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  • 邮件系统是Linux网络应用的重要组成

    邮件系统是Linux网络应用的重要组成,一个完整的邮件系统包括三个部分:底层操作系统(Linux Operation),邮件传送代理(Mail Transport Agent,MTA),邮件分发代理(Mail Delivery Agent,MDA),邮件用户代理(Mail User Agent,MUA)。 Postfix是一个非常优秀的MTA,她素以高效、安全的特点而著称。Postfix是作者在UNIX上所见过的MTA中在反垃圾邮件(Anti- Spam或Anti-UCE)方面做得最好的一个,甚至有很多公司在Postfix代码的基础上进行二次开发而推出反垃圾邮件网关产品。MTA的反垃圾邮件功能,实际上就是在MTA处理过程中对会话进行过滤。这个过滤不但过滤了发往自身的垃圾邮件,而且还防止了自身被恶意利用发送垃圾邮件。Postfix 实现了目前所有主要的MTA过滤技术。postfix是Wietse Venema在IBM的GPL协议之下开发的MTA(邮件传输代理)软件。和Sendmail相比Postfix更快、更容易管理、更灵活、更安全。

    标签: Linux 邮件系统 网络应用

    上传时间: 2015-11-25


  • TI 公司 三相交流电机矢量控制源程序

    TI 公司 三相交流电机矢量控制源程序,F24x ACI3_3 3-Phase Sensored Field Oriented Control (FOC)

    标签: TI 三相交流 电机 源程序

    上传时间: 2013-12-20


  • C++ Network Programming, Volume 2, focuses on ACE frameworks, providing thorough coverage of the con

    C++ Network Programming, Volume 2, focuses on ACE frameworks, providing thorough coverage of the concepts, patterns, and usage rules that form their structure. This book is a practical guide to designing object-oriented frameworks and shows developers how to apply frameworks to concurrent networked applications. C++ Networking, Volume 1, introduced ACE and the wrapper facades, which are basic network computing ingredients. Volume 2 explains how frameworks build on wrapper facades to provide higher-level communication services.

    标签: Programming frameworks providing coverage

    上传时间: 2013-12-26


  • Software Engineering and Computer Games By Rudy Rucker Software Engineering and Computer Games w

    Software Engineering and Computer Games By Rudy Rucker Software Engineering and Computer Games was written with four broad goals: To teach a lively style of object-oriented software engineering. To show how to bring a complete program to the level of a commercial release. To provide a "game engine" framework of linked classes for game development. To help students create computer games that are interactive, rapidly executing, and visually beautiful.

    标签: Engineering Software Computer Games

    上传时间: 2015-12-02


  • VerboseGC demonstrates the use of the java.lang.management API to print the garbage collection sta

    VerboseGC demonstrates the use of the java.lang.management API to print the garbage collection statistics and memory usage remotely by connecting to a JMX agent with a JMX service URL: service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://<hostName>:<portNum>/jmxrmi where <hostName> is the hostname and <portNum> is the port number to which the JMX agent will be connected.

    标签: the demonstrates collection management

    上传时间: 2013-12-26


  • 本代码用基于steve语言的breve软件编写的

    本代码用基于steve语言的breve软件编写的,此软件是一种3D人工智能的环境模拟器,可以用来构建AGENT-BASED SYSTEM和模拟机器人行为。本代码实现功能如下:机器人服务模拟。自动取得饮料,递送给客人,客人喝完后,另一种清理机器人处理瓶子并运送垃圾堆。主要为了证明机器人运动中的一种Deliberative设计结构。软件下载地址:http://www.spiderland.org/breve/download.php 打开我上传的文件后,点运行就可以看效果。

    标签: steve breve 代码 语言

    上传时间: 2015-12-09


  • pso优化算法的vc++源程序。在vc.net2003下面通过。 建议:看代码之前

    pso优化算法的vc++源程序。在vc.net2003下面通过。 建议:看代码之前,请先弄明白pso是怎么回事。然后请对应着来:程序中用Agent代表一只鸟,PSO代表鸟群。阅读源代码,不要顺着看,先看main(),然后按照出现的东西的顺序,一个一个得来。

    标签: 2003 vc pso net

    上传时间: 2015-12-11


  • 作为IBM为Aglets平台制作的api集


    标签: Aglets IBM api

    上传时间: 2015-12-30


  • TFIND searches for one or more strings (boolean AND) in a text file. TFIND reports all lines whe

    TFIND searches for one or more strings (boolean AND) in a text file. TFIND reports all lines where the string(s) were found (or NOT found by option). The search can be limited to a field in a fixed field (i.e. column oriented) list. An extended search mode is available, where only letters and digits are relevant. Other options: case sensitive search, alternative errorlevel with number of hits, header line with file name, LFN, custom prefix

    标签: TFIND searches boolean reports

    上传时间: 2016-01-24


  • Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture is written in direct response to the stiff challenge

    Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture is written in direct response to the stiff challenges that face enterprise application developers. The author, noted object-oriented designer Martin Fowler, noticed that despite changes in technology--from Smalltalk to CORBA to Java to .NET--the same basic design ideas can be adapted and applied to solve common problems. With the help of an expert group of contributors, Martin distills over forty recurring solutions into patterns. The result is an indispensable handbook of solutions that are applicable to any enterprise application platform

    标签: Architecture Application Enterprise challenge

    上传时间: 2013-12-12
