802.11n WLAN PHY Simulation models of 802.11n (modified from 11a PHY model): wlan/IEEE80211n.mdl
标签: 802.11 Simulation PHY modified
上传时间: 2017-01-22
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Implementing Strategy and Model
标签: Implementing Enterprise Resource Planning
上传时间: 2017-02-08
This function synthesizes a (speech) signal based on a LPC (linear- % predictive coding) model of the signal.
标签: synthesizes predictive function coding
上传时间: 2013-12-19
Verilog Overview n Basic Structure of a Verilog Model n Components of a Verilog Module – Ports – Data Types – Assigning Values and Numbers – Operators – Behavioral Modeling • Continuous Assignments • Procedural Blocks – Structural Modeling n Summary: Verilog Environment
标签: Verilog Components Structure Overview
上传时间: 2017-02-18
The Synthetic PIC Verion 1.1 This a VHDL synthesizable model of a simple PIC 16C5x microcontroller. It is not, and is not intended as, a high fidelity circuit simulation. This package includes the following files. Note that the license agreement is stated in the main VHDL file, PICCPU.VHD and common questions are answered in the file SYNTHPIC.TXT Files: README.TXT This file.. SYNTHPIC.TXT Questions and Answers PICCPU.VHD Main processor VHDL file PICALU.VHD ALU for the PICCPU PICREGS.VHD Data memory PICROM.VHD Program memory (created by HEX2VHDL utility) PICTEST.VHD Simple test bench I used to do testing (optional) PICTEST.CMD My Viewlogic ViewSim command file (again, optional) TEST1.ASM First program I assembled and ran on it. TEST2.ASM Another test program.. TEST3.ASM Yet another.. TEST4.ASM Yet another.. TEST5.ASM Yet another.. TEST6.ASM Yet another.. HEX2VHDL.CPP Utility for converting
标签: synthesizable microcontro Synthetic PIC
上传时间: 2013-12-22
Programming the Microsoft Windows driver model繁中版 透過Windows驅動程式的權威們專業的協助,學習如何使用簡易的方式來撰寫Windows驅動程式。 Microsoft WDM支援隨插即用(PnP)功能,提供了電源管理能力,並詳述撰寫驅動程式/迷你驅動程式的方法。這本由長時間接觸裝置驅動程式的專家Walter Oney 與Windows核心小組共同合作的書提供了大量很實用的例子、圖表、建議,並一行一行分析範例的程式碼,好讓您能夠清楚了解實際上在撰寫驅動程式時所會發生的問題。另外亦更新了Windows XP及Windows 2000的最新驅動程式技術,又告訴您如何除錯。
标签: Windows Programming Microsoft driver
上传时间: 2014-01-19
it contains steam condenser simulink model and control system application
标签: application condenser contains simulink
上传时间: 2014-01-06
Evaporator simulink model and control system applicatins
标签: applicatins Evaporator simulink control
上传时间: 2013-12-17
about hidden Markov model every algorithm
标签: algorithm Markov hidden about
上传时间: 2013-12-17
The Software Engineering Institute’s (SEI) Capability Maturity Model (CMM) provides a well-known benchmark of software process maturity. The CMM has become a popular vehicle for assessing the maturity of an organization’s software process in many domains. This white paper describes how the Rational Unified Process can support an organization that is trying to achieve CMM Level-2, Repeatable, and Level-3, Defined, software process maturity levels.
标签: Engineering Capability well-known Institute
上传时间: 2017-02-27