atmel at91sam7s header file extented, some extra register definitions are set and extra functions are dinifined
标签: extra definitions functions extented
上传时间: 2015-07-10
Turbo Decoder Release 0.3 * Double binary, DVB-RCS code * Soft Output Viterbi Algorithm * MyHDL cycle/bit accurate model * Synthesizable VHDL model
标签: Algorithm Decoder DVB-RCS Release
上传时间: 2015-07-10
标签: 模式识别
上传时间: 2015-07-13
this demo is to show you how to implement a generic SIR (a.k.a. particle, bootstrap, Monte Carlo) filter to estimate the hidden states of a nonlinear, non-Gaussian state space model.
标签: a.k.a. bootstrap implement particle
上传时间: 2014-11-10
This demo nstrates the use of the reversible jump MCMC simulated annealing for neural networks. This algorithm enables us to maximise the joint posterior distribution of the network parameters and the number of basis function. It performs a global search in the joint space of the parameters and number of parameters, thereby surmounting the problem of local minima. It allows the user to choose among various model selection criteria, including AIC, BIC and MDL
标签: This reversible annealing the
上传时间: 2015-07-19
zemax源码: This DLL models an anamorphic aspheric surface. This surface is essentially an even aspheric surface with different terms for the x and y directions. The sag is given by: Z = ((CX*x*x)+(CY*y*y)) / (1 + sqrt(1-((1+KX)*CX*CX*x*x)-((1+KY)*CY*CY*y*y))) + AR*( (1 - AP)*x*x + (1 + AP)*y*y )^2 + BR*( (1 - BP)*x*x + (1 + BP)*y*y )^3 + CR*( (1 - CP)*x*x + (1 + CP)*y*y )^4 + DR*( (1 - DP)*x*x + (1 + DP)*y*y )^5 Note the terms AR, BR, CR, and DR ... have units of length to the -3, -5, -7, and -9 power. The terms AP, BP, CP, and DP are dimensionless. The surface is rotationally symmetric only if AP = BP = CP = DP == 0 and CX = CY and KX = KY.
标签: surface This essentially anamorphic
上传时间: 2015-07-25
下面的是学C++时要注意的。 1.把C++当成一门新的语言学习(和C没啥关系!真的。); 2.看《Thinking In C++》,不要看《C++变成死相》; 3.看《The C++ Programming Language》和《Inside The C++ Object Model》,不要因为他们很难而我们自己是初学者所以就不看;
上传时间: 2013-12-26
蓝牙协议(GAVDP)This profile defines the requirements for Bluetooth™ devices necessary to set up streaming channels used for support of audio/video distribution. The requirements are expressed in terms of services provided to applications, and by defining the features and procedures that are required for interoperability between Bluetooth devices in the Audio/Video Distribution usage model.
标签: requirements Bluetooth necessary profile
上传时间: 2014-01-04
Web 应用程序日渐复杂,对它们的测试工作也变得越来越重要。有很多测试技术可供你选择使用。例如,在 2005 年 4 月份的 MSDN 杂志中,我描述了一个基于 JScript 的简单系统,它使用 IE 的文档对象模型(Internet Explorer Document Model)来完整地测试某个 Web 应用程序的用户界面。这个技术很有效,但是在几个方面存在着缺陷。我的一些同事问我是否能使用 .Net 框架编写功能更强,但仍然是轻量级的 Web 应用程序用户界面自动化测试程序。在这个月的专栏文章中,我将向你们展示怎样达到这个目的。这个低层技术要求直接调用
上传时间: 2013-12-17
四套Latex模版,分别是: A good model for writing Curriculum Vitae; An excellent package to design slides using LaTeX; A strong package to make floating figure and table style; For writing formal letters。
上传时间: 2014-01-24