上传时间: 2013-12-30
某纸业公司的固定资产管理系统,主要有以下功能: 资产管理 折旧管理 查询管理 报表管理 系统管理 增加固定资产 减少固定资产 借出固定资产 归还固定资产 送修固定资产 完修固定资产 计算月度折旧 统计月度折旧 汇总月度折旧 查询减少资产 查询送修资产 查询完修资产 查询出借资产 查询归还资产 资产卡片报表 累计折旧报表 部门资产报表 分类资产报表 登录管理系统 退出管理系统 新建操作用户 修改用户信息 修改用户密码 查询用户密码 分配用户权限 公司信息设置 公司部门设置 系统帮助信息 会员管理结合了Asp.net2.0中的MemberShip,还应用了SiteMap和master文件等 默认管理员帐号:51aspx,密码:51aspx.com App_Data下为数据库文件,默认为Sql2005 MySQL下为数据库生成Sql语句,如果安装了Sql2005则可以忽略此步骤
标签: 管理系统
上传时间: 2016-07-07
上传时间: 2016-09-01
The Inter IC bus or I2C bus is a simple bidirectional two wire bus designed primarily for general control and data transfer communication between ICs. Some of the features of the I2C bus are: • Two signal lines, a serial data line (SDA) and a serial clock line (SCL), and ground are required. A 12V supply line (500mA max.) for powering the peripherals often may be present. • Each device connected to the bus is software addressable by a unique address and simple master/ slave relationships exist at all times masters can operate as master-transmitters or as master-receivers. • The I2C bus is a true multi-master bus including collision detection and arbitration to prevent data corruption if two or more masters simultaneously initiate data transfer systems. • Serial, 8-bit oriented, bidirectional data transfers can be made at up to 100 KBit/s in the standard mode or up to 400 KBit/s in the fast mode.
标签: bus bidirectional primarily designed
上传时间: 2013-12-11
iic总线控制器VHDL实现 -- VHDL Source Files: i2c.vhd -- top level file i2c_control.vhd -- control function for the I2C master/slave shift.vhd -- shift register uc_interface.vhd -- uC interface function for an 8-bit 68000-like uC upcnt4.vhd -- 4-bit up counter i2c_timesim.vhd -- post-route I2C simulation netlist
标签: VHDL c_control vhd control
上传时间: 2016-10-30
自适应turbo码OFDM的研究论文。国外硕士论文,对OFDM研究者有一定的参考作用。-- adaptive turbo-coded OFDM, Thesis submitted to the Faculty of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State university in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Electrical Engineering.
上传时间: 2013-12-09
Use the links below to download a source distribution of Ant from one of our mirrors. It is good practice to verify the integrity of the distribution files, especially if you are using one of our mirror sites. In order to do this you must use the signatures from our main distribution directory. Ant is distributed as zip, tar.gz and tar.bz2 archives - the contents are the same. Please note that the tar.* archives contain file names longer than 100 characters and have been created using GNU tar extensions. Thus they must be untarred with a GNU compatible version of tar. If you do not see the file you need in the links below, please see the master distribution directory or, preferably, its mirror.
标签: distribution download mirrors source
上传时间: 2014-01-06
上传时间: 2014-07-06
基于freescale MC9S12XF512 MCU,芯片自带Flexray通信控制器。可实现高达10Mb/s的Flxray通信.本程序主要功能: 1) 500ms实时中断。 2) SPI MASTER 运行于500kHz。 3) Flexray 总线以1.25Mbit/s 通信。
上传时间: 2016-12-07
基于freescale MC9S12XF512 MCU,芯片自带Flexray通信控制器。 可实现高达10Mb/s的Flxray通信. 本程序主要功能: 1) 500ms实时中断。 2) SPI MASTER 运行于500kHz。 3) Flexray 总线以1.25Mbit/s 通信。
上传时间: 2014-01-18