遗传算法(Genetic Algorithm, GA)是近几年发展起来的一种崭新的全局优化算法,它借 用了生物遗传学的观点,通过自然选择、遗传、变异等作用机制,实现各个个体的适应性 的提高。这一点体现了自然界中"物竞天择、适者生存"进化过程。1962年Holland教授首次 提出了GA算法的思想,从而吸引了大批的研究者,迅速推广到优化、搜索、机器学习等方 面,并奠定了坚实的理论基础。 用遗传算法解决问题时,首先要对待解决问题的模型结构 和参数进行编码,一般用字符串表示,这个过程就将问题符号化、离散化了。也有在连续 空间定义的GA(Genetic Algorithm in Continuous Space, GACS),暂不讨论。
上传时间: 2015-06-08
Basic projection pursuit algorithm demonstrated on 2 sound signals。 include: atutorialintroduction.m efica.m state.m seed.m
标签: atutorialintroduction demonstrated projection algorithm
上传时间: 2015-06-08
A bi-directional bubble sort demonstration algorithm * SortAlgorithm.java
标签: bi-directional SortAlgorithm demonstration algorithm
上传时间: 2015-06-10
The EM algorithm is short for Expectation-Maximization algorithm. It is based on an iterative optimization of the centers and widths of the kernels. The aim is to optimize the likelihood that the given data points are generated by a mixture of Gaussians. The numbers next to the Gaussians give the relative importance (amplitude) of each component.
标签: algorithm Expectation-Maximization iterative optimi
上传时间: 2015-06-17
g.729 fixed point algorithm
上传时间: 2013-12-23
This program is using Genetic Algorithm to solve the Travlling Salesman Problem. It gives the best path route within a specified time. usage: java Evolver <seconds> <city file> <config file> Author: Liu Yang
标签: Algorithm Travlling the Salesman
上传时间: 2013-12-06
genetic algorithm c code
上传时间: 2014-11-29
aan fast dct algorithm
上传时间: 2015-07-04
LLM fast dct algorithm
上传时间: 2015-07-04
XCS is a new algorithm for artificial intelligent
标签: intelligent artificial algorithm XCS
上传时间: 2013-12-11