Analyse Sigma Designs XRPC data. For analysis of RSA signed code
标签: analysis Analyse Designs signed
上传时间: 2013-12-09
Advanced_modelling_in_finance_using_Excel_and_VBA(pdf) The book adopts a step-by-step approach to understanding the more sophisticated aspects of Excel macros and VBA programming, showing how these programming techniques can be used to model and manipulate financial data, as applied to equities, bonds and options. The book is essential for financial practitioners who need to develop their financial modelling skill sets as there is an increase in the need to Analyse and develop ever more complex what if scenarios.
标签: Advanced_modelling_in_finance_usi ng_Excel_and_VBA step-by-step approach
上传时间: 2013-12-14
MATLAB is a high-level language for technical computing which is often used by engineers to help them design systems or Analyse a system’s behaviour.
标签: high-level computing engineers technical
上传时间: 2014-01-11
Ce livre, illustré d exemples nombreux, présente les concepts de base et les fondements des méthodes de la statistique textuelle. Il combine une approche pédagogique des outils et un exposé sur l état de l art de cette discipline. La statistique textuelle se veut précisément un outil destiné à parfaire l Analyse, la description, la comparaison, en un mot, le traitement des textes.
标签: fondements les exemples concepts
上传时间: 2013-12-25
This software is developed to provide ease with controller design. For PID control, options are given to design and Analyse the compensated and uncompensated system. You are free to choice among Proportional PI, PD and PID mode of control. Both frequency and time domain characteristics can be observed. Special Menus are given to observe time and frequency response plots. For Statefeedback controller similar options are given. But this is limited to second order system only.
标签: controller developed software control
上传时间: 2017-07-25
Use the fast Fourier transform function fft to Analyse following signal. Plot the original signal, and the magnitude of its spectrum linearly and logarithmically. Apply Hamming window to reduce the leakage. . The hamming window can be coded in Matlab as for n=1:N hamming(n)=0.54+0.46*cos((2*n-N+1)*pi/N); end; where N is the data length in the FFT.
标签: matlab fft
上传时间: 2015-11-23
Use fft to Analyse signal by plotting the original signal and its spectrum.
标签: matlab fft
上传时间: 2015-11-23
Smart Grids provide many benefits for society. Reliability, observability across the energy distribution system and the exchange of information between devices are just some of the features that make Smart Grids so attractive. One of the main products of a Smart Grid is to data. The amount of data available nowadays increases fast and carries several kinds of information. Smart metres allow engineers to perform multiple measurements and Analyse such data. For example, information about consumption, power quality and digital protection, among others, can be extracted. However, the main challenge in extracting information from data arises from the data quality. In fact, many sectors of the society can benefit from such data. Hence, this information needs to be properly stored and readily available. In this chapter, we will address the main concepts involving Technology Information, Data Mining, Big Data and clustering for deploying information on Smart Grids.
标签: Processing Cities Smart Data in
上传时间: 2020-05-23
Smart Grids provide many benefits for society. Reliability, observability across the energy distribution system and the exchange of information between devices are just some of the features that make Smart Grids so attractive. One of the main products of a Smart Grid is to data. The amount of data available nowadays increases fast and carries several kinds of information. Smart metres allow engineers to perform multiple measurements and Analyse such data. For example, information about consumption, power quality and digital protection, among others, can be extracted. However, the main challenge in extracting information from data arises from the data quality. In fact, many sectors of the society can benefit from such data. Hence, this information needs to be properly stored and readily available. In this chapter, we will address the main concepts involving Technology Information, Data Mining, Big Data and clustering for deploying information on Smart Grids.
标签: Processing Cities Smart Data
上传时间: 2020-05-25
Indian urbanization is a complex puzzle which is extremely difficult to comprehend. Yet, as academicians, it is our responsibility to study, comprehend, Analyse, assimi- late, and express on salient happenings in our urban systems. The expressions aim at the larger sections of the society to disseminate technical evaluation in a compre- hensible note. This edition focuses on awaking the society on the contextual reality of urban India and also enabling policymakers with the situational understanding of Indian cities.
标签: Inequality Poverty Smart From City
上传时间: 2020-05-26