Simulated Annealing 統計算法
上传时间: 2016-08-07
通用模拟退火优化算法 General simulated Annealing algorithm 模拟退火优化算法能过较大限度的避免局部最优解
标签: simulated Annealing algorithm General
上传时间: 2014-07-24
Simulated Annealing Impelemtation in MATLAB
标签: Impelemtation Simulated Annealing MATLAB
上传时间: 2013-11-29
Simulated Annealing (SA) for the Symmetric Euclidean TSP
标签: Simulated Euclidean Annealing Symmetric
上传时间: 2014-11-27
a matlab code for solving TSP using simulated Annealing (SA)
标签: Annealing simulated solving matlab
上传时间: 2017-06-18
Simulated Annealing SA Hill Climbing HC Local Beam Search LBS Genetic Algorithm GA
标签: Simulated Annealing Algorithm Climbing
上传时间: 2014-01-01
The BYY Annealing learning algorithm for Gaussian mixture with automated model selection
标签: Annealing algorithm automated selection
上传时间: 2014-09-05
For the incomplete methods, we kept the representation of the queens by a table and the method of calculation to determine if two queens are in conflict, which is much faster for this kind of problems than the representation by a matrix. heuristics: descent. Tests: 100 queens in less than 1 second and 67 iterations. 500 queens in 1 second and 257 iterations. 1000 queens in 11 seconds and 492 iterations. heuristics: Simulated Annealing. Tests: 100 queens in less than 1 second and 47 iterations. 500 queens in 5 seconds and 243 iterations. 1000 queens in 13 seconds and 497 iterations. heuristics: based on Simulated Annealing. Tests: 100 queens in less than 1 second and 60 iterations. 500 queens in 1 second and 224 iterations. 1000 queens in 5 seconds and 459 iterations. 10 000 queens in 20 minutes 30 seconds and 4885 iterations.
标签: the representation incomplete methods
上传时间: 2015-05-05
使用matlab编写.一个模拟退火算法的程序,实现了tsp问题的求解-a simulated Annealing procedures, the use of Matlab prepared.
上传时间: 2013-12-24
The package includes 3 Matlab-interfaces to the c-code: 1. inference.m An interface to the full inference package, includes several methods for approximate inference: Loopy Belief Propagation, Generalized Belief Propagation, Mean-Field approximation, and 4 monte-carlo sampling methods (Metropolis, Gibbs, Wolff, Swendsen-Wang). Use "help inference" from Matlab to see all options for usage. 2. gbp_preprocess.m and gbp.m These 2 interfaces split Generalized Belief Propagation into the pre-process stage (gbp_preprocess.m) and the inference stage (gbp.m), so the user may use only one of them, or changing some parameters in between. Use "help gbp_preprocess" and "help gbp" from Matlab. 3. simulatedAnnealing.m An interface to the simulated-Annealing c-code. This code uses Metropolis sampling method, the same one used for inference. Use "help simulatedAnnealing" from Matlab.
标签: Matlab-interfaces inference interface the
上传时间: 2016-08-27