magentic Approximate counter using atmega8
标签: Approximate magentic counter atmega8
上传时间: 2017-09-18
a collection of M-files to study concepts in the following areas of Fuzzy-Set-Theory: Fuzzy or Multivalued Logic, The Calculus of Fuzzy, Quantities, Approximate Reasoning, Possibility Theory, Fuzzy Control, Neuro-Fuzzy Systems.
标签: Fuzzy-Set-Theory collection following concepts
上传时间: 2015-04-03
FISMAT accommodates different arithmetic operators, fuzzification and defuzzification algorithm, implication relations, and different method of Approximate reasoning such as Compositional Rule of Inference (CRI) and Approximate Analogical Reasoning Scheme based on Similarity Measure.
标签: defuzzification fuzzification accommodates arithmetic
上传时间: 2013-12-30
This program demonstrates some function approximation capabilities of a Radial Basis Function Network. The user supplies a set of training points which represent some "sample" points for some arbitrary curve. Next, the user specifies the number of equally spaced gaussian centers and the variance for the network. Using the training samples, the weights multiplying each of the gaussian basis functions arecalculated using the pseudo-inverse (yielding the minimum least-squares solution). The resulting network is then used to Approximate the function between the given "sample" points.
标签: approximation demonstrates capabilities Function
上传时间: 2014-01-01
A series of .c and .m files which allow one to perform univariate and bivariate wavelet analysis of discrete time series. Noother wavelet package is necessary -- everything is contained in this archive. The C-code computes the DWT and maximal overlap DWT. MATLAB routines are then used to compute such quantities as the wavelet variance, covariance, correlation, cross-covariance and cross-correlation. Approximate confidence intervals are available for all quantities except the cross-covariance and cross-correlation. A set of commands is provided. For a description of this example, please see
标签: univariate and bivariate analysis
上传时间: 2015-06-23
The present paper deals with the problem of calculating mean delays in polling systems with either exhaustive or gated service. We develop a mean value analysis (MVA) to compute these delay figures. The merits of MVA are in its intrinsic simplicity and its intuitively appealing derivation. As a consequence, MVA may be applied, both in an exact and Approximate manner, to a large variety of models.
标签: with calculating present polling
上传时间: 2014-11-17
We address the problem of blind carrier frequency-offset (CFO) estimation in quadrature amplitude modulation, phase-shift keying, and pulse amplitude modulation communications systems.We study the performance of a standard CFO estimate, which consists of first raising the received signal to the Mth power, where M is an integer depending on the type and size of the symbol constellation, and then applying the nonlinear least squares (NLLS) estimation approach. At low signal-to noise ratio (SNR), the NLLS method fails to provide an accurate CFO estimate because of the presence of outliers. In this letter, we derive an Approximate closed-form expression for the outlier probability. This enables us to predict the mean-square error (MSE) on CFO estimation for all SNR values. For a given SNR, the new results also give insight into the minimum number of samples required in the CFO estimation procedure, in order to ensure that the MSE on estimation is not significantly affected by the outliers.
标签: frequency-offset estimation quadrature amplitude
上传时间: 2014-01-22
Computes BER v EbNo curve for convolutional encoding / soft decision Viterbi decoding scheme assuming BPSK. Brute force Monte Carlo approach is unsatisfactory (takes too long) to find the BER curve. The computation uses a quasi-analytic (QA) technique that relies on the estimation (Approximate one) of the information-bits Weight Enumerating Function (WEF) using A simulation of the convolutional encoder. Once the WEF is estimated, the analytic formula for the BER is used.
标签: convolutional Computes encoding decision
上传时间: 2013-12-24
As a consequence, more exact models of devices can be retained for analysis rather than the Approximate models commonly introduced for the sake of computational simplicity. A computer icon appears in the margin with each introduction of MATLAB analysis.
标签: consequence analysis retained approxi
上传时间: 2016-04-07
As a consequence, more exact models of devices can be retained for analysis rather than the Approximate models commonly introduced for the sake of computational simplicity. A computer icon appears in the margin with each introduction of MATLAB analysis.
标签: consequence analysis retained approxi
上传时间: 2016-04-07