity and adding system capacity in dense urban environments are discussed, with 3Gfemtocell base stations as a cost-effective solution. Maxim's 3GPP TS25.104-compliant transceiver solution is presented along withcomplete radio reference designs such as RD2550. For more information on the RD2550, see reference design 5364, "FemtocellRadio Reference Designs Using the MAX2550–MAX2553 Transceivers."
标签: Base-Station Applications Single-Chip Transceiver
上传时间: 2013-11-07
In the past decade, the size and complexity of manyFPGA designs exceeds the time and resourcesavailable to most design teams, making the use andreuse of Intellectual Property (IP) imperative.However, integrating numerous IP blocks acquiredfrom both internal and external sources can be adaunting challenge that often extends, rather thanshortens, design time. As today's designs integrateincreasing amounts of functionality, it is vital thatdesigners have access to proven, up-to-date IP fromreliable sources.
上传时间: 2013-11-15