分词程序//db.executeUpdate("UPDATE article SET tag= "+server.codestring(tempword)+" WHERE id="+id+"") out.print("原题目:"+title+"<br>"+"分词结果:"+tempword+"<br>") //System.out.println("id:"+id+"---原题目:"+title) //System.out.println("分词结果:"+tempword)
标签: executeUpdate codestring tempword article
上传时间: 2014-11-22
更新内容: 1 增加了搜索功能 2 提供了帮助页面 修改若干小问题 管理名称 admin 初始密码:admin-update : added a search function to help provide two pages of small amendments to a number of issues management initial name admin Password : admin
标签: admin-update function search admin
上传时间: 2014-01-06
dumpRC update WINCE42
上传时间: 2016-04-03
上传时间: 2014-01-25
Copy gen_jmsn.dll to your Winamp Plugins Directory. JMSN Auto Nickname Changer plugins support only winamp 2.x version. [StartUp] In Tools -> Options.. -> Auto Nickname tabs, Configure your prefix and postfix besides your mp3 name And Press Start Button. so nickname changer listener will be started. [Configure] If I m listening Marilyn Manson - This Is The New Shit , Prefix : Jang-Ho Hwang listen Postfix: ~* When winamp song was changed, your nickname will be Jang-Ho Hwang listen Marylyn Manson - This Is The New Shit~* [Winamp plugin configure] In Winamp 2.x, Press Control+P (Preferences). You will find JMSN Nickname Changer Plug-In v0.7 in Plug-ins -> General purpose. Click Configure and set access password. it will keep your nickname. Enjoy it
标签: Directory gen_jmsn Nickname Changer
上传时间: 2014-01-20
auto generation of expect
标签: generation expect auto of
上传时间: 2013-12-11
Abstract:It惴 described systematically the architecture and function of the software of Railway Auto-ticketing System as well as its charac— ter~tic and demand。Analysized the 8oftware middleware and messaged oriented middleware(MOM),discussed the feasibility of the app~cation 0f JWMQ in the Railway Auto-ticketing System.
标签: systematically architecture described the
上传时间: 2016-05-14
tftp auto download a part of bootloader
标签: bootloader download tftp auto
上传时间: 2013-12-27
Auto boot is a service which can reboot a W2K machine at specified time daily.
标签: specified service machine reboot
上传时间: 2016-06-08
A robot, that could update and show your ordered news or node of web page.
标签: ordered update robot could
上传时间: 2014-01-08