RAM Disk Driver with custom BoundsChecker events This sample illustrates how to add custom BoundsChecker events to a DDK driver. It links to the kchecker library and has several BOUNDSCHECKER() calls in it. This sample is a software only Windows NT Device Driver. This driver is provided for educational purposes only. Generally the Windows NT cache manager does a much better job of optimizing memory usage than using a RAM disk.
标签: custom BoundsChecker illustrates Bounds
上传时间: 2014-01-04
标签: add
上传时间: 2014-06-02
Add and subtract to multiply by in addition to calculator VC source code
标签: calculator addition subtract multiply
上传时间: 2015-11-13
编辑的应用 void CMyDlg::OnButton1() // { // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here UpdateData(TRUE) CDlg1 Dlg Dlg.m_Edit2=m_Edit1 //m_Edit1.Undo() CDialog::OnOK() Dlg.DoModal()
标签: notification OnButton1 control handler
上传时间: 2013-12-20
So you wanted to add a forms editor to your application? A dialog editor? Something that allows drawing of HTML <div>s? Here is a feature rich skeleton (!) to get you started. CDiagramEditor is a package that gives you a basic visual editor intended for vector objects. Although perhaps not sufficient to create a CAD-application, you ll indeed be able to create a dialog editor. The editor itself is derived
标签: editor application Something wanted
上传时间: 2013-12-13
So you wanted to add a forms editor to your application? A dialog editor? Something that allows drawing of HTML <div>s? Here is a feature rich skeleton (!) to get you started. CDiagramEditor is a package that gives you a basic visual editor intended for vector objects. Although perhaps not sufficient to create a CAD-application, you ll indeed be able to create a dialog editor. The editor itself is derived
标签: editor application Something wanted
上传时间: 2014-01-21
how to add the device driver in embedded linux
标签: embedded device driver linux
上传时间: 2014-08-12
add delete update select
上传时间: 2015-12-08
finacial application using excel add-in c C
标签: application finacial add-in excel
上传时间: 2015-12-21
* first open client.cpp and search for that USER_MSG_INTERCEPT(TeamInfo) over it u add this Code: USER_MSG_INTERCEPT(Health) { BEGIN_READ(pbuf,iSize) me.iHealth = READ_BYTE() return USER_MSG_CALL(Health) } * then we search for int HookUserMsg (char *szMsgName, pfnUserMsgHook pfn) and add this Code: REDIRECT_MESSAGE( Health ) *k now we have the health registered and can read it out i stop this hear know cuz i must thanks panzer and w00t.nl that they helped me with it first time! *ok now we go to int HUD_Redraw (float x, int y) and packing this draw code in it Code:
标签: USER_MSG_INTERCEPT TeamInfo client search
上传时间: 2016-01-22