人工股市(ARTIFICIAL Stock Market,简称ASM)是模拟股市运作的一个程序。在这个电脑中的虚拟市场中,若干被称为交易者的人工智能程序(Agent)通过观察它们所在的数字世界中股价和股息的不断变换而做出预测,并且根据这些预测做出购买股票与否以及购买股票数量的决策。反过来,所有的交易者的决策又决定了股票的价格,这样,整个的股票交易市场就构成了一个自我封闭的计算系统。同时,这些交易者都具有学习的能力,可以根据以前预测的成功或者失败对自己的决策进行调整,并且通过一种被称为遗传算法的方法产生创新能力。
标签: ARTIFICIAL Market Stock 人工
上传时间: 2015-10-15
ARTIFICIAL neural network by C
标签: ARTIFICIAL network neural by
上传时间: 2014-12-04
Joint European Conference on ARTIFICIAL Intelligence in Medicine and Medical Decision Making
标签: Intelligence Conference ARTIFICIAL European
上传时间: 2015-11-07
Heuristic search in ARTIFICIAL intelligence
标签: intelligence ARTIFICIAL Heuristic search
上传时间: 2013-12-24
ARTIFICIAL Intelligence Neural Networks Algorithms Applications and Programming Techniques Addison Wesley,
标签: Applications Intelligence Programming ARTIFICIAL
上传时间: 2014-01-15
ARTIFICIAL neural networks,介绍原理,应用等
标签: ARTIFICIAL networks neural
上传时间: 2016-01-11
介绍人工生命ARTIFICIAL life的两个有趣的程序
标签: ARTIFICIAL life 人工生命 程序
上传时间: 2016-01-17
ALICE 利用AIML (ARTIFICIAL Intelligence Markup Language)来形成对你的查询和输入的响应。不像其它花费数千美元的商业聊天机器人软件,ALICE可以按照 GNU Public License免费使用。
标签: Intelligence ARTIFICIAL Language Markup
上传时间: 2014-01-24
This manual describes how to run the Matlab® ARTIFICIAL Immune Systems tutorial presentation developed by Leandro de Castro and Fernando Von Zuben. The program files can be downloaded from the following FTP address: ftp://ftp.dca.fee.unicamp.br/pub/docs/vonzuben/lnunes/demo.zip The tour is self-guided and can be performed in any order. To run the presentation, first uncompress the zipped archive and store it in an appropriate directory. Run the Matlab® , enter the selected directory, and type “tutorial” in the prompt.
标签: presentation ARTIFICIAL describes tutorial
上传时间: 2014-01-24
a game simulate the horse chess (about ARTIFICIAL intelligence)
标签: intelligence ARTIFICIAL simulate chess
上传时间: 2014-12-03