The Fuzzy Logic Toolbox™ product extends the MATLAB® technical computing environment with tools for designing systems based on fuzzy logic. Graphical user interfaces (GUIs) guide you through the steps of fuzzy inference system design. Functions are provided for many common fuzzy logic methods, including fuzzy clustering and Adaptive neurofuzzy learning.
标签: environment computing technical Toolbox
上传时间: 2013-12-29
The potential of solving real-time demanding industrial applications, using vision-based algorithms, drastically grew due to an increasing availability of computational power. In this thesis a novel real-time, vision-based Blackjack analysis system is presented. The embedding of the vision algorithms in a compound system of other information sources such as an electronic chip tray, reduces the vision task to detect cards and chips. Robust results are achieved by not just analyzing single frames but an image stream regarding game-ß ow informations. The requirements for such a system are a highly robust and Adaptive behav- ior. This is motivated by the vital interest of casino entrepreneurs in a 100 statistical analysis of their offered gambling in order to support the business plan, measuring table and dealer performance and give accurate player rating. Extensive experiments show the robustness and applicability of the proposed system.
标签: applications vision-based algorithms industrial
上传时间: 2017-08-20
This file contians three programs which used for Smart antenna simulation,including DOA estimation by MUSIC and ESPRIT algorithm,Adaptive Beamforming , and Signal Regeneration
标签: estimation simulation including contians
上传时间: 2013-12-03
Commercially available active noise control headphones rely on fixed analog controllers to drive "anti-noise" loudspeakers. Our design uses an Adaptive controller to optimally cancel unwanted acoustic noise. This headphone would be particularly useful for workers who operate or work near heavy machinery and engines because the noise is selectively eliminated. Desired sounds, such as speech and warning signals, are left to be heard clearly. The Adaptive control algorithm is implemented on a Texas Instruments (TI™ ) 1 TMS320C30GEL digital signal processor (DSP), which drives a Sony CD550 headphone/microphone system. Our experiments indicate that Adaptive noise control results in a dramatic improvement in performance over fixed noise control. This improvement is due to the availability of high-performance programmable DSPs and the self-optimizing and tracking capabilities of the Adaptive controller in response to the surrounding noise.
标签: Commercially controllers headphones available
上传时间: 2013-12-04
本文提出了一种自适应的软频率复用(SFR)方案以改善小区边缘的目标 性能以及整个小区的吞吐量。所提出的方案是有效的,灵活的。 具体而言,我们分别分析了连续的和分布式子载波分配方案,并且使用QoS 动态地调整子载波功率电平,从而实现所需的吞吐量。
标签: sfr Interference mitigation ICIC
上传时间: 2015-11-23
贝叶斯阈值方法实现图像去噪,对文献Chang.Adaptive wavelet thresholding for image denoising and compression仿真结果。-Bayesian threshold method of image denoising。
标签: 小波 图像处理
上传时间: 2016-04-25
标签: Interference Inter-cell Frequency Adaptive Reuse Soft for
上传时间: 2016-05-09
Improved guaranteed cost control and quantum Adaptive control are developed in this study for a quadrotor helicopter with state delay and actuator faults. Improved guaranteed cost control is designed to eliminate disturbance effects and guarantee the robust stability of a quadrotor helicopter with state delay. The inapplicability of guaranteed cost control to the quadrotor linear model is addressed by combining guaranteed cost control with a model reference linear quadratic regulator. In the event of actuator faults, quadrotor tracking performance is maintained through quantum Adaptive control. Finally, the availability of the proposed scheme is verified through numerical simulation
标签: Control Helicopter Guaranteed Quadrotor Adaptive Strategy Improved Quantum Delay State
上传时间: 2017-07-15
人脸检测是人脸分析的首要环节,其处理的问题是确认图像(或影像)中是 否存在人脸,如果存在则对人脸进行定位。人脸检测的应用领域相当广泛,是实 现机器智能化的重要步骤之一。 AdaBoost 算法是 1995 年提出的一种快速人脸检测算法,是人脸检测领域里 程碑式的进步,这种算法根据弱学习的反馈,适应性地调整假设的错误率,使在 效率不降低的情况下,检测正确率得到了很大的提高。 本论文第一章和第二章简述了人脸检测的一般情况,第三章对一些人脸检测 的经典方法进行了说明。 第四章讲述了 AdaBoost 算法的发展历史。从 PCA 学习模型到弱学习和强 学习相互关系的论证,再到 Boosting 算法的最终提出,阐述了 Adaptive Boosting 算法的发展脉络。 第五章对影响 AdaBoost 人脸检测训练算法速度的至关重要的两方面:矩形 特征和积分图的概念和理论进行了仔细的阐明。 第六章给出了 AdaBoost 的算法,并深入探讨了其中的一些关键问题——弱 学习器的构造、选取等问题。 最后一章,用编写的实现了 AdaBoost 算法的 FáDèt 程序,给出了相应的 人脸检测实验结果,并和 Viola 等人的结果做了比较。
上传时间: 2018-01-29
上传时间: 2018-08-06