A New ArchitECture for fast Arithmetic Coding in H.264 Advanced Video Coder.pdf 很不错的一个优化算法
标签: ArchitECture Arithmetic Advanced Coding
上传时间: 2015-06-11
Memtest86 is thorough, stand alone memory test for Intel/AMD x86 ArchitECture systems. BIOS based memory tests are only a quick check and often miss failures that are detected by Memtest86.
标签: ArchitECture thorough Memtest systems
上传时间: 2014-11-30
这篇文章主要介绍ARM JTAG调试的基本原理。基本的内容包括了TAP (TEST ACCESS PORT) 和BOUNDARY-SCAN ArchitECture的介绍,在此基础上,结合ARM7TDMI详细介绍了的JTAG调试原理。
上传时间: 2014-12-20
This a set of notes I put together for my Computer ArchitECture class in 1990. Students had a project in which they had to model a microprocessor ArchitECture of their choice. They used these notes to learn VHDL. The notes cover the VHDL-87 version of the language. Not all of the language is covered (about 95%). You may use this booklet for your own personal learning purposes. You may not use it for profit (eg, selling copies of it, using it in a course for which people pay, etc). If you want to make use of it beyond these conditions, contact me and we can come to some arrangement.
标签: ArchitECture Computer Students together
上传时间: 2014-01-15
modelsim_se_tutorThis is a set of notes I put together for my Computer ArchitECture class in 1990. Students had a project in which they had to model a microprocessor ArchitECture of their choice. They used these notes to learn VHDL. The notes cover the VHDL-87 version of the language. Not all of the language is covered (about 95%).
标签: modelsim_se_tutorThis ArchitECture Computer together
上传时间: 2015-07-07
This is a set of notes I put together for my Computer ArchitECture class in 1990. Students had a project in which they had to model a microprocessor ArchitECture of their choice. They used these notes to learn VHDL. The notes cover the VHDL-87 version of the language. Not all of the language is covered (about 95%).
标签: ArchitECture Computer Students together
上传时间: 2013-12-26
ARM ArchitECture Reference Manual
标签: ArchitECture Reference Manual ARM
上传时间: 2015-07-07
文章主要介绍ARM JTAG调试的基本原理。基本的内容包括了TAP (TEST ACCESS PORT) 和BOUNDARY-SCAN ArchitECture的介绍,在此基础上,结合ARM7TDMI详细介绍了的JTAG调试原理。
上传时间: 2014-10-26
Application & Integration Services are at the heart of any Service Oriented ArchitECture (SOA). Sun Java System Application Server and integration services provide a highly scalable and reliable platform for the standards-based deployment of Java applications and web services. Sun s offerings may be used by small organizations and large enterprises that require a services-based foundation to rapidly unlock the business value of their IT investment.
标签: ArchitECture Application Integration Services
上传时间: 2014-12-20
MIPS32® ArchitECture For Programmers Volume I: Introduction to the MIPS32® ArchitECture
标签: ArchitECture MIPS Introduction Programmers
上传时间: 2013-11-27