Quality, object.oriented architecture is the product of careful study, decision making, and experimentation. At a minimum, the object.oriented architecture process includes farming of requirements, architecture mining, and hands.on experience. Ideally, object.oriented architecture comprises a set of high.quality design decisions that provide benefits throughout the life cycle of the system.
标签: architecture decision oriented Quality
上传时间: 2014-10-28
This firmware translates a PS/2 mouse to a USB mouse. The translator firmware is entirely interrupt driven (with the exception of sending the data via USB to the host.) An interrupt is generated when the PS/2 start bit is received, at which time the firmware will begin its receive routine. In addition to this interrupt, every 168ms a timer overflow interrupts the main program and implements one state of the mouse state machine. This state machine handles sending bytes to and translating bytes received from the PS/2 mouse automatically. All of this is done in the background while the main program runs in the foreground. The only operation that the main program implements is sending mouse data to the PC via USB.
标签: firmware mouse translates translator
上传时间: 2015-04-26
*西门子6688上使用 * konGPS.java * * Implementation of konGPS for Siemens SL45i * * Copyright (C) 2002-2003 by KoncaOnLine (http://www.konca.com). * * Author: Konca Fung (konca@tom.com) * * This program may be distributed according to the terms of the GNU * General Public License, version 2 or (at your option) any later version. *
标签: konGPS Implementation Copyright Siemens
上传时间: 2015-04-27
在这里介绍了Windows 2000、XP的大部分CMD命令,比如:accwiz.exe、acsetups.exe、actmovie.exe、append.exe、arp.exe、at.exe、atmadm.exe、attrib.exe
上传时间: 2015-04-29
The Art of Assembly Language Amazing! You’re actually reading this. That puts you into one of three categories: a student who is being forced to read this stuff for a class, someone who picked up this book by accident (probably because you have yet to be indoctrinated by the world at large), or one of the few who actually have an interest in learning assembly language.
标签: Assembly Language actually Amazing
上传时间: 2015-04-30
lwIP is a small independent implementation of the TCP/IP protocol suite that has been developed by Adam Dunkels at the Computer and Networks Architectures (CNA) lab at the Swedish Institute of Computer Science (SICS).
标签: implementation independent developed protocol
上传时间: 2015-05-02
This a simple compressor based on aplib, yoda s Kernel code, and my own stuffing around. It only has one function with MANY limitations at the moment, but it is desinged for demo purposes only so it don t matter.
标签: compressor stuffing Kernel simple
上传时间: 2013-12-24
测试安全性代码 /* * put your module comment here * formatted with JxBeauty (c) johann.langhofer@nextra.at */
标签: formatted langhofer JxBeauty comment
上传时间: 2013-12-29
21天学会用JAVA开发网络游戏 书籍语言: 简体中文 书籍类型: 程序设计 授权方式: 免费软件 书籍大小: 287 KB 书籍等级: 整理时间: 2004-11-3 20:41:10 With all of the media attention that is focused on the Internet and the World Wide Web, figuring out exactly what they are all about is sometimes difficult. Are they just a neat new way to market products or will they truly offer us a new medium of communication that will someday surpass even televisions and telephones? The answer is, who knows? Unfortunately, the ultimate use for the Internet is still unknown. This is because it is still in such a state of flux that it s pretty much impossible to accurately predict where it will end up. However, you can look at the evidence of what is there now and gain some insight into what the Internet might become, at least in terms of games.
上传时间: 2013-12-20
The code is fairly straightforward, except perhaps for the call to convertColumnIndexToModel. That call is necessary because if the user moves the columns around, the view s index for the column doesn t match the model s index for the column. For example, the user might drag the Vegetarian column (which the model considers to be at index 4) so it s displayed as the first column — at view index 0. Since prepareRenderer gives us the view index, we need to translate the view index to a model index so we can be sure we re dealing with the intended column
标签: convertColumnIndexToModel straightforward perhaps fairly
上传时间: 2013-12-10